
yuán zhuī luó wén
  • tapered thread
  1. 对圆锥螺纹的透射成像方法进行了实验研究和理论分析。

    The projecting imaging method of tapered thread was studied through experiment and corresponding theoretical analysis was carried out to obtain clear thread images suitable for observation and measurement .

  2. 圆锥螺纹中径的测量及不确定度分析

    Measure and Indeterminate Analysis on Pitch Diameter of Tapered Thread

  3. 钻杆、锁接头圆锥螺纹塞规基面中径的测量

    Teh Measuring of Base Level Mid-Diameter on Taper Thread Guage

  4. 虚拟圆锥螺纹量规刚性模型及其可视化的研究

    Study on the Rigid Model & Visualization of Virtual Conical Thread Gauge

  5. 旋风铣削圆锥螺纹的误差分析

    Error Analyzation of Taper Thread in Whirlwind Milling

  6. 基于数控车削的圆锥螺纹编程方法研究

    Based on NC Turning Screw Cone Programming Method

  7. 可视化技术在虚拟圆锥螺纹量规研究中的应用

    The Application of Visualization Technology in the Field of Virtual Gauge for Conical Thread

  8. 基于支持向量回归的圆锥螺纹检测

    Conical thread detection based on support vector regression

  9. 以支持向量回归为主要算法,讨论了圆锥螺纹各参数的图像检测方法。

    The method of the conical thread image detection based on the support vector regression is presented .

  10. 圆锥螺纹的几何要素

    Geometrical Parameters of Tapered Threads

  11. 本文提供了一种在三坐标测量机上用小测头在单侧螺旋面上测量圆锥螺纹的新方法,其特点是测量速度快、效率高。

    It is a new method for measuring conical threads by means of CMM on single flank , which is quick and efficient .

  12. 介绍一种在万能工具显微镜或大型工具显微镜上用影像法、轴切法测量圆锥螺纹塞规基面中径的简便方法。

    This paper introduces a handy method to measure the base level mid-diameter of taper thread guage with image and axes tangent method on the omnipotence tool microscope .

  13. 以圆锥螺纹为研究对象,讨论了基于支持向量回归的机械零件直线边缘的亚像素图像检测方法。

    Taking the conical thread as the object of study , a sub-pixel image detection method for the mechanical part linear edge based on the support vector regression was proposed .

  14. 对密封不良的圆锥螺纹副进行分析和计算找出问题所在,改进加工方法和尺寸,获得了良好的密封效果。

    The reason for the leak of sealed taper screw was found through analysis and calculation , after the improvement of machining method and dimension size , the seal effect was fine .

  15. RC1/4圆锥内螺纹的数控铣削

    Numerical control milling of R_C1 / 4 tapered internal screw

  16. 从CT技术入手,探讨了电极圆锥内螺纹的图像检测方法,即在一个系统中实现对工件内部缺陷的检测及几何参数的测量。

    The new method can perform image processing , detect inner false of the work piece and measure geometrical size in one system .

  17. 将CT技术和图像处理技术相结合,提出了电极圆锥内螺纹的无损检测方法。

    In order to perform non-damage measurement on internal taper thread of electrode , a new measurement method based on CT technology and the image processing technology is put forward .

  18. 圆锥管螺纹的螺纹长度组成及选取分析

    An Analysis of the Longitudinal Constitution and Parameter Selection of Taper Pipe Threads

  19. 检测圆锥管螺纹基面中径的方法有很多,但测量过程复杂。

    There are many ways to measure base-level pitch diameter of cone-shaped thread .

  20. 电极圆锥内螺纹的非接触测量

    N on - c on tact Measurement on Internal Taper Thread of Electrode

  21. 提出了电极圆锥内螺纹的图像处理及检测方法。

    A method of the image processing and measurement of the internal taper thread was proposed .

  22. GB/T12716-199160°圆锥管螺纹

    Taper pipe threads with 60 degree

  23. 据此设计的玻璃钢管道和圆锥梯形螺纹的成功应用,对类似设计,具有较强的指导作用。

    It is believed that the successful use of the designed wound pipes and the taper trapezium threads can certainly direct the similar design .

  24. 介绍一种汽车排气管气密性测试仪的压力传感器基座RC1/4圆锥内螺纹的数控铣削工艺,及应用宏程序对RC1/4圆锥内螺纹的数控铣削过程。

    One technics of numerical control milling of R_C1 / 4 tapered internal screw of pressure transducer foundation of airtightness test instrument of automobile trachea and process of numerical control milling on R_C1 / 4 tapered internal screw by applying macrogram is introduced .

  25. 主动圆锥齿轮尾部螺纹热处理工艺的研究

    Research on Heat Treatment Processes for Thread Area of Bevel Drive Gear Screw Part

  26. 浅谈石墨电极圆锥接头外螺纹大端中径及中径锥度检查验收的相关问题

    Questions concerning measurement and test of big-end diameter and its taper of external thread of conical graphite electrode nipple

  27. 建模时将铝合金材料看作是粘塑型、非牛顿、不可压缩的流体以稳态、层流的方式绕过一个旋转的圆锥状带螺纹的探针。

    The mass flow is treated as a flow of a non-Newtonian , incompressible , visco-plastic material during the simulation , passing a rotary threaded tool as laminar flow .

  28. 为解决热处理后主动圆锥齿轮尾部螺纹硬度达不到技术要求的问题,进行了几种热处理工艺试验。

    In order to solve the problem that the hardness of bevel drive gear screw after heat treatment cannot reach the requirement of technology , a series of heat treatment process tests have been conducted .