
  • 网络Move View;mobile view
  1. BusinessIntegration视图位于组装编辑器左侧(如果您没有移动该视图的话),其中显示所有项目构件。

    The Business Integration view shows all of your project 's artifacts , which appears to the left of the assembly editor ( if you haven 't moved the view ) .

  2. 为了弥补这些缺陷,在这基础上,引入用户的访问概率和数据的复杂度两个因素,提出改进的PIU算法,有效地改善移动数据库视图更新的面向用户性、实时性和一致性。

    Base on this algorithm , an improved PIU algorithm which considers two other factors of user 's access probability and data complexity is presented to fetch up these shortages . And it effectively improves the user-oriented , real-time and consistency problem in view update of mobile database .

  3. 将插入符号移动到视图的最后一行。

    Moves the caret to the last line in view .

  4. 移动数据库视图更新算法研究

    Research on Algorithm of View Update in Mobile Database

  5. 视图拥有所有的项,并且可以从一个地方移动到视图内的另一个地方。

    The views all have tabs and can be moved from place to place within the perspective .

  6. 注意,目前有一个限制,即如果编辑器处于激活状态,移动到视图中不会提供键盘焦点。

    Note There is currently a limitation where moving into the view will not give keyboard focus if the editor is active .

  7. ModalDialog对象表示一个可移动的浮动视图。

    A Modal Dialog object represents a movable floating view .

  8. 此文给出了在任意坐标系下视点移动后生成新视图的公式,以及具体推导过程。

    In this thesis , the authors have given the process that the view is synthesized after the motion of viewpoint in the arbitrary coordinate system and the process of specific specula-tion .