
  • 网络Color Mode;cmyk;color model
  1. PHOTOSHOP的色彩模式与色彩基础

    The Color Mode and the Color Foundation of Photoshop

  2. 油漆喷枪:常用于普通模式下对图像进行粗糙的阴影描绘,在色彩模式下对图片上色。

    Airbrush : Most used in normal mode for loose shading and in color mode for applying colour .

  3. RGB色彩模式是当前的选择研究。

    RGB color model is selected for current study .

  4. 在Photoshop的色彩模式中,索引模式是一种比较特殊的模式。

    In the color model of photoshop , Index Model is quite unique .

  5. 实验结果表明,在RGB色彩模式下,面包彩色图像的B值,是对不同纹理结构的面包区分度最大的一个单色值;

    The results showed that B value of color image of bread slices is the best value to differentiate bread crumb under RGB model .

  6. Photoshop的色彩模式及应用

    Color pattern and application of Photoshop

  7. 了解一些颜色基础、PHOTOSHOP的色彩模式是掌握PHOTOSHOP的必要条件。

    Knowing some knowledge about the color mode and the color foundation of Photoshop is the indispensable condition to master Photoshop .

  8. 这是色彩模式的一个最重要的特点这个品种。

    This color pattern is one of the most important characteristics of this breed .

  9. 如果全色彩模式被选择,仪器阅读器将尝试呈递合适的颜色。

    If Full Color mode is selected then K4000RC Viewer will attempt to render colors as accurately as possible .

  10. 广泛的手动控制,包括包围曝光模式,包括设置新的白平衡和色彩模式。

    Extensive manual controls including an exposure bracketing mode that newly includes settings for white balance and color modes .

  11. 因此,尤其是对于大幅面的图像而言,色彩模式转换的快慢直接影响着图像处理软件的处理速度。

    As a result , converting color mode directly affects processing speed of image processing software especially for a large image .

  12. 通过对三维断层图像进行色彩模式转换、分辨率调整等预处理,满足印刷出版的要求。

    Sectional images pre-processes , including color mode conversion and resolution adjustment , etc , are performed to meet the printing and publishing .

  13. 更重要的一点区别是,色彩模式转换器可以修改内存中的图像数据,而色彩管理器却不可以。

    More important difference between color mode conversion and color management is that the former can modify data of image in the memory , but the latter does not .

  14. 电脑美术设计中常常会出现因为忽视电脑色彩模式而致打印、刷后的作品的色彩与设计者预想的效果大相径庭的情况,从而影响了原本设计理念的表达。

    There are situations that the color of the printed design works are far away from the original design idea because of ignoring the computer 's color model during computer artistic design .

  15. 分析了图像色彩模式与分形特性之间的关系,提出了根据像素的颜色强度来计算不同色彩模式下图像分形维数的方法。

    The fractal characteristic and color mode of images were analyzed in the paper , accordingly color strength is suggested to be used to calculate fractal dimension of images for different color mode .

  16. 试论大色彩教学模式的构建

    The Formation of the " Large Color " Teaching Mode

  17. 对于深圳市宝城这样功能混合、规模较小的城市区域,街道色彩规划模式是最适合的。

    Baocheng in Shenzhen is a small city which has mixed function , the streetscape color mode is the best color planning mode to it .

  18. 设置色彩图层模式为点光,这样可使彩虹气氛不必太过浓重。

    Set the blending options of the colorful layer to Vivid . Yes , we don 't want this rainbow aura to be visible too much .

  19. 在总结了具有情感教育色彩的教育模式及情感理论研究现状基础上,揭示了当前我国情感教育存在的主要问题,并对问题产生的原因进行了反思。

    Based on the summary of the educational models with some features of emotional education and the present situation of theoretical studies of educations , this chapter reveals the problems in emotional education in China and makes reflections as to the causes behind them .

  20. 临床护理具有鲜明的人文色彩,随着医学模式的转变和护理学的发展,人们越来越重视护士人文素质的培养。

    Clinical nursing involves specific humanism . With the transformation of medical models and development of nursing , humanistic diathesis education of nurses is gaining more and more attention .

  21. 本文通过色彩意象与灵感来源,数字色彩与表现模式,配色惯例与实施方法三个方面论述了艺术设计中的配色惯例与实践,提供了科学、实用、有效的色彩设计模式。

    This text passes the color idea and inspiration source , arithmetic figure color and performance mode , the nuance convention and practice method , discussing the nuance convention and fulfillment in art design , furthermore , provides scientific , practical and valid color design mode .

  22. 国内高校艺术设计类专业素描、色彩教材的编写一直沿用美术专业素描、色彩教材的编写模式。

    The compiling mode of teaching materials of sketching and coloring for fine arts specialty has been insistently adopted as the guidance to those of for art design specialty in Chinese colleges and universities .

  23. 本人进而对收集来的样本资料整理、归类,对其展开色彩分析,利用图形处理软件导出其色谱,并提取了色彩模式数值,以数据结合西方的色彩理论进行系统研究。

    I then collected samples of the documentation , classification , and its launch color analysis , using graphics software to export its chromatographic and extraction of the color mode value to data combined with the Western system of color theory .

  24. 本研究主要的方向为城市色彩规划的理论和方法。从基本的色度学入手,整理色彩表述方法、色彩搭配模式、相关的国内外色彩规划进程及实例。

    This essay is mainly on research of the theory and method of color planning , including the color formulation , collocation mode and its relative color planning development and practice domestic and overseas .