
  • 网络jingdong mall;buy;btc
  1. 最后采用Vague理论模型,并结合京东商城物流运营数据,推算出京东商城发展第三方物流的切实可行性。

    At last Vague theory combined the Jingdong Mall logistics operational data raise Jingdong Mall develop the third-party logistics is feasible in theory .

  2. 但是京东商城未必会寻找别处上市。

    But Jingdong Mall is unlikely to look to list elsewhere .

  3. 京东商城是中国的一家电子商务网站,增长十分迅猛,全球投资者排着队等着给它投资【它有点像亚马逊(Amazon)和新鲜直送(FreshDirect)的混搭版】。

    Sure , Liu could claim that he had foreseen the rise of China and the Internet explosion , and that he had brilliantly found a way to capitalize on both trends .

  4. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba)、京东商城(JD.com)等大型电商公司一直在投入巨资建设物流体系,以实现更快速的商品投递。

    Big e-commerce companies , including Alibaba and JD.com , have been investing heavily in building logistics systems to support faster delivery times .

  5. 为进一步增强电子商务方面的能力,腾讯本月宣布了收购中国第二大电子商务公司京东商城(JD.comInc.)15%股权的交易。

    To further bolster its e-commerce capabilities , Tencent this month announced a deal to buy a 15 % stake in JD.com Inc. , China 's second-largest e-commerce firm .

  6. 比如中国网络巨头腾讯公司(Tencent)最近刚刚收购了京东商城(JD.com)15%的股权,后者是中国第二大电子商务网站。这笔交易的目的是为了在微信这款热门应用中添加移动支付功能。

    Tencent , the Chinese Internet giant , recently bought 15 percent of JD . com , the second largest e-commerce website in China , with the intention of adding a mobile payment function to its hugely popular WeChat platform .

  7. 电器零售领域的竞争今年已经走到了价格大战的境地,线上零售商京东商城(Jing-dongMall,之前名为360Buy)提出了将电器毛利率砍至零点的口号。

    Competition in electric appliances reached price-war proportions this year when online retailer Jing-dong Mall , formerly known as 360 Buy , offered to cut its gross margin on appliances to zero .

  8. 本月,法国奢侈品企业路威酩轩集团(LVMH)旗下的国际美妆零售商丝芙兰(Sephora)选择在阿里巴巴的对手京东商城(JD.com)上开设首家在华线上商店,称此举在一定程度上是出于打击假货的考虑。

    This month , global beauty retailer Sephora , part of French luxury goods group LVMH , chose Alibaba 's rival JD.com to host its first online store in China , citing in part concerns over fighting fakes .

  9. 各家网上零售商近期已发动传统的价格战,这意味着,即便是京东商城(360buy)这样的业内大公司,也很难将其在互联网电子零售领域的市场份额转化为利润。

    Online retailers have recently waged a classic price war , making it difficult for even the biggest players , such as 360buy , to turn market share in Internet electronics retail into profits .

  10. 京东商城集团(360buy)准备加大收购力度,此举强化了外界对于该集团谋求上市的预期。此前人们曾猜测,京东计划赴美上市,筹资至少10亿美元。以交易额计,京东是中国第二大网上零售商。

    The group-360buy-that runs Jingdong Mall , China 's second-largest online retailer by transaction value , is preparing to ramp up acquisitions , adding to speculation about its plans to raise at least $ 1bn via a US listing .

  11. 京东商城也不甘落后。

    Jingdong mall also unwilling to lag behind .

  12. 它可能会为京东商城在未来几年的上市铺平道路。

    It is likely to pave the way for a stock-market listing in the next few years .

  13. 京东商城占据了其中18%的份额,落后于淘宝商城的49%。

    Jing Dong Mall accounts for 18 per cent of that , behind TMall with 49 per cent .

  14. 京东商城提供40万种产品,包括婚纱礼服、定制服装、中文图书、消费电子以及服装。

    It offers 400,000 products including wedding dresses , tailor-made clothes , Chinese language books , consumer electronics and apparel .

  15. 中国在线零售商京东商城出售从剃须刀、蒸锅到智能手机等所有商品,而且其并不缺乏雄心壮志。

    Chinese online retailer Jingdong Mall , which sells everything from shavers to steamers to smartphones , is not short on ambition .

  16. 比如京东商城的当日送达(取决于下单的时间)通常就是靠骑车的快递小哥来送货。

    360buy , for example , offers same-day delivery ( depending on when the order is placed ) often via bike messenger .

