
  • 网络secondary suspended river
  1. 黄河下游二级悬河治理途径的探讨

    Discussion of solutions to the problem of secondary suspended river in the lower Yellow River

  2. 黄河下游二级悬河现状及其形成原因

    Present Status of " Secondary Suspended River " in the Lower Yellow River and Its Formed Reason

  3. 论黄河下游河道的改造与二级悬河的治理

    A preliminary study on alteration of watercourse and improvement of the " secondary perched river " in the lower Yellow River

  4. 黄河下游出现的二级悬河就是在新形势下产生的新的问题。

    The " second hangs the river " at the down stream of the Yellow River is a new problem under the new situation .

  5. 并提出了下游河道改造与“二级悬河”治理的具体措施和技术指标,以及需要研究的关键技术问题。

    The measures and guidelines about the alteration of watercourse and the improvement countermeasure of " the secondary perched river " were discussed and some key technical issues were presented for further research work .

  6. 在过去的50多年里,黄河下游的水沙过程发生了显著的变化,二级悬河和主槽萎缩的现象不断加剧,河流的治理面临着巨大的挑战。

    In the past fifty years , the water and sediment process has changed a lot in the Lower Yellow River , resulting in secondary suspended river and main channel shrinkage , which causes great challenge to the river management .