
  1. 手游开发商FourThirtyThree的总裁ParkYoung-ho表示:随着移动时代的到来,我们不再是领导者。

    Park Young-ho , president of mobile gamemaker Four Thirty Three , says : We are no longer the leaders as we enter themobile era .

  2. 腾讯则入股中国第二大电商平台京东(,以及一些适应移动时代的企业,如餐馆点评网站大众点评网(Dianping)和韩国游戏开发商CJGames。

    Tencent has taken a stake in , China 's second-largest ecommerce platform , and mobile-friendly companies such as restaurant review site Dianping and South Korea 's CJ Games .

  3. 股东们原本应该从梅尔的一系列举措——重振雅虎过气品牌、调整发展方针以适应移动时代,以及发布一系列炫酷的新app——中得到回报。

    The reward for shareholders was supposed to come through Ms Mayer engineering a revival of Yahoo 's tired brand , repurposing it for the mobile age and launching a host of cool new apps .

  4. 随着微电子技术、光电子技术的发展,计算机发展己经进入移动时代,以掌上电脑(PDA)为代表的移动式计算系统日益普及。

    With the rapid development of microelectronics and photoelectron technologies , the development of computer has come into the mobile age . Mobile computing system represented by personal digital assistant ( PDA ) products has been used widely .

  5. 托尼•坎平还有另一个方面的问题,即使在这个移动时代,这个方面仍然是一项缺点。

    TONY CAMPION And one aspect which , even in this mobile age , still seems a disadvantage .

  6. 6岁的孩子隔着操场互发短信,或是在幼儿园的小教室里打电话,听起来似乎是挺搞笑的一幕,但是随着移动时代的迅速发展,这一幕将成为不可避免的现实。

    While the concept of 6-year-olds texting one another from across the playground or placing calls from kindergarten cubbies may sound like a hilarious premise , it 's also a stunning inevitability of our burgeoning mobile age .

  7. 一旦我们的技术超过日本企业,我们感觉未来的任务十分艰巨,他表示,但我在内心深处确信,我们正从个人电脑时代进入移动时代,人们对图形或视频短片的需求将大大增加。

    Once our technology surpassed that of Japanese companies , it felt daunting , he says . But I was convinced somehow that we were moving past the PC era into a mobile one , where demand for graphics or video clips would sharply increase .

  8. 如果“爱迪生”成了产品开发者们采用的主流产品——当然只是“如果”——那么英特尔就将在物联网的早期发展阶段占尽先机,这也正是移动时代以来英特尔一直梦寐以求的局面。

    If product developers take to Edison in a major way - " if " being the key word - it could put Intel out in front of its competition in the early days of the Internet of Things , a position the company has deeply coveted in the age of mobility .

  9. 中国移动3G时代数据业务发展策略研究

    China Mobile Data Servies Developing Strategies Study in on 3G

  10. 以3G网络的大规模商用为标志,移动互联网时代已然全面开启。

    Marked by large-scale commercial uses of 3G network , the mobile internet era has been fully opened .

  11. 随着移动互联时代的到来,JavaME作为而向移动信息设备开发的移动计算技术平台,获得了广泛的应用。

    As a mobile computing platform developed targeting for mobile information devices . Java ME has been widely applied with the approaching of the mobile internet era .

  12. 3G时代是移动多媒体时代,但是移动多媒体时代并不会等着3G的来临才出现。

    The author thinks about 3G as enabling mobile multimedia - but mobile multimedia is not waiting for 3G to come along .

  13. 随着我国3张3G牌照的发放,我国已然迎来了自己的3G移动通信时代。

    The issuance of three 3G licenses indicates that China has already ushered in the era of its own 3G mobile communication .

  14. 这些应用商店开启了一个后PC的移动新时代,人们在这个时代中日益希望获得能在各种应用和设备之间无缝连接、丰富而个人化的体验。

    These app stores have ushered in a mobile post-PC era in which people increasingly expect a rich and personalized experience that seamlessly spans any app and device .

  15. 计算机继大型机时代、小型机时代、PC时代、互联网时代后,已经开始进入第五个时代,即移动互联网时代。

    Computer following the era of the mainframe , the minicomputer era , the PC era , the age of the Internet , has begun to enter the fifth era of mobile Internet era .

  16. 虽然已经进入了移动互联网时代,但国内的大部分CRM系统没能适应这种变化,即不能支持移动客户端的访问。

    Though China has entered the era of mobile Internet , the most CRM system could not adapt to this change , for that it can not support the access of mobile clients .

  17. 随着移动互联网时代的来临,以智能手机和平板电脑为代表的智能移动终端的日趋普及,移动LBS逐渐受到用户的青睐。

    With the mobile Internet coming , smart phones and tablet PCs as the representative of smart mobile devices growing popularity , mobile location services gradually becomes more and more popular .

  18. 移动互联网时代的来临是一个崭新的开始,它将移动通信和互联网整合在一起,使移动设备可以通过Wifi、3G技术随时随地访问互联网资源和应用。

    Mobile Internet age is a new start . It combines mobile communication and Internet together . Mobile devices can access to the Internet resources and application through the WIFI , 3G anytime and anywhere .

  19. 在第十届中国互联网大会上,业内人士和相关领域专家一致认为,LBS将成为移动互联网时代整个行业应用的标配,且最有可能成为第一个百亿规模的3G移动互联网应用。

    On the 10th conference on Internet , professionals and experts from related fields have concurred that LBS will be a standard application in the mobile internet industry . Moreover , it is most likely to be the first application with a 10-billion market scale .

  20. 智能手机是移动互联网时代一个标志性的客户端工具。

    Smart phones are landmark client tools in mobile Internet times .

  21. 打开移动金融时代的大门

    Open the Gate of Mobile Finance Era

  22. 走进移动支付时代

    Into The Era Of Movable Payment

  23. 动床沙粒阻力与底沙输移走进移动支付时代

    Grain Resistance and Bed Load Movement on Plane Movable Bed Into The Era Of Movable Payment

  24. 社会化阅读应用就是在移动互联网时代诞生的新闻类应用。

    Social reading application is applied in news of the birth of the mobile Internet era .

  25. 在移动互联网时代,无线通信技术的发展动力由技术驱动向用户驱动发生转变。

    In mobile Internet , the development motivation of wireless communication has changed from technology-driven to user-driven .

  26. 在移动网络时代,电子阅读逐步成为大学生的主要阅读方式之一。

    In the mobile Internet era , electronic reading gradually becomes the habit of reading in college users .

  27. 无线宽带技术使人们摆脱了传统的有线通信的束缚,让人类进入了移动通信时代。

    Wireless wideband technology let people remove the limitation of traditional wire communication and enter the mobile communication age .

  28. 人类已经进入了移动通信时代,各类型的移动应用正迅速地在人们的生活中普及。

    With the coming of Mobile Communications Age , all sorts of mobile applications develop rapidly in human 's society .

  29. 进入移动互联网时代以后,电子阅读产业忽然成了香饽饽。

    Since the era of mobile Internet access , electronic industry , suddenly became the meat and potatoes of reading .

  30. 此外,本文的研究也对其他手机厂商在移动互联时代的营销策略具有一定的参考价值。

    Moreover , the thesis can be reference for other handset bands to make marketing strategy on the mobile connection stage .