
  • 网络Pyramid scheme
  1. 这是否会令你联想到那些非法传销公司的经理们?

    Does this remind you of those managers at pyramid scheme companies ?

  2. 营养品公司康宝莱(Herbalife)则深陷与亿万富翁维权投资者比尔o阿克曼的苦战之中;阿克曼声称康宝莱从事非法传销。

    while nutrition company Herbalife HLF - 0.10 % is in the throes of a battle with activist billionaire investor Bill Ackman , who claims it is operating an illegal pyramid scheme .

  3. 各国都针对非法传销的危害性对其作了相应的法律规定。

    Foreign countries have made relative laws against its harmfulness .

  4. 肯·威廉姆斯,他非法传销数百万

    Ken Williams . His pyramid scheme stole millions .

  5. 大学生涉入非法传销的危害、原因及防范对策

    The Hazards , Causes and Preventive Countermeasures of University Students Involved in the Illegal MLM

  6. 安利是一个非法传销。

    Amway is an illegal pyramid scheme .

  7. 严厉打击制售假冒伪劣产品、非法传销和商业欺诈行为。

    Producing and marketing counterfeit and shoddy goods , pyramid schemes and commercial fraud must be severely punished .

  8. 销售“鼓励与培训”产品给营销人员的安利总公司也是一个非法传销。

    Amway 's Kingpin companies that sell " motivation and training " products to recruits are also an illegal pyramid scheme .

  9. 这部分中对于传销和直销以及传销与非法传销等易于混淆的概念进行了梳理。

    This part clears off the concepts of pyramid selling , direct selling and illegal pyramid selling which are easily mixed-up .

  10. 非法传销活动的特点、成因及打击对策论非法传销行为的司法定性与立法完善

    On the Characteristics , Causes and Countermeasures of Illegal Pyramid Selling On the Conviction of Illegal Pyramid Selling and Perfection in Legislation

  11. 广西壮族自治区开展打击非法传销行动后,大批传销人员纷纷撤离该地区。

    A crackdown on pyramid schemes in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region is leading to an exodus of scam artists from the area .

  12. 其打击重点主要是无限连锁链、滚雪球、金字塔式销售等非法传销活动。

    The main emphasis of its combat is illegal MLM activities such as " infinite chain ," " snowball ," " pyramid sales " .

  13. 1998年以来,政府制定的法规对公开性、大规模的非法传销的遏制起到了很大作用。

    Since 1998 , the government has formulated laws and regulations which has keep the public , the big scale illegal multi-level marketing within limit .

  14. 最终,联邦贸易委员会还会调查消费者指控的安利正在运作一项违反了1979年安利裁定的非法传销吗?

    Will the Federal Trade Commission , finally , investigate the consumers'charge of Amway is operating a pyramid scheme in violation of the Amway ruling of1979 ?

  15. 非法传销活动是近年来经济犯罪领域新出现的突出问题,对社会经济秩序和社会稳定造成了极大危害。

    Greatly endangering the economic order and the social stability , illegal pyramid selling is one of the prominent problems which occurred in the field of economic crimes in recent years .

  16. 特许人不得假借特许经营的名义,非法从事传销活动。

    A franchisor must not falsely borrow the name of franchising and illegally engage in direct selling activities .