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  1. 怎么独自站在河边上?

    How come I stand alone by the river ?

  2. 体味这种黄色的苍凉,尤其要到玉龙喀什河边上。

    Comprehend this bleak of loess 's colour , especially on the bank of Kashgar jade-river .

  3. 我便开动脑筋,吩咐星期五叫他们坐在河边上。

    I went to work in my thought , and calling to Friday bid them sit down on the bank .

  4. 她准是想我了,跑到了河边上,用芦苇叶折了条小船。

    It must be her missing me that drove her to the riverside , to make a small boat with reed .

  5. 当记者当晚从国家博物馆返回他们在底格里斯河边上的饭店的时候,正在守卫宾馆的海军陆战队员正在与河对岸的伊拉克人激烈交火。

    As reporters returned from the National Museum to their hotels beside the Tigris tonight , marines guarding the hotels were caught in a heavy firefight with Iraqis across the river , and the neighborhoods erupted with tank and heavy machine-gun fire .

  6. 晚上,罗君坐在河边上吸着烟,以一个艺术家的眼光望着河水--河水里有一轮玫瑰色的月亮,月亮里有一座金碧辉煌的宫殿,宫殿里走出千娇百媚的嫦娥…

    When evenulg came , Mr. Luo sat by the river smoking a cigarette , and gaz-ing at the water with the eyes of an artist . There reflected a rosy moon in thewater . In the moon there was a golden palace , and out of the palace flew thecharming and elegant Chang Er , the moon goddess ....

  7. 因此,我们在恒河畔的瓦拉纳西(Varanasi)仔细寻找河边台阶上的死尸时,一直努力忽视路上许许多多的购物中心和麦当劳薯饼汉堡(McAlooTikki)的广告。

    That 's why we work to screen out the many shopping malls and signs for McAloo Tikki in Varanasi as we search for dead bodies near the ghats ;

  8. 岛上低洼处水深三四英尺,还有伊利诺斯州河边低地上也是这样。

    The water was three or four foot deep on the island in the low places and on the Illinois bottom .

  9. 它哼着小曲,高高兴兴地跑到河边草地上练习高尔夫。

    Singing his favorite little tune , he trotted merrily to the green by the river and began practicing his swings .

  10. 沿着河流乘船逆行两个小时,就可以来到另外两座非同一般的寺庙,它们建在湄公河边岩壁上凿出的岩洞里,已经有千年历史了。

    A couple of hours upriver are two more unusual temples , hidden in caves carved out of the cliffs by the Mekong millennia ago .

  11. 河边小楼上,A姑娘笑了一场,把信揉成一团,扔进了河里,转身继续研究剧本。

    In a small house on the river bank , Miss A let out a contemptuous laughafter reading the letter , crumpled it and threw it into the river . She thentumed to her study .

  12. 他们过去常到河边的沙地上踢球。

    They used to play football on the sand by the river .

  13. 在河边的田野上,我和所爱的人相依偎。

    In a field by the river , my love and I did stand .

  14. 但传闻多多,河边的船上舞会。

    There 's a lot of other rumours . About a shindig down by the river ,

  15. 明亮的黄色树叶挂在林肯公园波普顿河边的树枝上。

    Bright yellow foliage on a tree on the edge of the Pompton River in Lincoln Park .

  16. 那天早晨,他离开了第七棵树,走去坐在哥白兰河边的石栏上。

    That morning he had quitted the seventh tree and had seated himself on the parapet of the River des Gobelins .

  17. 如果有月亮,借着月光,就会看到一个人在小河边的石头上磨刀。

    If there was the moon , under the moonlight , one can see a man sharpening a knife by the river .

  18. 从泰晤士河边的山上俯瞰下来,他的统领地位,似乎是这一带主要建筑的自然风光。

    Its commanding position , on a hill overlooking the Thames , seems the natural place for the principal building in the area .

  19. 不久我便感到又饥又渴;我的第一顿食物是我在河边的树上找到的果子。

    I soon felt hungry and thirsty , and my first food was fruit which I found on some trees near a river .

  20. 他们的小女儿到河边的渡头上;她无休无息地擦洗锅盘。

    Their little daughter goes to the landing-place by the river ; there she has no end of scouring and scrubbing of pots and pans .

  21. 数位冬泳爱好者在叶尼塞河边的雪地上组成数字“2010”,以迎接新年的到来。

    Members of a winter swimming club form a2010 sign in the snow on the bank of the Yenisei River in celebration of the coming of the new year .

  22. 在公园里,在塞纳河边的草地上,我读着巴尔扎克、左拉、科莱特和福楼拜:他们那些描写社会和人性的小说。

    In parks , and on the stretches of grass beside the Seine , I read Balzac and Zola and Colette and Flaubert : 2 novels about society and the human heart .

  23. 他把飞机降落在河边的干草地上。

    He brought the plane down in a hay-meadow by the river .

  24. 那天他走到蓼水河边,正巧碰上了名闻遐迩的智者无名人先生。

    The day when he walked beside Liao Shui River , he happened to meet the widely renowned sage – Mr.

  25. 这天下着小雨,落在地上的雨滴很快被河边树丛旁空地上炎热的土地给吸干了。

    A light rain was falling ; the drops were swallowed immediately by the parched earth around the small clump of trees by the riverside .

  26. 小时候,我经常去离家不远的河边玩耍,河边上生长着很多不知名的植物。

    When I was young , I used to play along the riverside not far away from my house , on which grew a lot of unknown plants .