
  • 网络riparian;Riparian zone
  1. 河岸带(RiparianZone)是位于水-陆生态系统之间的过渡地带,其形态结构的完整性决定了它生态功能和社会功能的多样性以及在流域生态系统中的重要作用。

    Riparian Zone is the interaction of water ecosystem and land Ecosystem , and the integrity of which is critical to watershed ecosystem and diversity of ecological functions , social functions .

  2. 随与河道距离的增加,仅额河南岸Fisher多样性在近河岸带与中河岸带之间差异显著,其余河岸带内各群落特征因子差异均不显著。

    With the increase of distance to the river , there was only significant difference of Fisher diversity between near riparian zone and middle riparian zone in south bank of the Irtysh River .

  3. 上海城市河岸带土壤反硝化潜力巨大,若河岸带的脱N潜力被充分发掘之后,将能在很大程度上缓解城市面源污染中的N素负荷。

    If the soil denitrification potential of removing nitrogen is fully to be explored , the nitrogen pollution load of urban non-point sources will be relieved to a large extent .

  4. 在此基础上,又以长株潭湘江河岸带为实例,对它的现状、景观空间格局进行了详细的分析,并运用地理信息系统(GIS)和制图软件进行了景观分类和景观空间功能分区。

    Moreover , the essay detailedly analyses Xiangjiang River riverside 's sight patterns and plots it out into different sight styles and sight spaces by GIS and some drawing softwares .

  5. 河岸带能通过一系列的物理、化学及生物过程降低来自农田径流中不同形态的N素,起到保护水质的作用。

    The riparian plays a vital role on the protection of surface water quality , they could reduce the different form N concentration from the agricultural land runoff through a series of physical , chemical and biological processes .

  6. 研究河岸带对来自土壤水和地下水中的N素的截留转化作用,能够为保护和治理国家的水环境提供理论依据,为河岸带的健康维护和科学经营提供必要的基础数据。

    Studying the effect of the riparian on the nitrogen in the soil water and groundwater attenuation could offer theory basis for the protecting and fathering water environment and provided necessary data for the maintenance of riparian health and scientific management .

  7. 河岸带去除氮(N)素的机制主要有植物吸收、反硝化、微生物固定等方式,其中反硝化作用能将大部分N素永久性去除,被认为是阻止外界N03-进入河流水体的最有效途径。

    Plant absorption , denitrification , microbial fixation are the main three ways to remove the nitrogen in riparian zones , in which the soil denitrification can permanently remove most of the nitrogen , so denitrification is seen as the most effective way .

  8. 河岸带森林群落建群种的个体年龄及其胸径关系呈现出显著正线性相关趋势,且其年龄结构沿海拔梯度也均呈现出倒J型分布。

    The relationship between the individual age and DBH of the constructive species took on markedly positive linear correlation trend , and the age class structures all took on reversed " J " shape in the riparian forest communities along an altitudinal gradient , too .

  9. 12m宽的草地河岸带或14.5m宽的森林河岸带能够有效的截留转化来自农田土壤水中的硝态氮,对溪流水质的起到很好的保护作用。

    The 12m wide grass riparian and 14.5m wide forest riparian could attenuate the nitrate in the soil water from the agricultural land to protect the water quality .

  10. 以河岸带生态系统管理模型REMM为例,介绍了国外河岸带研究的最新成果。

    This article takes The Riparian Ecosystem Management Model ( REMM ) as an example , introduced the newest achievement of riparian zone abroad .

  11. 对应于远离河岸带的森林内部,包括群落的60%、80%、90%植物种类时的平均最小面积分别为260m2、380m2和480m2左右。

    The corresponding mean minimum areas of non-riparian forest were about 260 m2 , 380 m2 , and 480 m2 ; and the former were smaller than the latter .

  12. 河岸带是森林小流域单元的重要组成部分之一。

    Riparian zone is an important component of small forested watershed .

  13. 河岸带自然度评价与近自然恢复模式研究

    The Research on Riparian Naturalness Evaluation and Close to Nature Restoration

  14. 不同类型河岸带对溪流氮素输入的截留转化效率研究

    Nitrogen Attenuation Efficiency at Difference Types Stream Riparian Buffer Zones

  15. 生态河岸带研究进展与发展趋势

    Advances in research of ecological riparian zones and its trend of development

  16. 稳定同位素技术在河岸带功能研究中的应用

    Application of Stable Isotopes Approach on Riparian Zone Function Research

  17. 三峡库区河岸带复合生态系统研究

    Study on Compound Ecosystem of Riparian Zone in Three Gorges Reservoir Area

  18. 上海地区河岸带结构:类型、分布及改进

    Riparian structure in Shanghai : Types , distribution and improvement

  19. 因此系统地对河岸带生态系统进行研究是非常必要的。

    So it is necessary to evaluate the riparian zone .

  20. 河岸带是一类特殊的生态系统,除具有一般小尺度景观的结构外,还具有自身特殊的景观结构。

    Riparian zone is a special ecosystem which possesses some exclusive landscape structures .

  21. 河岸带研究及其退化生态系统的恢复与重建

    Study on riparian zone and the restoration and rebuilding of its degraded ecosystem

  22. 河岸带社会服务功能评价研究。

    The research of Riparian Zone social function evaluation .

  23. 公众对河岸带社会服务功能认知和期望研究。

    The research of public expectation and cognition on Riparian Zone social function .

  24. 河岸带及其生态重建研究

    A study on riparian area and its ecological rehabilitation

  25. 基于社会服务功能的河岸带建设和规划研究。

    The research of Riparian Zone construction and plan .

  26. 国内外河岸带研究的进展与展望

    Progresses and Perspectives in the Study of Riparian Zone

  27. 神农架山地河岸带中珍稀植物群落特征

    Characteristics of Riparian Rare Plant Communities on the Shennongjia Mountains , Central China

  28. 海河干流中段河岸带功能开发与保护

    Function development and protection of riparian belts along middle stem of Haihe river

  29. 竹林河岸带对氮磷截留转化作用的研究

    Study on Retaining and Transformation of N and P in Bamboo Riparian Buffer Zone

  30. 二道白河河岸带珍稀植物的分布格局

    A Study on Distribution Pattern of the Rare Plant Species Along the Riparian Zone