
  1. 冶金类期刊中几个常用物理量及其单位的用法商榷

    Discussion on usage of some quantities and units in metallurgical periodicals

  2. 若干物理化学量与单位的正确使用

    Exact Presentation of Some Physical and Chemical Measures and Units

  3. 几何量的这种量纲概念,与对应的物理量的计量单位有明显的联系。

    This idea of the dimension of geometrical concepts is obviously related to the units of measurement of the corresponding physical quantities .

  4. 温度是表示物体冷热程度的物理量,是国际单位制中的七个基本量之一。

    In physics , temperature is a physical property of a system that underlies the common notions of hot and cold . Temperature is one of the seven principal parameters of the International System of Units .

  5. 本文报导了从经典振子模型推导偶极振子强度和自发跃迁几率的方法,给出当其中有关的物理量采用不同的单位时,振子强度和自发跃迁几率的不同表达形式。

    This paper reports on the method of derivation for electric dipole oscillator strengths and spontaneous transition probabilities from the classical oscillator model , gives the different expressions for oscillator strengths and spontaneous transition probabilities under the conditions with some related physical quantities in different units .

  6. 物理定理、物理定律中的比例常数,除与公式中各物理量单位的选取有关外,有的还与物理性质有关。

    Besides the physical quantum unit of formula choosing , it concerns the physical character .