
  • 网络lateral load;transverse load
  1. 横向荷载下DX桩的内力和位移分析

    Internal force and displacement analysis of DX pile under the action of lateral load

  2. 本文根据虚功原理,由里兹法导出简支边直角三角形正交各向异性板在横向荷载作用下的二级近似计算方法。

    Based on principles of virtual work , second approximation is derived for the plate mentioned under lateral load by Ritz method .

  3. 粘土中横向荷载桩的P-Y曲线法评述

    Comments on P-Y Curve Methods for Laterally Loaded Piles in Clay

  4. 色谱条件:色谱柱为C(18)柱;关于横向荷载作用下压弯构件的等效弯矩系数的研究

    A research on equivalent bending moment coefficient of beam - column under transverse load

  5. 单轴对称工字形截面悬臂钢梁在横向荷载作用下的整体稳定性研究运用ANSYS分析超高强度钢材钢柱整体稳定特性

    STABILITY OF MONOSYMMETRIC I-SECTION CANTILEVERS Analysis on overall buckling behaviour of ultra-high strength steel columns by ANSYS

  6. 此结论对新型GFRP组合梁桥横向荷载分布系数确定有重要参考价值,并为桥梁设计提供了有效依据。

    The presented conclusion can be referenced for computing the transversal live-load distribution factor of GFRP composite beam bridge .

  7. 用P-Y曲线计算横向荷载桩的内力

    Method for Calculating Internal Forces of the Laterally Loaded Pile According to P-Y Curves

  8. 本文考虑材料物性参数随坐标和温度变化的特性,研究横向荷载和面内预加荷载作用下FGM矩形板在各种边界条件下的弯曲问题。

    The objective of this paper is to investigate the bending behavior of pre-stressed functionally graded rectangular plates with temperature-dependent material properties and under various boundary conditions .

  9. 本文根据P-Y曲线,应用差分法计算横向荷载桩的内力和位移。

    According to P-Y Curves , difference-method is used to calculate the internal forces and deflections of laterally loaded pile in this paper .

  10. 对于新型GFRP组合桥梁,通过考虑GFRP桥面板与工字型钢纵梁组合共同受力,分析了跨长、纵梁间距、主梁尺寸及横撑刚度等各参数对桥梁横向荷载分布系数的影响。

    Based on an analysis of the mutual action of GFRP deck and I-shaped longitudinal steel beam , different parameters of the influence on transversal live-load distribution factor are analyzed .

  11. 针对土木工程中桩基础承受横向荷载的问题,阐述了根据FLAC3D进行往复载荷作用下拟静力数值仿真实验的过程和方法。

    Based on FLAC ~ ( 3D ), expounds the method and procedure of the quasi-static numerical imitation under the reciprocating load .

  12. 利用大型岩土软件FLAC做了桩土接触面的数值模拟,探讨了接触面的设置对桩水平承载力计算结果的影响,指出在模拟桩承受横向荷载时,使用接触面模型更为合理。

    According to numerical modeling of pile-soil interface by software FLAC , influence of interface setting to lateral load is discussed , author points out that interface modeling is more reasonable in the modeling pile .

  13. 应用动态松弛法(简称DRM)和分层法结合,分析几何、物理非线性薄板在横向荷载作用下的承载能力,讨论了不同边界条件对板的极限状态的影响。

    The bearing capacity of & geometrical and material nonlinear , isotropic thin plate under the action of transverse loading is analyzed by combining the dynamic relaxation method with multilayer method , with the influence of boundary conditions on the ultimate state of the plate studied .

  14. 对称角铺设层合板受横向荷载的数值分析

    Numerical Analysis of Symmetric Angle-ply Laminated plates under Distributed Lateral Load

  15. 横向荷载作用下薄壁杆件稳定分析的有限杆元法

    Lateral Buckling ANALYSIS of thin-walled members BY FINITE MEMBER ELEMENT METHOD

  16. 轴向和横向荷载同时作用下的桩基计算

    The Calculation of Piles under Simultaneous Axial and Lateral Loading

  17. 矩形截面桩在横向荷载作用下的极限承载力研究

    The ultimate bearing capacity of a rectangular pile loaded laterally

  18. 横向荷载对基桩竖向承载力的影响分析

    Effect of Transverse Load on Vertical Load Capacity of Piles

  19. 连续配筋混凝土路面在横向荷载作用下的解析解

    Analytic Solution for Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement under Transverse Loading

  20. 横向荷载作用下插入式大直径圆柱壳结构的优化数学模型

    Mathematical Optimization Model for Embedded Large-Diameter Cylindrical Shell Structure under Lateral Loads

  21. 悬吊圆环-平面索网结构在横向荷载作用下的出平面屈曲问题。

    The out-of-plane buckling of Hung Ring-Plane Cable Net Structure under vertical load .

  22. 横向荷载下基桩受力的无单元分析方法探讨

    Discussion on Element Free Method for Analysis of Foundation Pile under Lateral Loading

  23. 高强混凝土框架柱在轴向和横向荷载共同作用下纵筋的应变规律

    Longitudinal steel strain regular of high-strength concrete frame column under axial and horizontal loads

  24. 横向荷载群桩效应分析

    Analysis of Pile Group Effect Under Lateral Loading

  25. 层状地基中轴、横向荷载下桥梁基桩的水平动力反应

    Horizontal dynamic response of piles under simultaneous axial and lateral loads in layered soils

  26. 另一方面,对于横向荷载作用下的悬臂梁,较新理论则存在问题。

    While for cantilevers under transverse loads , the newer theory is not correct .

  27. 人们逐渐认识到微型单桩也能承受较大的竖向荷载和横向荷载。

    It is gradually realized that single micro-pile is also able to resist lateral loads .

  28. 在径向和横向荷载作用下均匀圆板极限荷载的近似解

    An Approximate Solution on Ultimate Load of a Circular Plate Under Radial and Lateral Loads

  29. 桩基础在横向荷载作用下的承载力性能实质上是桩土之间的相互作用。

    The pile foundation performance under horizontal load is essentially the interaction between pile and soil .

  30. 该模型在单向及双向横向荷载作用下可以相互转化。

    The model can make consistent of the unilateral load case and the bilateral loads case .