
yǔ zhòu shēng wù
  • extraterrestrial life
  1. 单甲脒对池塘微宇宙生物群落结构与功能影响的研究

    Effects of DMAH on Biocommunity Structure and Function in a Pond Microcosmos

  2. 地球和宇宙生物遥测术

    Earth and cosmic biotelemetry

  3. 根据广义生态学关于宇宙生物统一性的原理,借助动物神经学和生物遗传学的有关理论,探讨了区域经济因素复合性条件反射的一般运动规律。区域经济生态系统机能系统有序运动的规律;

    Based on the principle of universe biological unification in generalized ecology and some other related theories on animal neurology and bio genetics , the general regularity of the complex conditioned reflex in regional economic factors were discussed .

  4. 而我们正在逐步了解宇宙其他生物的生存方式。

    We 've cracked open the door to what 's possible for life elsewhere in the universe .

  5. 每个宇宙中的生物都有选择自由的权力。

    Freedom is the right of all sentient beings .

  6. 回到源宇宙的后生物常与宗教圣象联系起来,因为它们的出现缺乏合乎逻辑的解释。

    Artifacts returned to the Primary Universe are often linked to religious iconography ; as their appearance on Earth seems to defy logical explanation .

  7. 据美国《沙龙》网络杂志报道,这部片子让一些宗教右翼团体很抓狂,因为他们相信是上帝创造了宇宙和所有生物。

    Religious right groups , according to a Salon article , are freaking out about the show . They believe God created the universe and all living things in it .

  8. 阐述了基层宇宙信息与基层生物信息的联系和区别。

    The connections and distinctions between cosmic information and biological information are explained .

  9. 任何时候都要表现得积极阳光,对宇宙中的任何生物都不吝惜你的微笑

    To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature you meet

  10. 斯派克,不要听他的,我一直觉得你们是宇宙中最好的生物之一!

    Spike , don 't listen to him , I always think you guys are one of the best in Universe !

  11. 宇宙程序学和生物信息学有着必然的内在的联系,二者相辅相成,相得益彰。

    The universe , science and bioinformatics programs have necessarily intrinsically linked , the two complement each other and complement each other .

  12. 毫无疑问,宇宙的创造者是能够设计出更好的方法的;但是这个特定的宇宙里的生物却只好接受这个特定的方法。

    Doubtless , a creator of a cosmos could have devised a better method ; but creatures of this particular cosmos must put up with this particular method .