  17. 第二步,京东商城将家电下乡产品直接送到农民家中,并且全部免运费;

    The2nd pace , beijing east the store sends product of home appliance go to the countryside in farmer home directly , and avoid freight entirely ;

  18. 对大多数企业来说,这种增速是求之不得的,但忙于打造送货网络的京东商城还没有任何盈利迹象。

    Most businesses would die for that , but there are as yet no signs of profits at 360 Buy as it builds a delivery network .

  19. 中国互联网企业家刘强东是国内最大电子商务公司之一京东商城的创始人。

    Richard Liu is a Chinese Internet entrepreneur . He is the founder of JD.com or Jingdong Mall , one of the leading e-commerce firms in China .

  20. 自2009年,阿里巴巴推出了光棍节狂购节的营销活动后,这个活动增长迅猛,现在很多其他商家也加入了这个营销活动,比如对手京东商城。

    Singles Day has grown tremendously since it was started by Alibaba in 2009 , and now includes many retailers such as rivals JD.com that stage sales promotions .

  21. 中国最大的电子商务公司阿里巴巴集团在4月用5.86亿美元购买了微博18%的股份,击退了竞争对手如腾讯和京东商城。

    China 's largest e-commerce company Alibaba Group purchased 18 percent stake in Weibo for US $ 586 million in April to fend off rivals such as Tencent and 360Buy.com .

  22. 中国的腾讯控股有限公司与京东商城通过建立合作伙伴关系,加强了其在社交电商方面的合作,以此来改造中国传统的营销和广告行业。

    China 's Tencent Holdings Ltd and JD.com Inc are strengthening their ties in social e-commerce by creating a joint partnership to reshape the country 's traditional marketing and advertising industry .

  23. 由于未能吸引到奢侈品品牌入驻京东商城,该公司开始允许它们在其网站上自行开展交易,给予它们对自身品牌及价格以更大的控制权。

    After failing to attract luxury brands to its mall , it has begun allowing them to do their own trading on its site , giving them more control over their brands and prices .

  24. 路易威登中国区相关人士表示,在中国境内,路易威登只会邀请顾客去直营专卖店选购商品,没有授权包括京东商城在内的任何形式的网购渠道。

    Louis Vuitton China said the company has not authorized any website such as 360buy.com to sell LV products online in China and the company only invites customers to buy products in offline stores .

  25. 京东商城现有的手工优化方法已经无法支撑大量页面的优化工作,优化工作的质量也难以保证,这种情况严重制约了网站用户体验的提高。

    The manual method of Jingdong Mall has been unable to optimize a large number of webpages . The quality of optimization is also difficult to ensure that has seriously hampered the improvement of website user experience .

  26. 因此,京东商城开发团队迫切需要建立一个网站性能动态优化系统,这样即能解放网站前端开发人员大量的重复性工作,又能使页面优化工作井然有序。

    Therefore , development team of Jingdong Mall has an urgent requirement to establish a dynamic optimization system to improve the web site performance . The system is able to liberate the front-end web developers from lots of duplicate works .

  27. 京东商城在中国是计算机,通讯产品,消费电子产品市场最大的网购专业平台,是中国电子商务领域非常受消费者喜欢和最具影响力的电子商务网站之一。

    Jingdong Mall is the computer , communications products in China , consumer electronics market is the largest online shopping platform , is the China electronic commerce is subject to consumers one of the love and the most influential e-commerce website .

  28. 另外,京东商城还有一个“100分钟政策”,如果顾客投诉一款产品,那么快递人员会在收到投诉后的1小时40分钟内返回顾客的门前。

    Further , the company has a " 100-minute policy " : if a customer has any complaints about a product , a delivery person will be back at his doorstep within an hour and 40 minutes after the complaint is lodged .

  29. 在确定指标权重后,以京东商城和亚马逊中国作为案例分析,通过模糊综合评价法计算消费者对这两个网站物流配送的满意值,进行对比分析。

    According to the index weights and making Jingdong mall and Amazon China as the cases , the thesis calculates the value of the consumer satisfaction to the logistics distribution of the two sites by Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation ( FCE ), and makes a comparative analysis .

  30. 化妆品零售商丝芙兰日前在北京宣布,在阿里巴巴的竞争对手京东商城上开设了网络旗舰店,一部分原因是:确保中国消费者购买的彩妆产品是正品。在中国,化妆品市场约20%的份额被假货充斥着。

    Cosmetics retailer Sephora announced today in Beijing that it opened an online " flagship " store on JD.com , Alibaba 's rival , in part to reassure Chinese consumers they are buying authentic make-up in a country where around up to 20 % of the cosmetics market is counterfeit .