
jīnɡ bào
  • official gazette of the Qing dynasty
  • official newspaper
京报 [jīng bào]
  • [official newspaper] 清代北京由报房商人发行出售的类似报纸的出版物,用活体木字排印

  1. 据《新京报》(BeijingNews)报道,她的同事们7月16日在电话上表示,不知道她的下落。

    Beijing News reported that her colleagues , reached on July 16 by phone , did not know her whereabouts .

  2. 据国营媒体《新京报》(BeijingNews)上周五报道,国家广播电影电视总局对电视剧制作公司和电视台提出了一些建议。

    The state-run Beijing News reported on Friday that the State Administration of Radio , Film and Television had offered ' suggestions ' to TV production companies and broadcasters .

  3. 另一名人士告诉《新京报》,他所在的国企将新年礼物从往年的iPad降格为牙膏。

    Another told the Beijing News his state-owned company replaced new year gifts such as iPads with toothpaste .

  4. 与此同时,据《新京报》(BeijingNews)报道,李开复已决定在亚马逊(Amazon)上免费提供其自传的英文版,让读者自己去判断是非曲直。

    In the mean time , Beijing news reports that Kai-fu Lee has decided to provide the English version of his biography for free on Amazon ( AMZN ) to allow people to decide for themselves .

  5. 根据新京报的一项调查发现,90%的大学生对HIV有基本了解,但他们却不知道如何正确预范,免受这一致命疾病伤害。

    According to a survey conducted by Beijing News , 90 percent of colleague students have a basic knowledge of HIV , yet know little about how to protect themselves properly from the disease .

  6. 《新京报》消息,今年年底前,WIFI无线网络将在北京五环以内实现全覆盖。

    Beijing will complete Wi-Fi coverage within its Fifth Ring Road before the end of this year , the Beijing News reports .

  7. 新京报(BeijingTimes)报道称,雅培公司(AbbottLaboratories)、达能(Danone)、美赞臣(MeadJohnsonNutrition)以及雀巢旗下的惠氏(WyethNutrition)正受到调查。

    The Beijing Times reported that Abbott Laboratories , Danone and Mead Johnson Nutrition were also involved in the probe , along with Wyeth Nutrition , now owned by Nestl é .

  8. 《新京报》周二报道称,北京市计划在举办亚太经济合作组织(Asia-PacificEconomicandCooperation,简称APEC)高官会议的两周期间,大面积停驶公车。

    The city plans to heavily reduce the use of government vehicles for two weeks while it hosts a meeting of senior officials from the Asia-Pacific Economic and Cooperation forum later this month , the Beijing News reported Tuesday .

  9. 据《新京报》报道,近日在北京举行的2016现代化铁路技术装备展览会上,配备测试版免费WiFi服务的高铁列车和其他新型列车一起亮相。

    High-speed trains with experimental free Wifi service , among other newly designed trains , are on display during the ongoing Modern Railways 2016 railway equipment fair in Beijing , the Beijing Times reported .

  10. 据《新京报》报道,截至今年5月(16日),全球共有20多个国家报告总计1150例MERS病例,包括沙特阿拉伯、英国、法国、马来西亚以及美国。

    By May , 1,150 MERS cases had been reported in over 20 countries , including Saudi Arabia , the UK , France , Malaysia and the US , The Beijing News reported .

  11. 在邵飘萍创办的独立报纸《京报》中,以《京报副刊》最为有名。

    The Peking Press Supplement is the most prominent in Peking Press .

  12. 《新京报》称他们的生活方式似乎与科技天生就是一体;

    The Beijing News said their lifestyles seem naturally integrated with technology ;

  13. 《新京报》称,两人可能将面临刑事指控。

    The duo could face potential criminal charges , theBeijing News said .

  14. 据《新京报》的一名记者表示,外国留学生也不得不坐在地上用餐。

    A reporter for Beijing News said foreign students also have to sit on the ground .

  15. 《新京报》报道,消费者合同的“细则”经常包含“霸王条款”。

    The small print in consumer contracts increasingly contains unfair clauses , the Beijing News reported .

  16. 《新京报》与焦点网联合调查:公积金房贷难不难?

    " Xin Jing bao " with the focus network joint investigation : provident fund loans displays ?

  17. 【篇二】《北京拟定垃圾分类法》据“新京报”报道,北京市政府已宣布计划于周一立法进行垃圾分类。

    The Beijingmunicipal government has announced plans to legislate garbage sorting on Monday , reports Beijing News .

  18. 《新京报》报道称,据知情人士透露,王菲与李亚鹏的婚姻早在一年前便已出现危机。

    Beijing News cited an " insider " as saying the couple 's problems began a year ago .

  19. 据《新京报》报道,信阳师范学院已经以该方式出租了三间教室。

    According to The Beijing News , Xinyang Normal University has let out three classrooms in this way .

  20. 唐苗苗告诉《新京报》她相信很多男人只是在寻找性。

    Tang Miaomiao told the Beijing News she believed many of the men were just looking for sex .

  21. 据《新京报》报道,优衣库表示,公司没有任何工作人员遭到拘留。

    Uniqlo said that none of its staff members were among those detained , The Beijing News reported .

  22. 根据新京报周二报道,“山寨”应用正在日益威胁着毫无防备的手机用户。

    Fake apps are posing a growing threat to unsuspecting mobile phone users , the Beijing Times reported Tuesday .

  23. 据《新京报》报道,昨日傍晚京城有雨,交通出现两年以来最遭状况。

    Beijing 's traffic reached its worst in two years during yesterday 's rainy evening , Beijing News reported .

  24. 根据新京报报道,一名29岁的护士因故意伤害未婚夫而被上海法院拘留受审。

    A 29-year old nurse stood trial at a court in Shanghai over suspected intentional homicide , Beijing Times reports .

  25. 北京市民政局一位不愿透露姓名的官员告诉新京报记者,北京所有墓地将在2050年用完。

    An anonymous official with the BMCAB told The Beijing News that Beijing will run out of tombs by 2050 .

  26. 《新京报》报道,中国一家公司日前开始在广东省惠州市整体复制奥地利哈施塔特村。

    Chinese firm has started to clone the Austrian village Hallstatt in Huizhou , Guangdong province , the Beijing News reported .

  27. 据《新京报》报道,今后我国中考、高考将考察法治知识内容。

    Legal knowledge will be included in high school and college entrance exams in the future , the Beijing News reported .

  28. 她的同学,24岁的韩旭阳(音译),也在《新京报》国际事务处找到了一份记者工作。

    Her classmate , Han Xuyang , 24 , also landed a reporting job on the international desk of The Beijing News .

  29. 《新京报》报道,爆炸后北京首都机场启动应急方案,目前无其他人在爆炸中受伤。

    The Beijing News reports nobody else was injured in an explosion at the airport which declared an emergency following the blast .

  30. 据《新京报》报道,今年我国高校毕业生达765万人,创历史新高。

    The number of university graduates reached 7.65 million in 2016 , hitting a new historic high , the Beijing News reported .