
  • 网络Length reference;Length basis
  1. 在精密计量中,通常采用激光的波长作为长度基准。

    In precision measurement , wave length is the practical length standard .

  2. 诺贝尔物理学奖与长度基准的历史沿革

    Nobel prize of physics and the history of the definition of metre

  3. 不依赖于长度基准的光栅细分精度的评定方法

    A Method for Determining the Interpolation Error of Grating Signals Without Length Reference

  4. 以激光波长为长度基准进行位移测量,通常只能采用干涉法或衍射法,沿光的传播方向进行大尺寸的长度测量或定位测量仅能使用干涉法。

    Using the laser wavelength as the benchmark of displacement measurement , usually the interference or diffraction method be taken , in fact , the interference method is the only way that be taken to measure the large displacement or to orientation along the light transmission direction .

  5. 本文研究了编织、染色和整理过程中影响棉针织物基准状态尺寸的各种因素,提出线圈长度对基准尺寸有决定性作用,染整工艺及染整条件对基准尺寸影响很大,应严格控制。

    This report analyses the factors which influence the dimensions of reference state in knitting , dyeing and finishing process . Some measures for the control of reference dimensions have been discussed .

  6. 采用距离概念,并以对应谓词真值的数值区域的长度为基准,定义了距离比率函数及距离比率的特殊变换,并由此建立了一维情形下个体真值程度函数。

    Adopting the concept of distance and using length of numerical value interval to different predicate truths as norm , thereby the function of distance ratio and its special transformation are defined , and from this the individual truth grad function in one-dimensional is found .

  7. 通过对图像瞄准系统中的畸变分析,提出以激光长度测量值作为长度基准的成像系统在线自标定方法。

    In this paper the distortion of image collimating system is analyzed , and then an on-line self-calibration method with double-frequency laser length measuring result as length datum is presented .