
  • 网络Galaxies in the Universe
  1. 相反地,如果暗能量的强度比现在更大,宇宙中的星系合并事件会减少,使大型星系与星系团的数量更少。

    Conversely , if dark energy were even stronger than it is , the universe would have had fewer mergers and thus fewer massive galaxies and galaxy clusters .

  2. 宇宙中遥远的星系。

    The remotest galaxy of the universe .

  3. 因为结果显示宇宙中最小的星系产生了意想不到的大部分星星。

    Because it seems that the smallest galaxies in the universe gave rise to an unexpectedly large proportion of stars .

  4. 过去在宇宙中形成恒星的巨大星系与狼吞虎的黑洞,现在都处于停滞状态。

    The giant star-forming galaxies and voracious black holes of the universe 's past are now moribund .

  5. 也许我们还可以探索地球内部,还有宇宙中的其它星体和星系……我们有理由相信,利用电子技术,还可以扩展人类的思维能力。

    Or perhaps we might receive them from the interior of the earth , or from the stars and galaxies .... there was reason to believe that facilities for impressing information and knowledge on the human brain ... may be extended by the direct application of electrical currents to the human body or brain ....

  6. 一百年前,爱因斯坦语言了一种宇宙重力透镜,这种透镜能够勾勒出宇宙中的的巨大星系。

    A century ago , Einstein predicted an effect called cosmic lensing . Picture a massive galaxy out in space .

  7. 宇宙物质的其余90%则是“暗物质”,它们包围着宇宙中的每一个星系。

    The rest of the90 % cosmic matters are " dark matters ", which encompass every galaxy in the universe .