
yuán hú ɡǒnɡ
  • skene arch
  1. 本文从圆弧拱段的侧倾平衡议程出发,建立了X型双肋拱系的侧倾稳定传递矩阵方程;

    Based on the equilibrium equation of circular arch , the lateral stability transfer matrix equation of X-type twin ribs arch is presented by this paper .

  2. 研究了圆弧拱结构的模态试验结果及利用MSC/Patran(Nastran)有限元分析计算模态的结果。

    It presents the result of modal test and finite element analysis by MSC / Patran ( Nastran ) for a are structure .

  3. 对圆弧拱在静水压力作用下的径向挠度进行了计算,并引入一径向挠度系数λ将其与圆环挠度(pR~2/Et)联系起来;

    Firstly , This paper deals with a study of radial deflection of circle arch under hydrostatic pressure , and connected it with the deflection of circular ring ( pR2 / Et ) by a radial-deflection parameter X .

  4. 通过假设满足位移边界条件的振型函数对圆弧拱的面内非线性方程进行Galerkin一阶模态截断,先对派生系统的线性频率进行求解,就不同参数对频率的影响进行分析;

    Based on the assumptive vibration function , the nonlinear equations were discretized by the Galerkin method . First , the frequencies of derived system were obtained , thus the effect of different parameters on frequencies were studied .

  5. 圆弧拱结构屈曲破坏位置的分析

    Analysis on Position of Destruction by Flection in Round Arched Structure

  6. 圆弧拱平面内弯曲失稳一般理论

    A general theory for in-plane nonlinear analysis of circular arches

  7. 全跨水重作用下圆弧拱管的稳定性分析

    Structural Stability Analysis for Circular-Arch Pipeline under Water Weight Over all Span

  8. 拱坝非圆弧拱型的研究

    The study of non - circular arch dams

  9. 对圆弧拱面内自由振动的频率和非线性内共振现象进行了研究。

    The in-plane free vibration frequencies and nonlinear internal resonance of circular arches were studied .

  10. 对于圆弧拱来说是非常简单的,而对于其它形式的拱采用近似方法,也是可行的。

    For the circular arch axis , the method in the chapter is simple and accurate .

  11. 圆弧拱巷道围岩稳定性要远大于矩形巷道。

    The surrounding rocks of arched roadways are much more stable than that of rectangular roadways .

  12. 单轴对称工字形截面圆弧拱的屈曲分析圆弧拱平面内弯曲失稳一般理论

    Buckling of Mono-symmetric I-section Circular Arches A GENERAL THEORY FOR IN-PLANE NONLINEAR ANALYSIS OF CIRCULAR ARCHES

  13. 任意三心拱和圆弧拱巷道断面积的计算

    Calculation of section area of arbitrary three - centered arch type and circular arch type headings

  14. 并用线性化的屈曲方程求解圆环和两铰圆弧拱在匀布径向力作用下的临界荷载。

    The critical loads of rings and pined circular arches are calculated using the linearized buckling equations .

  15. 圆弧拱的面内非线性动力学分析本文对斜拉索的1:1面内、外模态耦合内共振进行了研究。

    The 1:1 internal resonance of the stay cable coupling the in-plane and out-of-plane modes is analyzed .

  16. 并由拱的非线性平衡方程入手,推导了圆弧拱的屈曲微分方程。

    Differential equations for buckling of circular arches are derived from the nonlinear equilibrium equations in this thesis .

  17. 文中推导出了任意三心拱和圆弧拱巷道断面积计算的公式。

    A fornltila for calculating the heading section of arbitrary three-centered arch and circular arch types was derived in this paper .

  18. 研究了几何缺陷、荷载非均匀分布和支座沉陷对圆弧拱面内屈曲的影响。

    The effects of geometrical imperfections , unuhiform loads and support settlements on the in-plane buckling of circular arch are investigated .

  19. 结果表明,由结构拓扑优化方法生成的拱轴线,自重作用下的弯矩值以及相同均布荷载作用下的应力值都比相同矢跨值的圆弧拱轴线和二次抛物线拱轴线小。

    The arch axis of arciform aqueducts formed by the continuum topology optimization method was compared with the circular arch axis and the parabolic arch axis of the same span .

  20. 以圆弧拱为研究对象,采用能量法推导了组合拱(主拱和斜拱)面外稳定的临界计算公式。

    On the basis of the circular-arch , the calculation formula of out-plane stability critical load of combined arch ( main arch and inclined arch ) by means of energy method .

  21. 在《采矿设计手册》第3卷载的圆弧拱巷道断面积公式是近似计算的,其值比本文推导公式的值稍小。

    The formula presented in Tom3 of 《 Mining Design Manual 》 is for approximate calculation , the area value determined from which is some less than that obtained from the formula given here .

  22. 列举了在径向水压力与温升或温降两种荷载组合下圆弧拱与5种非圆弧拱的拱坝多拱梁法分析成果,从位移、应力、岸坡稳定性等方面作了比较。

    There are some analysis results of five non-circular arches using multi-arch & cantilever method for arch dam under the load combination of radial water pressure , temperature up and temperature down in the paper .

  23. 本文由平截面假定出发,引用有限变形下的应变位移关系,由虚功方程推导了圆弧拱平面内弯曲的非线性平衡方程。

    Starting from Bernoulli 's assumption for straight beams and introducing the Green strain definition in the nonlinear analysis of solid mechanics , in-plane nonlinear equilibrium equations for circular arches are derived using the principle of virtual work .

  24. 本文首次利用虚功原理和广义变分原理推导了铰支、固支和弹性支撑三种边界条件与径向均布荷载和跨中集中荷载作用下含几何缺陷圆弧拱的计算公式。

    The computation formula of stabilization for arc arch with geometrical imperfection on radial uniform load and concentrated load are determined , where there are hinged , fixed and elastic support three boundary conditions , from virtual work and generalized variation .

  25. 在总结前人对圆弧拱的面内,面外屈曲临界荷载计算方法的基础上,利用能量法,推导了斜拉拱桥的侧倾临界荷载计算公式。

    In summarizes the predecessor to the segmental arch surface and outside in flexure critical load computational method foundation , with the principle of the minimum potential energy , an analytical solution for the lateral critical bucking load of cable stayed arch bridge is studied .

  26. 地面交通中心(GTC)是其重要组成部分之一,屋盖采用大跨箱形变截面圆弧钢拱结构。

    The roof of GTC adopts long-span steel arches with variable box sections .

  27. 弹性开口薄壁截面圆弧钢拱的稳定承载力研究

    Research on Stability Capacity of Elastic Open Thin-walled Circular Steel Arch

  28. 圆弧厚拱应力分析

    Stress Analysis for Thick Circular Arches

  29. 简支楔形变截面工字钢梁的弹性弯扭屈曲均匀受压工字型等截面三铰圆弧钢拱的平面内稳定性和极限强度

    In-plane inelastic stability and ultimate strength of uniform I-section three-hinged circular steel arch in uniform compression

  30. 本文给出圆弧形拱管在半跨水重作用下内力的计算公式并将其编制成内力计算系数表,可供工程设计使用。

    Internal force formulae of circular section arched pipe subjected to the water weight on semi-arch load and the table of calculated factors have been given for designers in the paper .