
  1. 目前,网络营销理论还处于发展阶段,但可以肯定的是其理论基础来自于传统的市场营销理论,尤其是以消费者需求为导向的4C理论。

    Now , e-market theory is still developing , but what is certain is that the theory come form traditional marketing theory , especially consumer demand-oriented 4C theory .

  2. 文章试图将网络营销理论引入信息服务领域,找出二者最佳结合点,从而促进信息服务企业在市场竞争中的进一步发展。

    The thesis combines various processes of Internet Marketing with information service by introducing the Internet Marketing theory into the information field , which intends to promote the development of information service enterprises .

  3. 因此,本论文采用图书e-供应链为例,将供应链管理的思想和网络营销理论相结合,即从供应链管理思想的角度去研究网络营销具有一定的理论价值和实际意义。

    As a result , this paper takes book 's supply chain for example to study on cyber-marketing from the whole supply chain , and this will lead to better academic and practical value .

  4. 网络营销理论是适应网络经济时代的传统市场营销理论的发展和应用,是一个需要结合实践不断探索和研究的领域。

    E-marketing theory is the development and application of traditional marketing theory in order to fix in with net economy , and it is also a new realm which need to be explored and researched through marketing practice .

  5. 其次,认识了网络营销的理论基础,及电子商务理论、网络营销理论、网络营销管理理论和STP战略理论。

    Secondly , this paper explains the theoretical basis of network marketing , e-commerce , network marketing , marketing management and STP strategy .

  6. 文章第五部分创新营销理论4C组合&网络整合营销理论结合网络市场营销的特点,介绍和总结了以舒尔兹教授为代表的一批营销学者从顾客需求的角度出发,提出的4C组合市场营销理论。

    Combination the characters of Cyber-marketing , the fifth part of this article " Innovative Marketing Theory 4C Combination - Integrated Cyber-marketing " introduces and summarizes " 4C Combination " brought forward by some marketing scholars .

  7. 网络营销定价理论分析

    The Theory Analysis of Pricing in Cyber Marketing

  8. 就我个人的理解来看,网络营销很多理论来源于市场营销理论,但是区别于市场营销理论。

    As I see it , E-marketing bases its theories on but differ from the traditional marketing .

  9. 指出网络整合营销理论的决策过程是一个双向的链,一个闭环过程。

    It points out that decision-making process of Integrated Cyber-marketing is a bi-directional chain and a close loop process .

  10. 文章第三部分根据网络营销学理论和服务型企业服务营销7要素分析了指导天极网校构架网络营销体系的网络整合营销策略;

    The third part analysed the practice of net integrated marketing strategy by the theory of on-line marketing and the 7 factors of service marketing .

  11. 现代电子商务、网络营销等理论和技术的发展使得信息技术在各领域都得到大规模应用,全球贸易极速发展。

    The development of modern e-commerce , internet marketing theory and technology make IT applied in various fields , the development of global trade is in a rapid speed .

  12. 但遗憾的是,目前网络营销的理论和应用研究多局限在以企业为中心的营销模式而很少从整个供应链的角度去考虑网络营销。本文将尝试从整个供应链的角度去研究网络营销。

    However , it is a pity that the theory and application of cyber-marketing is not sound one that usually thinks everything from the angle of an enterprise other than the whole supply chain .

  13. 第二章主要就国际营销策略理论发展的历史和现状作了阐述,指出我国营销策略理论的现状和存在的问题,并提出建立网络营销策略理论体系的迫切性。

    Chapter two reflects on historical and current international web marketing strategic theories , and explores the problems of those theories to make obvious the urgency of establishing a web marketing strategic theory system .

  14. 本文对网络营销系统理论和坐标测量机的市场特点进行了分析和综合,找出两者之间的结合点,在可行性分析的基础上提出了的实施规划方案。

    This dissertation discusses the theory of E-marketing and the market features of CMM industry , and try to find the integrate point of the both . Base on the feasibility analysis , we proposed our implement plan .

  15. 这不仅对GT公司的长远发展指明了方向,同样也为其他企业实施网络营销提供了理论借鉴;以寻找最佳的网络营销策略和销售模式提供思路和解决方案。

    This thesis provides the new idea and solution of any studies of network marketing strategies and market model , as well . It is not only to direct the development of GT Company , but also to have solid values for any other company .

  16. 在理论上,本文试图反映社会网络理论在营销理论中的发展,并提出获取顾客的网络框架;在案例分析上,本文采用深度访谈的方法,试图与理论紧密结合。

    In theory , the attempt to reflect the social network theory in the development of marketing theory and framework to acquire these customers in the network ; in the case analysis , using the depth interview , trying to integrate closely with the theory .

  17. 第二章整合多种理论体系,建立网络事件营销特有的理论构架。

    Chapter integrating multiple theoretical system , internet event marketing unique theoretical framework .

  18. 对于中小企业开展网络营销更是处在理论与实践上的摸索阶段。

    For minor enterprises , development of cyber marketing is more likely at the grope stage .

  19. 互联网络时代的新营销理论

    New Marketing Theory of Internet Times

  20. 分析数字图书馆引入网络营销的原因、理论应用、过程及策略等,探讨网络营销在数字图书馆中的应用。

    Analyzes the reasons , theory , process , and tactics of the application of e-marketing to digital libraries .

  21. 第二章针对情感营销的理论从传统营销、关系营销、网络营销三方面的理论进行阐述。

    In the second chapter , to elaborate traditional marketing , relationship marketing , internet marketing base on the emotional marketing theory .

  22. 第二章网络营销策略的相关理论依据,介绍常用的网络营销策略类型以及网络营销策略实施与控制的一般方法。

    The second chapter mainly focus on the corresponding theories of internet marketing strategy , including common strategies of internet marketing and the implementation and management of internet marketing strategy .

  23. 在电子商务条件下,网络整合营销、软营销和网络直复营销等理论为网络营销渠道的建立和创新奠定了基础。

    Under electronic commerce , the theories , such as network integrated distribution , soft distribution and network direct distribution , are the foundation for establishing and creation of network distribution channels .

  24. 并且,现有网络营销研究主要集中于技术和应用层面,较少从网络营销理论角度进行探讨。

    Besides , the current research more focus on technology and application level , less on e-marketing theory .

  25. 并对保险网络营销的特点、策略和优点等进行具体阐述,为保险公司发展保险网络营销提供理论基础和依据。

    And the characteristics of the insurance network marketing , strategy and benefits , etc. are specifically addressed to provide a theoretical foundation and basis for insurance companies .