
  1. 本文依托湖南省建设科技计划项目《建筑节能设计与评价智能决策支持系统开发研究》,展开暖通空调建筑室外气象参数简化模型及其工程应用的研究。

    Depended on Hunan provincial building technology project , Development Research of Intellectual Decision Support System for Design and Assessment of Building Energy Efficiency , the reduced model and engineering application of outdoor weather data in the HVAC buildings were studied .

  2. 本文系湖南省科技厅科技计划重点项目资助项目(项目编号:2010NK2006)。

    This paper was supported by the key program of Hunan Provincial Department of science and technology support ( project number : 2010NK2006 ) .