
  1. 江河源区湿地生态系统退化机制及保护对策刍议

    Environment Worsen Mechanism and Restore Solutions of Wetland Eco - system on the Rivers Sources Area

  2. 此外针对三江源区湿地生态系统退化机制和存在的主要问题,提出了合理利用与保护对策。

    In addition , Measures on reasonable utilization and conservation are put forward on the basis of degradation mechanism and problem of wetlands ecosystem in Sanjiangyuan region .

  3. 维持新生湿地生态系统不再退化;

    Keeping wetland ecosystem from degradation ;

  4. 由于人类过度开发利用导致河流湿地生态系统严重退化,影响了人类社会与自然的可持续发展。

    Due to excessive exploitation and utilization of human , river wetland ecosystem is seriously degenerated , influencing the sustainable development of human and society .

  5. 湿地生态系统的退化和丧失,将损害当地社区和个人的健康和福祉,并阻碍世界各国的经济发展。

    Wetland ecosystem degradation and lost , would damage the local community and personal health and well-being , and hinder economic growth around the world .

  6. 长期以来,由于自然因素与人为因素的干扰导致湿地生态系统功能退化与丧失是湿地研究面临的严峻现实。

    The status of degradation and lost of wetland all over the world , owing to the disturbance from natural environment and anthropogenic activities is serious .

  7. 因此,研究湿地生态系统的退化演变机制成为当今湿地科学关注的焦点问题和重要内容,也是对湿地进行科学保护与有效管理和合理开发利用的前提和基础。

    The researches about the degradation mechanism have , therefore , become the focus and important investigation area , which is considered to be the the premise and basis for scientific protection and effective management of wetlands .

  8. 由于人口、经济、资源的多重压力,使得鄱阳湖湿地生态系统在不断退化,将损害当地社区和个人的健康和福祉。

    As a result of the population , economy and resources , wetland ecosystem in Poyang Lake degenerates unceasingly , which is harm to the local community and individual health and well-being .

  9. 湿地生态系统研究及防治退化对策

    Study on Degenerative Wetland Ecological System and Preventing and Controlling Countermeasures

  10. 文章通过对江河源源区湿地生态系统出现的种种环境问题的研究,分析了湿地生态系统退化机制,并对其未来的恢复与保护提出相应对策。

    This paper is based on the research of problems that are arose from the wetland system of Rivers ' Sources Area , analyses mechanism of its background , and forms a series of solutions on how to restore and protect this system .

  11. 近年来随着周边经济的发展,湿地系统的演化越来越受制于人类活动,表现出人工化的趋势,湿地生态系统及其功能退化明显。

    But in recent years with the development of peripheral economy , the influence of the human activity becomes more and more remarkable . The ecosystem and the function of Sanhe wetland degenerated obviously .