
  1. 基于EJB设计模式的网上物流系统的设计

    Design of Web Logistics System Based on EJB Design Patterns

  2. 着重介绍了基于J2EE构架的EJB设计模式,并描述了一个基于该模式的网上物流系统应用模型,对该模型系统结构和设计模式进行了详细地论述。

    This article especially introduces EJB design patterns based on J2EE architecture , describes a Web logistics system based on these patterns , and disserts the logistics system 's architecture and design patterns in detail .

  3. 电子支付是网上物流系统能有序开展业务的基础。

    Electronic payment is the foundation that the online logistics system can launch the business in order .

  4. 电子商务的最终目的是实现网上物流,货币流和信息流三位一体。

    The ultimate aim is to achieve e-commerce online logistics , money flow and information flow Trinity .

  5. 再次,论文详细阐述了系统的需求,具体介绍了网上物流系统的设计及其实现。

    Again , the paper illustrates the system demand , introduced concretely online logistics system design and implementation .

  6. 在这个日益变平的世界上,网上物流给我们带来的是更多层面的价值。

    In an increasingly flattening world , brought to us by online logistics aspects of the value is more .

  7. 网上物流,就是基于互联网技术,旨在创造性的推动物流行业发展的新商业模式;

    E-Logistics , is based on Internet technology , designed to promote the creative development of the logistics industry , new business models ;

  8. 经过大量调查研究,发现目前网上物流系统中存在的两个难题:运费的安全电子支付问题和货主与车主之间的信任问题。

    Through making investigations in a large amount , find two difficult problems existing in online logistics system at present : the secure electronic payment problem of the freight charges and the trust problem during owner of cargo and car owner .

  9. 网上超市物流配送体系研究

    Research on Logistic Distribution System of Online Supermarket

  10. 此次研究是理论研究和实例研究的结合,为校园网上商店物流配送队伍的建设、终端配送实例研究的充实、理论体系的完善注入新的探索。

    Finally to inject new exploration for the campus online shop logistics team building , enrich the terminal distribution applied research , improve the theoretical system .

  11. B2C网上书店图书物流配送模式研究

    Research on Book Distribution Model of B2C Online Bookstore

  12. 文章把网上购物的物流服务质量分解成多个维度层次进行分析,然后将其与网上购物顾客满意度、忠诚度、信任度建立关系,分析物流服务质量对网购行为存在的关系。

    This paper divides the logistics service quality of online shopping into multiple dimensions of levels to analysis , then establishes a relation between the logistics service quality with the customer satisfaction , loyalty , and the trust relationship .

  13. 阐述了有形商品网上商务活动的物流配合以及电子商务对物流的影响,并对基于电子商务的物流营销体系构建方略进行了探讨。

    The paper discusses the logistics cooperation of business activities in the tangible business network and the influence of E-commerce on logistics as well as the establishing tactics of logistics marketing system .