
  • 网络vermicular red earth
  1. 网纹红土是在中国南方地区开展第四纪研究的重要载体。

    Vermicular red earth is one of the most important materials for Quaternary research in southern China .

  2. 简述了江西修水网纹红土的岩性特征和形成时代,重点讨论了网纹红土中的植硅石及其古气候信息。

    The paper briefly introduces the lithologic features , and accumulation age of the vermicular red earth and mainly elaborate phytolith in it and its paleoclimatic indication .

  3. 在此基础上,采用Singh-Mitchell模型对网纹红土在三轴试验条件下的流变性质进行描述。

    Singh-Mitchell model was applied to describe the rheological properties of the reticulate red clay based on the triaxial tests .

  4. 南方网纹红土及其形成环境的初步探讨

    On the Southern Vermicular Red Soil and Its Forming Environment

  5. 网纹红土是洞庭湖地区岩土工程施工中常见的土体。

    Reticulate red clay is familiar in construction of geotechnical engineering around Dongting Lake .

  6. 岭南东江流域一级阶地网纹红土的时代及其粒度特征印花土耳其红斜纹布

    Ages and Grain-Size Characteristics of Reticulate Red Clay on First Terrace in Dongjiang River Basin , Southern Nanling Mountains

  7. 碱式水解法提取红土分子化石:以安徽宣城更新世网纹红土为例

    An Optimized Alkaline Hydrolysis Method to Extract Lipid Biomarkers from Pleistocene Vermicular Red Paleosols : An Example from Xuancheng , Anhui Province

  8. 至今人们对于网纹红土的研究主要集中在其成因分布、结构构造、弹性变形等方面。

    So far people pay too much attention to the origin , distribution , structure and elastic deformation of the reticulate red clay .

  9. 实际上,网纹红土具有流变性,而且网纹红土的流变性直接影响着地(路)基、基坑以及边坡等工程的稳定性。

    Actually , the reticulate red clay holds rheology , and it affects the stability of foundation ( subgrade ), foundation ditch , slope and other projects directly .

  10. 综述了近年来网纹红土研究的事实成果,结果表明:网纹红土的强酸、富铝化特征明显;

    The studies of vermiculated red soil in recent years are summarized , The results show that the strong acid and laterized characteristics of vermiculated red soil are obvious ;

  11. 结果表明,临川市网纹红土具有良好的工程地质性质,可以作为当地多层建筑的持力层。

    The results show that the patterned laterite in the studying area is of good engineering geological properties , and could serve as the ideal foundation for multi-store buildings .

  12. 由于网纹红土的强度较高,一般认为网纹红土没有流变特性,所以有关网纹红土流变特性的研究还是空白。

    This kind of clay has high strength and it is generally believed that the reticulate red clay has no rheological properties , so there is no research about it .

  13. 一类以基岩风化为基础,发育成厚薄不一的残积型网纹红土,网纹化甚至直接出现在基岩中,或基岩裂隙中。

    One type is bedrock residual material , based on residual material of rock weathering with different thickness ; the reticulation even appears in bedrock , or in rock fissures .

  14. 在大量岩土工程勘察实际资料的基础上,对临川市区网纹红土的工程地质特征进行了系统研究。

    Based on a plenty of measured date from engineering geological investigation , a systematic study has been carried out on the engineering geological characteristics of patterned laterite in Linchuan City by the author .

  15. 长沙市网纹状红土的工程地质特征

    Engineering geological characteristics of net-veined red soil at Changsha city