
  • 网络Color Management System;cms
  1. 本课题的研究成果对色彩管理系统的进一步研究具有较大的参考价值。

    The thesis is of great value to the further research on the CMS .

  2. 分析了Photoshop的色彩管理系统的特点,并着重分析了Photoshop中不同RGB设置下显示器的技术描述。

    The characters of Color Management System of Photoshop are studied , and the technical description of different RGB setups are researched mainly .

  3. 理论分析和实际应用中发现,目前基于ICC规范的色彩管理系统不能针对图像进行自适应渲染,因而无法获得最佳的色彩再现。

    While theoretical analysis and applications show that ICC can not render images adaptively to get a best reproduction .

  4. 基于ICC标准的色彩管理系统,由于其通用性和精确性等优点,已经被广泛使用。

    Because of its good accuracy and high compatibility , the Color Management based on ICC Specification has been widely used .

  5. 基于WCS色彩管理系统跨媒体颜色复制准确性的研究

    Research on Veracity of Cross-Media Color Reproduction Based on WCS Color Management

  6. CRT显示器、彩色喷墨打印机是重要的计算机显示、输出设备,对它们的设备特性进行研究是色彩管理系统中最基础的工作。

    Since monitor and color ink jet printer are important display and input device of computer , it is a significant and absolutely necessary work to investigate their characteristics .

  7. 最后,对视频处理系统中的色彩管理系统的实现进行了研究,包括相关的色域转换和色彩扩展等内容,研究设计了LCOS显示系统,包括硬件设计和相关的软件设计。

    In the end , the realization of color management system in video processing system is studied . Meanwhile , the topics on color conversion and color gamut expansion , the design of LCOS display system and relevant hardware and software are also explored .

  8. 为建立我们自己的色彩管理系统打下一点基础,具体完成了以下几方面的工作:首先建立Lab-CMYK色空间转换模型。

    It is the basis of establishment of our own color management . I have accomplished some following tasks : We first set up Lab-CMYK color space conversion model .

  9. 计算机输入输出设备色彩管理系统的研究

    A Study on the Color Management System of Computer Input / Output Devices

  10. 数码打样色彩管理系统的研究

    Research of digital proof color management system

  11. 研究发现,当图像在跨设备复制时经常出现颜色不匹配的现象,在色彩管理系统中加入色外观模型则能够较好地解决该问题。

    It was found that color usually does not match well while image reappearance among different devices , and integrating color appearance model ( CAM ) with color management can solve the problem well .

  12. 详细的分析了激光电视色域转换原理并详细的介绍色彩管理系统的设计。

    Chapter III detailed analysis of the laser television color gamut conversion principle , as a color gamut conversion systems theory . Analysis of the laser television the importance of color management . Chapter IV introduces the color management system design .

  13. 色彩管理系统是目前桌面出版系统中普遍采用的色彩控制方法,但由于设备色域的差别,色彩管理系统并不能保证颜色的准确匹配。

    Color management system was a color control method widely used in desktop publishing system . Due to the difference of color gamut of different devices , the color match in the color management systems was not as accurate as expected .

  14. 本文简单地介绍了色彩空间和色彩管理系统的概念,重点是建立Lab到CMY的数学转换模型,并验证数学转换模型的精度。

    The concept of the color management system and the color space were simply presented in this paper , but I have paid more attention on the conversion from Lab to CMY whose exactness was testified by using some data .

  15. 由于油墨、纸张等条件的限制,输出设备的呈色特性对色彩的影响很大,因此对输出设备的色彩管理是色彩管理系统(CMS)的关键。

    The characteristic of appearing color of the output device has a deep effect on the printing color because of the limits of ink , paper etc. Thus , color management for the output device is the key of the Color Management System ( CMS ) .

  16. 虽然基于ICC的色彩管理提供了色彩复制与传递机制,但是这些技术仍存在增加系统开销、设备特性信息传递困难、不同色彩管理系统难以混合等问题。

    Although the ICC based color management techniques can provide the color reproducing and transmitting mechanism , limitations still exist : prone to increase the system overhead , inconvenient to deliver the color devices characteristic and difficult to combine different color management systems .

  17. 彩色显示器是用来传达颜色信息的重要工具,而色彩在不同设备和系统上往往会造成差异,因此对显示器建立一个色彩管理系统很有必要。

    Color CRT is an important tool to communicate information and color is often different in various equipment and systems . Therefore , modeling a color management system is necessary for CRT .