
  • 网络network chain;HNC;XD-WD
  1. 本文从应急反应参与者所构成的知识交互供需网链角度出发,提出了一种基于知识供应通路的敏捷性评价方法(PAE)。

    From the perspective of the network chain of supply and demand composed by emergency departments , we present a path based on agility evaluation methods ( PAE ) for knowledge supplies .

  2. 聚丁二烯橡胶的高聚物-溶剂相互作用参数和有效网链密度的测定

    Determination of Polymer-Solvent Interaction Parameter and Effective Network Chain Density of Polybutadiene Rubber

  3. 理论计算了两种凝胶的有效交联密度(eυ)和网链分子量(Mc)。

    The effective cross-linking density (υ __e ) and the molecular mass between crosslinking points ( M_c ) were calculated .

  4. 网链连续式铜管光亮退火炉的开发

    Development of Continuous Copper Tubes Bright Annealing Furnace of Mesh Belt in China

  5. 基于知识网链的供应链决策系统

    Decision System of Supply Chain Based on Knowledge-net Chain

  6. 产业耦联生态文明网链结构系统构想

    An Outline of Net and Chain Structure System of Industry Mutually Restricting and Coupling and Ecological Civilization

  7. 它们的范围从链接链,网链,绳链,电缆链和蛇链。

    They range from the link chains , mesh chains , rope chains , cable chains and snake chains .

  8. 聚合物溶液的自由能变联系着聚合物分子网链结构变形的回复推动力,即热力学力。

    The polymer solution with the similar deformation degree has the bigger free energy change with higher networking chain number .

  9. 在这个网链结构中,成品油的统一调度运输和物流配送将起到至关重要的作用。

    In the chain network structure , the unity of refined oil scheduling transportation and distribution will play a crucial role .

  10. 聚合物分子网链结构在通过岩心时发生形变,引起聚合物溶液自由能的变化。

    The structure of polymer molecular net chain can change through the core sample causes the polymer fluid free energy change .

  11. 对这些文本网链的描述与分析,从一个方面揭示出钱锺书的文学批评与西方互文性理论的对话关系。

    To describe and analyze these networks and chains can help reveal the dialogic relationship between Ch'ien Chung-shu 's literary criticism and western Intertextuality .

  12. 然后分析了供应链企业间的合作关系,介绍了供应链的网链结构模式,着重分析了供应商关系管理。

    Then , supply chain partnership is analyzed , the network constructure mode of the supply chain is produced , and supply relationship management is emphasized .

  13. 对纯物质和共混物进行的热力学分析表明,凝胶弹性模量随温度的变化受到热效应和网链数变化两个因素的影响。

    Moreover , the elastic force of two pure substances and their blend was analyzed thermodynamically , with two effects of Young 's modulus on temperature .

  14. 农业产业链是一个能够将农户、加工企业、物流企业、批发商、销售商以及消费者等行为主体有机地联系起来的网链结构。

    Agri-chain is a network structure that can organically link the farmers , processing companies , logistics companies , wholesalers , retailers , consumers other actors .

  15. 聚合物高分子溶液具有网链结构,运动中显示出的黏弹效应直接关系相界面能量转换。

    The polymer solution has the net chain structure , it shows the effect of viscoelasticity in the movement which directly relates to the interface energy conversion .

  16. 鲜活农产品供应链是指在鲜活农产品生产、流通过程中所涉及到的生产资料供应商、生产商、分销商、零售商以及最终消费者连成一体的功能网链结构模式。

    The fresh and live agricultural product supply chain consists of suppliers , producers , distributors , retailers , and consumers . It is fused function network model .

  17. 在供应链网链基础上,形成技术创新网络,有利于加快技术创新的进程,提高企业的市场占有率。

    To construct technological innovation networks based on supply chain networks , it is helpful to accelerate the process of technological innovation and improve the occupation of marketplace .

  18. 供应链是生产及流通过程中涉及将产品或服务提供给最终用户活动的上游与下游企业所形成的网链结构。

    Supply chain is a chain which is composed of upstream enterprises and downstream enterprises offering products and services to end users in the process of production and circulation .

