
  • 网络Two crimes;The Second Sin
  1. 本文这次从一个案例出发,引出了对职务侵占罪与盗窃罪的分析,以及这二罪的区别。

    Starting from a case this paper leads to the analysis and difference between the crime of embezzlement and the theft .

  2. 一侵财行为不可能既成立盗窃罪又构成侵占罪,二罪存在明确的界限。

    The behavior of invading the wealth cannot be the crime of theft or the crime of embezzlement simultaneously , and there is definite limit between the two crimes .

  3. 第二章罪篇就该罪的一些理论问题进行研究,认为本罪罪名应定为私放刑事在押人员罪。

    Chapter 2 puts a research on some theoretic issues of such crime and holds the definition of such crime of releasing the criminal person held in custody without authorization .

  4. 犯第一款、第二款罪,情节特别严重的,处无期徒刑或者死刑,并处没收财产。

    Whoever commits the crime as mentioned in the first or the second paragraph , if the circumstances are especially serious , shall be sentenced to life imprisonment or death and also to confiscation of property .

  5. 单位犯第二款罪的,对单位判处罚金,并对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依照该款的规定处罚。

    Where a unit commits the crime mentioned in the second paragraph , it shall be fined , and the persons who are directly in charge and the other persons who are directly responsible for the offence shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the said paragraph .

  6. 法官把罪名降为二级谋杀罪。

    The judge reduced the charge to second-degree murder .

  7. 与Android有关的第二份控罪书已接近敲定。

    A second charge sheet , in relation to Android , is almost finalised .

  8. 你因牵涉RajalLamba的死而被捕了你被指控以二级谋杀罪

    You 're under arrest in connection with the death of Rajal Lamba for the charge of murder in the second degree .

  9. 第二部分逃税罪侵犯的客体。

    The second part is the objective of tax evasion .

  10. 第二、此罪与彼罪的界限。

    The second is how to separate this crime and other crime .

  11. 第二部分行贿罪在立法中存在的问题。

    The second part is the problems in the legislation of bribery .

  12. 这是一个试图证明二级谋杀罪的关键点。

    a key point when trying to prove second-degree murder .

  13. 他被指控、被判处二级谋杀罪。

    He was charged and convicted of second-degree murder .

  14. 第二,洗钱罪的法律条文中排除了间接故意洗钱的情形;

    Second , Article 191 excludes the situation of money laundering on indirect purpose ;

  15. 指控二级谋杀罪和预谋谋杀攻击。

    Charge is murder in the second degree and assault with intent to murder .

  16. 二是玩忽职守罪的主观方面。

    Second , dereliction of duty subjective .

  17. 查普曼承认二级谋杀罪,并因此被判20年至终身监禁。

    Chapman pleaded guilty to second degree murder and deserving a 20 years to life sentence .

  18. 嫌疑人在今天下午被指控四宗二级杀人罪。

    The suspect was d with four counts of murder in the second degree this afternoon .

  19. 第二章偷税罪客观要件的认定。

    The second chapter is " the determination of the objective conditions of the crime of evading taxes " .

  20. 第二部分洗钱罪的行为对象,从洗钱罪“上游犯罪”的范围和洗钱罪对象的表现形式两方面进行比较研究。

    Part Two demonstrate the targets of money-laundry crime and discussed the pre-crime and the subject of this crime .

  21. 坦帕市附近的以为退休警局局长被指控二级谋杀罪,据悉此前他射杀了一位影院观众。

    A retired police captain near Tampa is charged with second degree murder after he allegedly gunned down another movie-goer .

  22. 法人犯前二项之罪者,处罚其行为负责人。

    Should a juristic person commit the offenses prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs , its responsible person shall be punished .

  23. 2014年2月26日,首弗认罪,被判二级谋杀罪,30年有期徒刑。

    Shoaf pled guilty to second-degree murder and was sentenced on February 26 , 2014 , to 30 years in prison .

  24. 在立法技术方面,转化抢劫罪属于法律拟制,二者在罪质方面具有同一性。

    On the technology of legislation , crime of transformed robbery is legal fiction because they are the same on criminal substance .

  25. 主要以对第二部分洗钱罪犯罪构成的分析为基础,结合我国现阶段的立法现状,揭示出我国洗钱罪立法中存在的不足。

    It reveals the legislation disadvantages of the money laundering crime , through the second chapter , and the present legislation practice in our country .

  26. 她被判二级谋杀罪,这也许是自纽约州仅对杀害警官和狱警而适用一级谋杀罪以来国家对她最严重的惩处。

    She was charged with second-degree murder , the heaviest charge the state could bring against her , since New York reserves first-degree murder charges for murders of police officers and prison guards .

  27. 二是受贿罪的客观要件分析问题。深入探讨了如何理解受贿罪的利用职务上的便利和为他人谋取利益问题。

    The second question is the analysis of the objective factors of bribery , discussion how to understand the problems " profit from the official advantage " and " benefit for others ' advantage " .

  28. 马克·赫尔:“齐默曼,这是你首次出庭,是本次因二级谋杀罪首次出庭,你的代理律师是奥玛拉先生吗?”

    MARK HERR : " Mr. Zimmerman , you are here for your first appearances , a first appearance at this time for a charge of murder in the second degree . And you are represented by Mr. O'Mara ? "

  29. 知名摇滚乐制作人菲尔·斯派克特以二级谋杀罪被正式定罪,受害者为拉娜·克拉克森。

    Last night , Franken said the win is his . And music producer Phil Spector found guilty of second-degree murder in the shooting death of actress Lana Clarkson , Spector had no obvious reaction to the conviction yesterday in LA .

  30. 根据这些犯罪轻重的先后,该原则在具体适用时,又表现为两种不同的形式:一是前罪吸收后罪,二是后罪吸收前罪。

    According to the sequence of the severity of these crimes , when the principle is been applied concretely , it manifests two different forms : the former crime absorbs the later one and the later crime absorbs the former one .