
  • 网络Circumferential force;peripheral force;kgf;tangential force
  1. 径向位移必须伴有圆周力。

    The radial displacement must be accompanied by a circumferential force .

  2. 根据日本齿轮协会标准计算出许用圆周力,得出安全系数,为涤纶短纤维纺丝线增容20%提供理论依据。

    The allowable circumference force was calculated according to Japanese Gear Manufacturers Association Standard , thus yielding safety coefficient , which provided the theoretical foundation for the enlargement of PET staple fiber plant by 20 % .

  3. 轮胎均匀性试验机是轮胎在加载一定负荷情况下测量其圆周受力波动的检测设备,是轮胎生产数字化检测系统中的关键装备。

    The tyre uniformity testing machine is used to measure force variations of the tyre that have been loaded , it is the key equipment of digital tire production .

  4. 建立了磁场天线的扭转振动模型,得到了流体圆周切变力作用下磁场天线的扭转振动响应,分析了扭转振动感应电磁噪声的产生机理,给出了计算公式及仿真结果。

    The torsion vibration model of H-field antenna is established and the response of torsion vibration under circumferential shearing force of sea water is obtained . Furthermore , causation of electromagnetic noise induced by torsion vibration is analyzed , and the estimation formulas and simulation results are given .

  5. 看过一简单、快速的演示圆周运动中力和加速度的变化吗?

    Looking for a simple , quick demonstration of forces and acceleration in circle motion ?

  6. 当活塞在汽缸中上下运动时,机轴受力旋转,将直线作用的力扭转成为圆周运动的力。

    As the piston moves up and down in the cylinder it rotates the crankshaft and converts the straight line motion into rotary motion .

  7. 在设计无支柱金属圆筒粮仓时,应考虑简仓装粮和卸粮期间所承受之载荷对圆筒仓壁的竖直压应力和圆周拉应力以及强风载荷对简仓造成的破坏作用。

    Itis necessary to take into consideration the vertical compression stres and circumferential tension stress in cylindrical wall against the load during charge and discharge process and the destroy exerted from fierce wind when a metal cylindrical grain bin without prop is designed .

  8. 该方向垂直于中心连线,即运动是沿圆周方向的。力沿两个带电体中心连线而作用,同性相斥,异性相吸。

    The direction is normal to the line of centers , i.e. motion is circumferential . The force acts along a line between the center of the bodies and is repulsive for like charges and attractive for unlike charges .