
  • 网络Henan Education;Education in Henan
  1. 本文以河南教育学院集成管理信息系统(HAIE-IMIS)的建设为背景,探讨了大型MIS建设中的关键步骤。

    Based on the background of HAIE-IMIS ( the Integrated Management Information System of Henan Institute of Education ), several key steps to build a large scale MIS were discussed .

  2. 教育信息化及河南教育发展战略

    IT-Based Education and the Strategy of the Development of Henan Education

  3. 河南教育学院教学综合楼方案设计

    Design of the Teaching Building of Henan Educational Institute

  4. 河南教育事业持续快速健康协调发展的战略选择

    On the Choice of Strategies of the Steady and Sound Development of Henan Education

  5. 朱阳书院是清代河南教育的一个重要窗口。

    Zhuyang Academy was an important window of Henan province education in Qing Dynasty .

  6. 新中国初期河南教育改革与发展的成就及经验

    Maior Achievements and Experiences of Henan Educational Reform and Development in the Early Period of New China

  7. 第三部分即第六章结语,总体概括了清代河南教育发展的地域特征及其对当前教育改革的启示。

    The author summarizes wholly the regional characters of Henan education development in Qing dynasty and the enlightenments on present educational reform .

  8. 介绍河南教育学院教学综合楼设计方案,论述其设计构思与设计手法。

    This thesis introduces the design of the teaching building in Henan Educational Institute , and expounds the idea and methods in the design .

  9. 在此基础上,依托河南省教育科研网的实验环境,利用NetFlow技术实现了一个实时网络流量监测系统,介绍了数据采集、数据接收模块、数据过滤分析模块和用户界面各组成部分的实现细节。

    A realtime network traffic monitoring system is designed and implemented depending on HeNan education and research network , data collection module 、 data receiving module 、 data filtering module 、 user interface is introduced in detail .

  10. 河南高等教育:十年成就、面临困难与发展对策

    Henan High Education : Ten-year Achievements , Difficulties and Developing Methods

  11. 广收人材以资吏治&清前期河南地方教育体系略探

    The local educational system of Henan of early Qing Dynasty

  12. 河南省教育市场的需求分析

    Analysis on the Demand in Henan Province 's Education Market

  13. 入世对河南职业教育发展的影响

    Influence on Development of Vocational Education in Henan Province after China Entered WTO

  14. 河南高等教育与知识社会之建设

    Henan higher education and the construction of knowledge-based society

  15. 河南高等教育境外消费服务贸易的研究

    The research of consumption abroad of international higher education service trade in Henan Province

  16. 第二部分探究河南实业教育发展的状况。

    The development of industrial education in the Henan is studied in the second part .

  17. 中原崛起背景下的河南省教育竞争力研究

    Study on the Educational Competence of Henan in the Background of the Rise of Central Plain

  18. 河南高等教育持续协调发展必须处理好的几个关系

    The Relations that Call for Delicate Handling in Order to Maintain the Sustainable and Harmonious Development of Henan 's Higher Education

  19. 河南实业教育在清末十年实现了从无到有、不断发展的转变。

    Industrial education in the end decade of Qing Dynasty developed from none to many , which was thought to change greater .

  20. 第五部分作出对河南实业教育的初步评价,也是本文的小结。

    The fifth part is a preliminary assessment of industrial education in Henan , which is also the summary of this article .

  21. 河南省教育厅在全省范围集中开展了中小学生思想道德状况网上调查,调查内容涉及政治、思想、道德、法纪、心理、学业、上网、娱乐、家庭、德育等十个方面。

    Department of Education of Henan Province is currently holding an on-line pool investigation about middle and primary school students'mentality and morality status province-wide .

  22. 增加教育的财政投入、健全教育与人力资源开发体系以及完善教育的相关政策,等等,是河南省教育发展战略的重要内容。

    The major education strategy in our province is to increase investment in education , to improve education and human resources development system and to make policies promoting good education .

  23. 主要从三个方面来考察,一是建国前河南的教育落后,广大农民失去了受教育的机会,导致文化水平极低。

    Firstly , due to the backward education in Henan before the founding of PRC , most of peasants lost the opportunity of education , which resulted in low cultural level .

  24. 清末十年河南实业教育蹒跚发展起来,它的积极作用是培养了一批实业人才和实业教员,为河南实业和实业教育做出了贡献,同时也促进了人们传统观念的革新。

    It is the positive aspect that a group of industry professionals and industrial teachers were trained in that decade . It makes a contribution and promotes the traditional concept of innovation .

  25. 2005年3月底,河南省教育厅公布了首批示范性高中名单,同时取消了所有省重点中学称号。

    The education department of Henan province publicized the list of the firstling of demonstrative high school at the end of March , 2005 ; the title ' provincial key school ' was cancelled simultaneously .

  26. 2009年底河南省教育厅发布了《河南省2009-2013年中小学教师继续教育实施意见》,启动实施了新一轮中小学教师继续教育工作。

    In late 2009 , Henan Educational Administration issued " Henan Province Implementation Suggestion of 2009-2013 Continuing Education of the Middle and Primary School Teachers ", which marks the starting of a new cycle of the middle and primary teachers ' continuing education .

  27. 河南省高等教育文献保障体系(HALIS)作为其中的成员馆,从建立到现在,也取得了很大的成效。

    Henan Academic Library & Information System ( HALIS ) as one of the members of the CALIS , from the establishment to the present , also has been a great success .

  28. 河南的中学教育在这一时期尤为得到迅速发展。

    Henan middle school education in this period is particularly rapid development .

  29. 河南省民办教育发展的问题与对策

    The Problems with Development of Non-state Education in Henan and Its Countermeasures

  30. 河南省健康教育机构与人力资源现状调查分析

    Analysis on the status of health education sectors and human resources in Henan