
  1. 清代河南赊旗镇的商业&基于山陕会馆碑刻资料的考察

    Business at Sheqi Town in the Qing Dynasty Henan : An Observation Based on Tablet Inscriptions at the Guild of Shanxi and Shaanxi

  2. 协商:一种解决土地征收补偿问题的行动选择&以河南省D镇为例

    Deliberation : A Solution to the Problem of Land Expropriation Compensation & By the Example of Land Expropriation at D Town in Henan Province

  3. 河南漯河市召陵镇近日上演了一出“人牛情未了”,为奶牛开追悼会、做法事。

    Luohe Shaoling Town of Henan recently staged a " people cows love unfulfilled ," hold a memorial ceremony for the cows , approach things .

  4. 翌年正月初,赵匡胤在陈桥驿(今河南封丘东南陈桥镇)发动兵变,黄袍加身。并率军人开封,胁迫周恭帝禅位,夺取了皇位。

    In the early first lunar moon of the following year , Zhao Kuangyin , Satrap and Commander of the imperial army , started a mutiny in Chenqiaoyi ( southeast of Fengqiu in Henan ) and led an army into Kaifeng to force Emperor Gong to abdicate his throne to him .