
  • 网络Mobile Cloud Computing
  1. 移动云计算必将成为一个巨大的市场。

    Mobile cloud computing is poised to become a huge market .

  2. 但是,很少人理解移动云计算有何不同。

    However , fewer people understand how mobile cloud computing is different .

  3. PrestonCox是一名移动云计算顾问,具有广泛的应用开发体验。

    Preston Cox is a mobile cloud consultant with a broad range of application development experience .

  4. PrestonA.Cox,移动云计算顾问

    Preston A. Cox , Mobile cloud consultant

  5. 延迟和带宽也影响移动云计算。

    Latency and bandwidth affect the mobile cloud , as well .

  6. 公司们正受到移动云计算需求的驱动。

    Companies are being driven to the mobile cloud by demand .

  7. 这个例子说明了移动云计算如何运作。

    This example helps illustrate how the mobile cloud works .

  8. 另一趋势是通过移动云计算实现资金调动。

    Another trend points to the mobilization of money through the mobile cloud .

  9. ,它承诺帮助解决移动云计算中的延迟问题。

    Which promise to help with the latency issue in mobile cloud computers .

  10. 工作模式和习惯也在因为移动云计算而改变。

    Work patterns and habits are also changing because of the mobile cloud .

  11. 移动云计算也不是虚构的。

    Mobile cloud computing is also not fictional .

  12. 移动云计算的硬件资源还包含了移动设备。

    The foundation hardware consists at least partly of mobile devices in mobile cloud computing .

  13. 移动云计算的当前状态

    The current state of mobile cloud computing

  14. 由于资源缺乏,移动云计算通常被视为是一个

    Because of the resource poverty , the mobile cloud is most often viewed as an

  15. 移动云计算的一个显著问题是移动设备的资源缺乏。

    A notable issue with the mobile cloud is the resource poverty of mobile devices .

  16. 移动云计算和安全威胁

    Mobile cloud computing and security threats

  17. 本论文研究基于移动云计算环境下的缓存模型及其一致性维护策略。

    This thesis mainly studies the cache model and consistency maintenance strategy in mobile cloud computing .

  18. 为更好地理解移动云计算,大体上了解一下云计算是有帮助的。

    To better understand mobile cloud computing , it helps to know about cloud computing in general .

  19. 开发移动云计算中的应用,高效地处理日益增长的海量数据是至关重要的需求以及挑战。

    Efficient processing of increasing massive data is crucial and challenging to the appilications in mobile cloud computing environment .

  20. 移动云计算是个新兴市场,由智能手机和平板电脑的推广普及而推动。

    Mobile cloud computing is an emerging market driven by the popularity and increasing proliferation of smartphones and tablet computers .

  21. 智能手机、平板电脑和云计算都融合于一个新的快速增长的移动云计算领域。

    Smart phones , tablets , and cloud computing are converging in the new , rapidly growing field of mobile cloud computing .

  22. 该现象的存在不能算是一种使能技术,因为它在驱动移动云计算技术。

    The existence of this phenomenon is not so much an enabling technology as it is a driving technology for mobile cloud computing .

  23. 移动云计算环境下,将计算密集型的应用卸载到云端执行被认为是一种克服计算资源的有限性和节省终端设备能耗的非常有效的方法。

    Offloading computation intensive applications to mo-bile cloud is promising for overcoming the problems of limited computational resources and energy of mobile devices .

  24. 移动云计算与云计算共享这样一个理念,即一些服务水平由云提供,而由移动平台访问。

    Mobile cloud computing shares with cloud computing the notion that some level of services is provided by a cloud and accessed by mobile platforms .

  25. 本文是第一篇应用博弈论和经济学中的定价机制来研究移动云计算中的应用卸载问题。

    To the best of our knowledge , this paper is the first work that applies economic theories and pricing mechanisms to manage application offloading in MCCS .

  26. 本文讨论移动云计算的当前状态和提供的服务,描述关键移动云计算元素,提出重要问题,并讨论相关趋势。

    This article discusses the current state of mobile cloud computing and the services provided , describes key mobile cloud elements , presents important issues , and discusses relevant trends .

  27. 移动云计算是指移动设备通过泛在的无线网络以按需、易扩展的方式获得所需的基础设施、平台、软件等云计算服务的一种计算模式。

    Mobile cloud computing is a computing model that mobile devices obtain the necessary infrastructure ; platform ; software and other cloud computing services for on-demand scalability through the ubiquitous wireless network .

  28. 面对如此庞大的用户基数,考虑引入云计算模式为这些用户提供服务,从而催生出一种全新的计算模式,即移动云计算。

    Faced with such a large user base , considering the introduction of the cloud computing model to provide services for these users , which gave birth to a new computing model , that mobile cloud computing .

  29. 而移动云计算使情况更糟,从安全角度看,由于相关的移动设备(智能手机和平板电脑)与外部交互更密切,而且通过更广泛的技术进行交互。

    Mobile cloud computing makes the situation even worse , from a security viewpoint , because relevant mobile devices ( smartphones and tablets ) interact with the external world more intimately and through a wider array of technologies .

  30. 山田隆持认为引入超高速网络将对运营商有利,因为可以将更多服务和运算从手机转移到由运营商控制的移动云计算网络上进行。

    Mr Yamada believes the introduction of ultra-high-speed networks will be to carriers ' benefit , by allowing more services and processing to move off handsets and on to mobile cloud computing networks , which the operators could control .