
  • 网络Physics;physics engine;PhysX;NVidia PhysX;Havok
  1. Bullet是一个3D的开源物理引擎,支持3D的刚体和软体力学以及碰撞检测。

    Bullet is a3D open source physics engine that supports rigid-and soft-body dynamics and collision detection in3D .

  2. 参考资料部分包含了对很多开源物理引擎的链接,这些引擎可很容易地在Linux和Windows系统上使用。

    The Resources section includes links to a number of open source physics engines that are easily usable on both Linux and Windows systems .

  3. 方法二则充分利用Vortex强大的物理引擎实现汽车模拟器软件仿真的功能。

    The other method took advantage of the powerful physical engine of Vortex to implement the simulation function .

  4. Bullet是一个产品物理引擎,在游戏和电影领域都有广泛的应用。

    Bullet is a production physics engine that has wide support both in games and in movies .

  5. ODE是一个开放源码物理引擎,它可以很好地实现物理系统的建模功能。

    ODE is an open physics engine that 's perfect for physical systems modeling .

  6. Box2D和Bullet是广泛使用的物理引擎的两个例子。

    Box2D and Bullet are two examples of useful and widely used physics engines .

  7. 本文采用MVC模式完成了系统体系结构的设计,将图形引擎与物理引擎作为系统的视图层,并开发了一套具有可扩展性的系统框架,使其担当系统的控制层。

    Let graphics engine and physics engine as view layer , and developed a scalable system framework , to act as system control layer .

  8. ICL算法在模拟过程中,减少了物理引擎的计算量,提高了执行效率。

    ICL algorithm can reduce the computation of physics engine and improve efficiency during simulation .

  9. PAL的缺点是由于它偏重于通用抽象,因此会限制某个物理引擎所提供的功能。

    The downside of PAL is that it can restrict functionality offered by a particular physics engine , because its focus is on a common abstraction .

  10. Box2D是一个简单却用途广泛的物理引擎。

    Box2D is a simple physics engine with a broad use .

  11. 我们必须感谢大卫伯格为S60第5版平台为我们移植这个最著名的2D物理引擎。

    We have to thank David Berger for porting one of the most famous open2D physics engine to the S605th Edition platform .

  12. 第三,基于对多种碰撞检测算法的分析,论文研究了开源的物理引擎OpenDynamicEngine(ODE),重点阐述了OSG和ODE的结合使用。

    Thirdly , based on the analysis of a variety of collision detection algorithm , the thesis studied the Open Dynamic Engine ( ODE ) and described the combination of OSG and ODE .

  13. 最后介绍了刚体物理引擎的应用方法,将刚体物理引擎ODE应用在大型煤矿巷道漫游系统中,取得了良好的效果。

    Finally we introduced the application of rigid physics engine , the application of rigid physics engine ODE in large-scale coal roadway roaming system , and good effects were obtained .

  14. 它还支持一些商业的物理引擎,比如在游戏开发领域很流行的Havok。

    It also supports commercial physics engines like Havok , which is popular in games development .

  15. 介绍了一种以开放源代码的图像引擎OGRE和物理引擎ODE为基础的系统建模方法,结合汽车动力学模型,实现了一个功能强大,效果逼真的驾驶模拟系统。

    In this paper , a modeling method based on open resource , OGRE and ODE , is introduced . Based on a vehicle dynamic model , a powerful and realistic vehicle driving simulation system is realized .

  16. 一个最早的软件物理引擎是ENIAC计算机,用来仿真给定了重量、角度、推力和风速变量的炮弹。

    One of the earliest software physics engines was the ENIAC computer , which was used to simulate artillery shells given variables of mass , angle , propulsion , and wind .

  17. 接触点由物理引擎产生。

    The contact points generated by the physics engine .

  18. 他们利用物理引擎让中箭者身上的残留箭矢显得更加真实。

    Also they have found a way to get the physics engine to incorporate persistent arrows .

  19. 物理引擎可在仿真环境内模拟牛顿物理学并处理这些力和相互作用。

    A physics engine simulates Newtonian physics in a simulated environment and manages those forces and interactions .

  20. 对物理引擎关键技术的研究能够促进三维游戏引擎技术的发展,具有很重要的科研意义。

    It can improve the development of 3D game engine technology , and has an primary scientific significance .

  21. 本文着重探讨其中的一些开源物理引擎并展示它们的简单应用。

    This article explores some of the available open source physics engines and illustrates their use in simple applications .

  22. 车轮碰撞器从物理引擎静止分开计算摩擦力,使用基于滑动摩擦力模型。

    The Wheel Collider computes friction separately from the rest of physics engine , using a slip-based friction model .

  23. 虽然被列于物理引擎之下,但抽象层提供了一个不容忽视的有趣功能。

    Although listed under physics engines , the abstraction layers provide an interesting capability that should not be ignored .

  24. 物理引擎将您从开发复杂软件以便在软件中实现物理现象和碰撞检测的工作中解放出来。

    Physics engines free you from having to develop the complex software to implement physics and collision detection in software .

  25. 物理引擎是一种仿真程序,可用来创建一种虚拟环境,在其中集成来自物理世界的规律。

    A physics engine is a simulator used to create a virtual environment that incorporates laws from the physical world .

  26. 目前已经有很多种游戏物理引擎,取决于各自的需求,但是它们全部都是相同主题的衍生。

    Numerous types of game physics exist , depending upon the requirement , though all are variations on the same theme .

  27. 游戏物理引擎通过避免诸如布朗运动这样的东西来缩减仿真,进而最小化仿真的处理复杂性。

    Game physics engines scale back the simulation by avoiding such things as Brownian motion , which in turn minimizes the processing complexities of the simulation .

  28. 物理引擎(尤其是实时和低精度的)的一个重要应用是游戏运行时的开发。

    One of the main uses of physics engines ( in particular , the real-time and low-precision variety ) is in the development of game run times .

  29. 然后,就可以将这个时间量转换成滴答数量,而模型、物理引擎和其他依赖于时间的游戏逻辑可以做出相应的调整。

    This amount of time can then be translated into a number of ticks , and your models , physics engines , and other time-dependent game logic can adjust accordingly .

  30. 触发器不受物理引擎控制,当和一个触发器发生碰撞时会发出三个独特的触发信息。

    Triggers are effectively ignored by the physics engine , and have a unique set of three trigger messages that are sent out when a collision with a Trigger occurs .