  19. 介绍国内开发、改进网链连续式钢管光亮退火炉的必要性及该炉型的用途、性能、结构和特点。

    This paper describes briefly the necessity of developing ( or improving ) continuous copper tubes Bright Annealing Furnace of Mesh Belt and its application , properties , structure and feature .

  20. 针对信息、过程与功能3要素关联分析与表达的需要,提出并实现了一种基于功能网链及其共栖网链的形式化表达与分析方法。

    To deal with requirements of association analysis and representation among information , process and function , a formalized expression and integration analysis approach was proposed based on function network and commensalisms-function-network .

  21. 当填充量达到一定程度时,炭黑粒子之间开始相互作用,在体系中形成了类似链状和网状的形态,称为导热网链。

    When the filling amount has reached certain degree , the carbon is interacted each other , the net and similar chain is formed in the system , which is called thermal conductivity net chain .

  22. 知识链是基于知识流在管理主体间的转移与扩散而实现知识的集成与创新,具有价值增值功能的网链结构模式。

    Knowledge chain is the realization of knowledge integration and innovation based on the transfer and diffusion of knowledge flow among management entities . It is a networked chain structure pattern having value increment function .

  23. 零售北供应链集成了网链上不同企业相关优势资源,实现了企业间的优势互补,提高了企业应变能力、对市场需求的快速响应能力、竞争能力以及新产品开发能力等。

    Retail supply chain integrates the different business-related advantages of the chain of resources to achieve the complementary advantages between enterprises , improves business resilience and rapid response to market demand , competitiveness and new product development capability .

  24. 供应链管理的核心在于对链上成员的有效整合,其范畴涵盖从原材料采购到产品送达整个过程,是由多个成员企业组成的网链结构。

    The key to the supply chain management is the effective integration among the members since the supply chain which consists of the complete processes from the material procurement to the product delivery is a network chain of multiple enterprises .

  25. 供应链管理是近年来兴起的一种围绕核心企业,通过信息流、物流、资金流将供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商直到最终消费者连成一个功能网链结构的集成管理模式。

    Recently supply chain management become more and more popular , it is integration management mode that surround core enterprise , which is functional network structure that is compose with supplier , manufacturer , wholesaler and consumer by information flow , material flow and financial flow .

  26. 供应链是指企业与其供应商、供应商的供应商,以此向前直到最初的供应商,以及与其销售商、销售商的销售商,按此向后直到最终用户之间的关系网链。

    Supply chain is an enterprise with their suppliers , suppliers of suppliers , in order to move up to the original suppliers , as well as with vendors , vendors , vendors , click here to back until the end-user network of relationships between the chains .

  27. 从分析供应链网链模型的原则入手,将其应用于汽车业供应链中,并从资金流、物流(或服务流)和信息流的角度,分析了汽车业供应链网链模型的特点。

    After the analysis of the principles of the Supply Chain Network Model ( SCNM ), this paper attempts to apply the model to the automobile industry and then analyze the character of SCNM of the automobile industry considering flows of material , service , information and capital .

  28. 通过用高能电子束对高性能聚乙烯纤维进行辐射交联,研究了辐射对纤维样品的溶胀度、交联网链平均分子量、交联度和力学性能的影响。

    The high performance polyethylene fibers have been crosslinked by the electron beam radiation . The effect of the radiation on the average molecular weight between two crosslinking points , the crosslink density , the equilibrum degree of swelling , and the mechanical properties of the fibers has been studied .

  29. 首先在企业中自觉培养供应链管理的意识,使企业集中资源于核心业务,通过与其他企业结成高效的供应网链,以谋求更强的竞争力,同时实现资源的最优化配置。

    First , consciously cultivate awareness of supply chain management in the enterprise to enable enterprises to concentrate its resources on its core business , to form networks and efficient supply chain with other firms in order to seek more competitive , while achieving the most optimal allocation of resources .

  30. 所谓鱼类生物操纵(biomanipulation),即通过改变处于食物网、链顶端鱼类的组成,影响河道营养物质水平,达到改善水质的目的。

    The biomanipulation of fish was to effect nutritious substance in rivers to improve water quality by changing the composition of fish which lied in the tope of food web .