
  • 网络nonlinear response
  1. 面阵CCD非线性响应的测量

    Nonlinear response measurement of planar CCD

  2. TLP张力腿涡激非线性响应

    Vortex-induced nonlinear response of tension leg platform tethers

  3. 最后利用Runge-Kutta法研究了悬索两自由度离散模型的非线性响应。

    Finally , the non-linear response of the two-degree-of-freedom discretized model is investigated by using the Runge-Kutta algorithm .

  4. 该方法较好地解决了探元的非线性响应问题,图像处理质量有很大提高,为01星CCD数据的更广泛应用奠定了基础。

    The new method solves the non-linear response problem better , and the quality of image processing is improved obviously , which establish the foundation of the wider application for the CBERS-01 CCD data .

  5. 在信道间隔相等的条件下,得出了光纤非线性响应影响下的阈值功率、信道数、信道间隔和EDFA级联数等之间的关系。

    The relationships among the threshold power , channel numbers , channel spacing and the cascaded EDFA numbers under the influence of fiber nonlinear-effects are obtained in condition with the equal spacing channel .

  6. 本文中,我们考虑了Lorentz局域场效应的影响,在Liouville运动方程的基础上用微扰理论分析了一个三能级系统的非线性响应。

    In this paper , we analyze the nonlinear response of a three-level A model system , using a perturbation theory based on the Liouville equation . of motion and considering the Lorentz local field effect .

  7. 在Winkler地基梁模型的基础上,提出了一个新的、研究单桩纵向非线性响应的一维简化分析模型。

    Based on the Beam - on - Winkler - Foundation model , a newer simplified analysis model which can be truthfully reflect the main characteristics of the vertical nonlinear responses of the single pile is put forward .

  8. 通过数值方法建立了抽水井水质与注水井水质的非线性响应关系,采用非线性的多项式函数形式,应用Marquardt法拟合。

    Nonlinear response relationship between the water quality of pump well and the water quality of injection well is set up by numerical method . The nonlinear multinormal function is adopted and Marquardt method is used for fitting .

  9. 在强地震作用下,建筑结构进入弹塑性工作状态,静力弹塑性分析即Pushover法作为一种结构非线性响应的简化计算方法,已经成为基于性能的抗震分析中应用最多的方法之一。

    The plastic deformation might be developed in the elements or structures of seismic frame under the strong earthquake action . As a simplified analysis method of nonlinear response of the structure , pushover analysis has been become one of the most widely used method in performance-based seismic analysis .

  10. 本文通过对含有二阶、三阶色散效应和非线性响应时间改进的非线性薛定谔方程进行数值模拟求解,分析了飞秒光脉冲在有机高聚物聚苯基喹恶啉(PPQ)中的传输特性。

    By use of the modified nonlinear Schrodinger equation , we have investigated numerically the effect of delayed nonlinear response time , as well as second and third order dispersion , on the propagation of femtosecond optical pulse .

  11. 单桩纵向非线性响应的简化分析模型

    The Simplified Analysis Model about Vertical Nonlinear Responses of Single Pile

  12. 带有居中盘与悬臂盘的裂纹转子系统非线性响应特性分析

    On Nonlinear Response of Cracked Rotor with Midspan and Overhung Disc

  13. 红外焦平面阵列非线性响应的分析和计算

    Analysis and calculation of the nonlinear response in infrared focal plane arrays

  14. 双盘裂纹转子非线性响应特性

    Analysis of Nonlinear Response of Cracked Rotor with Two Discs

  15. 硅二极管对高功率微波的非线性响应计算

    Calculation of nonlinear response of the silicon diode to the high-power microwave

  16. 基于弹塑性动力分析的结构非线性响应及抗震设计

    Nonlinear response and seismic design of structures based on elastoplastic dynamic analysis

  17. 马尾松直径生长与气侯的非线性响应函数

    Nonlinear response function of growth of Pinus massoniana to climate

  18. 点目标检测中线列探测器非线性响应的分析

    Analysis of Nonlinear Response of Line Array Detector for Point Target Detection

  19. 牵索塔平台的非线性响应极值分析

    Non-linear Dynamic Responses of a Guyed Tower and Their Extreme Value Analysis

  20. 用变分法研究复合介质的非线性响应

    Investigation of the effective nonlinear response of composite medium with the variational method

  21. 世博轴阳光谷大型钢结构风致线性和非线性响应比较

    Comparison of linear and nonlinear wind-induced responses of a structure of Expo Axis

  22. 基于发动机非线性响应的辨识线性模型方法

    Method to identify the multimode linear model of aeroengine based on nonlinear response

  23. 地震作用下结构非线性响应的突变分析

    Catastrophic Analysis of Nonlinear Response of Structure Under Earthquake

  24. 地震动非平稳特性对框架结构非线性响应的影响分析

    The Effect of Earthquake Ground Motion Nonstationary Characteristics on the Frame Structural Nonlinear Responses

  25. 索-梁组合结构中拉索的非线性响应

    Non-linear response of cables in cable-stayed beam structure

  26. 桥梁在多点激振下的非线性响应

    Nonlinear Response Analysis of Bridges Under Multi-support Excitation

  27. 本文主要研究单桩纵向非线性响应问题。

    The response of vertical nonlinear of single piles is studied in this paper .

  28. 闭路格林函数和非线性响应理论(Ⅰ)

    The closed time path green 's functions and the theory of nonlinear response (ⅰ)

  29. 高层钢框架的非线性响应分析

    Nonlinear response studies of tall steel frames

  30. 俯冲拉起一般会对系统的非线性响应起到抑制作用;

    Generally , the action of dive-hike will depress the nonlinear response of the rotor .