
wǎnɡ mín
  • netizen;cybernaut
  1. 最终,无锡全市共有5亿网民接入了基于IPv6的互联网。

    As a result , a total of 500 million netizen in the city have access to IPv6-based Internet .

  2. 最近贵网站的点击率上升,进入网民,争做品牌,一定要有LOGO,易与让人接受。

    Recently your website 's click rate rises , enters the netizen , to become the brand , must have LOGO , easy and acceptable .

  3. 尽管像脸书这类公司获得了网民的关注,从广告商那里产生了收益,但是其他的技术却没有此种计划。

    While companies like Facebook harvest attention to generate revenue from advertisers , other technologies have no such agenda .

  4. 据中国互联网中心的信息显示,截至2016年12月底,中国的青少年网民数量约为1.7亿。

    Information from China Internet Center shows that the number of teenage Internet users in China had been about 170 million by the end of December , 2016 .

  5. 另外,你不需要大做广告,因为成千上万的网民会浏览你的网站。

    You need not advertise much because thousands of people will browse2 your webpage .

  6. 不久,中国网民以及政府机构纷纷谴责“影响极坏的熊猫烧香”

    Soon Chinese Internet users , including government agencies , were decrying the ' poisonous panda .

  7. 4.他的慈善行为受到网民们的赞扬,被全国主要报纸和网站刊载。

    His charitable act was hailed by netizens and carried by major newspapers and Web sites across the country .

  8. 据英国最近一项针对1600位网民所做的调查显示,网怒现象处于上升态势,主要表现为易怒,甚至有攻击倾向。这里的攻击倾向倒不一定是针对身边的人,多半表现为砸键盘以及猛击鼠标。

    According to a recent survey of 1600 Internet users in the UK , web rage is on the increase , causing short-temperedness and even physical aggression bashing of keyboards and over-zealous mouse-clicking !

  9. 公开信表示:2021年6月,一批中国网民曾经联署了一封公开信,要求世界卫生组织调查美国德特里克堡生物实验室。

    A group of Chinese netizens drafted a joint open letter to ask the WHO to investigate the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases ( USAMRIID ) at Fort Detrick in June .

  10. 周五公布的一份关于中国互联网发展的报告指出,截至2019年6月中国网民数量达到8.54亿,互联网普及率达到61.2%。

    The number of internet users in China had hit 854 million as of June 2019 , with the internet availability rate reaching 61.2 percent , according to a report on China 's internet development released Friday .

  11. 但根据中国互联网络信息中心(ChinaInternetNetworkInformationCenter)的数据,仅去年一年,中国网民数量就增长了24%,达到1.37亿人。

    But last year alone China 's internet population increased by 24 per cent to 137m people online , according to the China Internet Network Information Center .

  12. 这些参与其中的网民被称为大众生产参与者(Peerproducer)。

    And the web users participated in peer production were called peer producer .

  13. 中文Google和百度是大陆网民最常使用的两个中文搜索引擎,因此对其检索效率的比较分析就显得格外重要。

    Chinese Google and Baidu are two popular search engines in our Chinese users . So it is important to analyse their retrieval efficiency .

  14. (并不是每一个人都买得起iPhone,但是谷歌对所有网民都是免费的)。

    ( Not everybody can afford an iPhone , but Google is free to anyone with internet access ) .

  15. 长期看来,人均GDP、网络教育用户、上网计算机数与宽带网民规模都对网络教育规模产生积极作用。

    Per capita GDP , network education user , Internet computer Numbers and broadband Internet users on the network education scale scale produced positive role .

  16. 随着网民与日俱增,特别是,随着移动设备的广泛使用,使用移动设备来访问Internet资源已经成为一种趋势。

    As the popularity of Internet grows with each passing day , especially , with moving mass use of equipment , use mobile devices to visit Internet resources to become a kind of trend .

  17. 结论:SARS应激下,害怕程度高的、生活习惯改变大的、使用情绪中心应对多的网民,心境状况显著差;

    CONCLUSION : Netizens who fear SARS very much , change living habits greatly and use more emotion focused coping have worse mood status under the stress of SARS ;

  18. 然而,随着网民数量的急剧增加,区分IP地址的来源在许多互联网应用或对安全要求较高的企事业单位是非常重要的关注内容。

    However , with the incredibly increasing of the number of net-citizen , distinguishing sources of IP is an important concerned contents for many applications of Internet as well as enterprises who need high demands of Internet security .

  19. 温布拉德称,Wrapp和Groupon一样,会让网民们走进实体店。

    Like Groupon , wrapp will drive online denizens to brick-and-mortar stores , says winbladh .

  20. 就在上个月,深受网民喜欢的在线游戏CandyCrushSaga背后的开发公司KingDigitalEntertainment,申请在美国进行首次公开发行(IPO),希望筹资逾5亿美元。

    Just last month King Digital Entertainment , the developer behind the addictive online game Candy Crush Saga , filed for an initial public offering in the US with the hope of raising more than $ 500m .

  21. 特别是近几年3G技术的不断成熟与应用使得手机上网突破了网络通信速度的瓶颈后,我国手机网民数量迅速增长,使用手机进行随时、随地的移动式学习的用户也越来越多。

    With the rapid development of the network technology and mobile communication technology , especially after the bottleneck of network communication speed of mobile Internet has been broken through by 3G technology , the number of mobile netizen experiences a rapid growth in our country .

  22. 从最早的ICQ、AIM到近来的OICQ、MSNMessenger、YahooMessenger等都拥有数千万甚至数亿的用户群,即时通信似乎已经成为网民的必备工具。

    From the earliest ICQ , AIM to recent OICQ , MSN Messenger 、 YAHOO Messenger etc all own the few ten million to even count hundred million of customer . Instant Communication have already become a must tool of the user .

  23. 随着支付手段、信用评价、物流系统等配套设施的逐步完善,以及数量不断增加的网民对网络购物的逐渐接受和认可,C2C电子商务市场的规模正在不断扩大。

    With the means of payment , credit evaluation , logistics systems , the gradual improvement of facilities , as well as a growing number of Internet users in the gradual acceptance of online shopping and recognition , the size of C2C e-commerce market is expanding .

  24. youtube发言人克里斯戴尔(chrisdale)表示,该公司不针对传言或猜测置评,但他补充称:“我们希望扩大我们与电影公司的良好关系以及我们向网民提供的视频的选择和类型。”

    Chris Dale , a YouTube spokesman , said the company did not comment on rumour or speculation , but added : " we hope to expand on both our great relationship with movie studios and on the selection and types of videos we offer our community . "

  25. 截止2008年12月,中国博客(blogger)数量已达到1.62亿人,占整体网民数量的54.3%,且博客的活跃度有所提高,半年内更新过博客的比重较2007年底提高了11.7%。

    Since the December of 2008 , the number of bloggers in China had come to 162 million and taken 54.3 % of overall netizens . Comparing to the end of 2007 , the updating degree of blog in a half year has increased 11.7 % .

  26. 机遇与挑战&对大学生网民思想政治教育的思考

    Opportunity and Challenge & Emphasis on College Interneters ′ Ideological Education

  27. 本文的创新点主要有:对网民特征的深入分析;对宽带业务发展存在问题的深入诊断;

    The thorough diagnosis to the problem in the broadband business ;

  28. 但他跟一般的中国“网民”不一样。

    But he is not the average Chinese " netizen " .

  29. 全球有十分之一的人口成为网民。

    One tenth of population in the world is Internet users .

  30. 这里是几个普通美国网民对撞机事件的看法,希望有点意思。

    There are some view points of ordinary US people online .