
  • 网络Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine;Henan Tradit Chin Med
  1. 通过两个调查问卷,和大学英语六级测试成绩,经过SPSS软件的统计分析,对河南中医学院2003级研究生医学班的131名学生进行了阅读策略与阅读理解能力相关性的实证研究。

    By means of 2 questionnaires and SPSS analysis of CET-6 grades , we have conducted an evidence research with 131 medical graduate students of the year 2003 in correlation between reading policy and reading comprehension ability .

  2. 河南中医学院幼儿园幼儿蛲虫感染初步调查

    Investigation on pinworm infection in the kindergarten of the medical college

  3. 河南中医学院学报2005年第20卷总目次


  4. 单位:河南中医学院药学院临床中药学实验室。材料:实验于2002-09/11在河南中医学院临床中药学实验室完成。

    SETTING : TCM Clinical Laboratory of Pharmaceutical School , Henan University of TCM .

  5. 河南中医学院在河南省高校中率先实行人事制度改革的三步法。

    Henan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine is the first university in Henan Province to implement reform of human resources system .

  6. 转变观念以人为本强化激励机制&河南中医学院人事制度改革的探索与实践之一

    Changing Modes of Thought , Focusing on Human Resources , Strengthening Excitation Mechanism & Trial and Practice on Reform of the Human Resources System in Henan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  7. 方法:选择2002-06/2004-10在河南中医学院第一、二附属医院及河南省中医研究院门诊就诊的膝骨关节炎患者162例,均签署知情同意书。

    METHODS : 162 outpatients with knee osteoarthritis were selected from the First and Second Hospitals affiliated to Henan Medical College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Henan Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine between June 2002 and October 2004 . All the patients signed the agreement .

  8. 对象:选择1999-01/2004-10在河南中医学院第一附属医院呼吸内科住院的慢性阻塞性肺疾病缓解期患者62例,均自愿参加观察。随机分为2组,观察组、对照组各31例。

    PARTICIPANTS : A total of 62 COPD patients selected from Department of Respiration of the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine from January 1999 to October 2004 , were randomly divided into two groups : Observation group and control group with 31 in each group .

  9. 材料:实验在河南省中医药研究院国家中医管理局三级实验室进行。

    MATERIALS : The experiment was performed in 3rd Grade Laboratory of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine , Henan Academy of Chinese Medicine .

  10. 2000年被列入河南省中医药管理局重点攻关科研项目,二年多来,进行了临床试验、药效学研究、急性毒性实验等。

    It was listed as key scientific research program by Henan Chinese Medicine Bureau in 2000 . Clinical observation , pesticide effect study and rapid toxicity test had been conducted in the past two years .

  11. 河南省某中医院卫生人力资源状况及工作效率研究

    The Study of Human Resource and Efficiency in a TCM Hospital in Henan Province