
  1. 中国武术源远流长,博大精深,是中华文化遗产中一颗璀璨的明珠。

    Chinese Wushu has a long history , broad and profound Chinese cultural heritage , is a bright pearl in the .

  2. 《玄中寺组画》的创作构思和绘制技法,是我们本着对敦煌艺术临摹和研究40多年的经验,主要继承中华民族遗产的风格,吸取了敦煌唐宋时代壁画法华经《化城喻品》等艺术风格形成的。

    As Li Chengxian and I had engaged in the study and copying of the Dunhuang Murals for 40-odd years , we did the set of mural paintings of the Mystery Monastery after the techniques and style of the Dunhuang art .

  3. 武术是中华民族文化遗产中一颗绚丽多彩的明珠,历史悠久的民族传统体育项目。

    Martial arts , which is a traditional Chinese sport , is one of the colorful pearl in Chinese cultural heritage .

  4. 骨雕工艺是我国传统民族工艺的一种,是中华民族文化遗产中的一朵奇葩。

    Peony is to be awarded as " National Flower " . Being the hometown of peony , Heze formed her own peony culture .

  5. 青铜器,如酒器、食器、器、器和兵器,使中华民族文化遗产中的珍品,为各国人民所崇仰。

    Bronze ware , including wine vessels , food vessels , musical instruments , water vessels and weapons , is a fine treasure of the Chinese cultural heritage highly respected in the world .

  6. 中国近现代建筑艺术是中华民族的宝贵遗产。

    Chinese modern architecture is our nation 's valuable cultural heritage .

  7. 中国文学是中华民族的宝贵遗产。

    Chinese literature is a rich inheritance of the Chinese race .

  8. 第二,继承中华民族的文化遗产;

    Secondly , we should inherit the cultural property of the people .

  9. 民族文物是中华民族的珍贵遗产,应及时抢救保护。

    We should save and protect these ethnic relics .

  10. 传统武术是中华民族优秀文化遗产,是竞技武术的源泉。

    The traditional Wushu is one of the heritages of Chinese nations , and a source of sports Wushu .

  11. 经典文学作品是文学世界的珍贵遗产。中国文学是中华民族的宝贵遗产。

    Classics are the antiques of the literary world . Chinese literature is a rich inheritance of the Chinese race .

  12. 中医学校式办学为挽救中华民族宝贵医学遗产作出了重大贡献,奠定了解放后中医药事业发展的基础。

    TCM schools make remarkable contributions to save Chinese national treasure and establish the foundation for progress of TCM industry after liberation .

  13. 【中英文摘要】徽州历史文献资源十分丰富,是中华民族精神文化遗产的重要组成部分。

    The historical documents of Huizhou are plentiful and regarded as an important element of the cultural heritage of the Chinese Nation .

  14. 中国古建筑是中华民族的宝贵遗产,也是世界建筑史中不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    Chinese ancient building is the legacy of the Chinese nation , and also important part of in the history of world architecture .

  15. 中国传统服饰刺绣有着悠久的历史和文化底蕴,是中华民族优秀文化遗产的重要组成部分,具有独特的研究价值。

    Chinese traditional attire embroider has a long history and culture contents and it is an important part of Chinese excellent culture heritage , so It has particular researching value .

  16. 在长期的植梅、赏梅过程中所形成的梅文化是中华民族的宝贵遗产,充分利用梅文化资源具有重要的现实意义。

    The plum culture is a precious heritage of china , which formed in the process of Plum Flower appreciation and planting . Make full use of Plum culture resources has important practical significance .

  17. 它坚持团结全国武术工作者和爱好者,调动一切积极因素,继承和发扬中华民族优秀文化遗产&中华武术。

    It insists on uniting all the wushu workers and devotees in the nation . It also brings all he positive factors to play to inherit and develop the excellent cultural heritage of Chinese Nation & wushu .