
  • 网络tooth size
  1. 中国第四纪人类牙齿大小的演化及其意义

    The evolution of tooth size of Quaternary humans in China

  2. 而颚间牙齿大小的差异,可能会影响矫正治疗最后的结果和咬合的稳定性。

    Intermaxillary tooth size discrepancy can affect the final result of orthodontic treatment and its stability .

  3. 在此基础上求出了17个以牙齿大小推算颅骨大小的回归方程。

    On the basis of the significant coeffi-cients 17 regression formulae of estimating cranial size from the tooth size were listed .

  4. 然而,我们的牙齿大小从古至今没什么变化,所以变小的嘴巴没有足够的空间容纳它们。

    Yet because our teeth are roughly the same size as they have long been , our shrinking jaws don 't leave enough room for them in our mouths .

  5. 通过进一步的检测,研究者们发现这个名叫“主的耐心”的圣象拥有8颗人类的牙齿,通过大小判定这些牙齿很可能是从一个健康成人那里移植过来的。

    Upon closer examination , the researchers found that the Lord of Patience was fully equipped with eight human teeth , and judging by the size they were probably removed from a healthy adult .

  6. 该仿真模型可真实反映牙轮钻头钻进过程中牙轮上各牙齿的形状、大小,钻头上各牙齿的布置及钻头钻进过程中各牙齿间的相互位置关系。

    Based on the geometry and kinematics of roller cone bits , the computer simulation model of roller cone bits is set-up which can actually reflect the shapes , sizes and the relative positions of the teeth on bit during the bit drilling process .