
  • 网络Illegal discharge;discharge in violation of regulations
  1. 浅析对船舶机舱污油及含油污水非法排放的检查

    Analyze on inspections of illegal discharges of oil residue and oily sewage in engine room

  2. 本文拓展了冯诺依曼的一般均衡经济模型来计论非法排放,腐败和临管的关系。

    The study extends the von Neumann general equilibrium model to discuss the relationship between illegal disposal , corruption , and supervision .

  3. 柴静随后还列出了普通人能够做些什么,呼吁人人都负起责任,比如拨打热线12369举报非法排放。

    Chai goes on to list the things ordinary people can do to help and sums everything up by calling for individual responsibility in reporting illegal emissions via the hotline 12369 .

  4. 以巢湖市为例,23家被检查的工厂中有18家都被发现非法向巢湖排放污染物。

    In chaohu , for example , 18 of the23 industrial plants checked were found releasing pollutants illegally into Chaohu lake .