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  1. 高度自动化的KF3叼牙式折页机配合上,下三角板。

    Highly automated KF3 and carry it teeth-folding machine , how to work under .

  2. 桩核高度对下颌桩核基牙式全口覆盖义齿应力分布的影响

    The influence of the height of core on mandibular complete overdenture based on post-core abutment stress distribution

  3. 不过在2007年的顾客版本中,则会安装上最新的顺序式六前速狗牙式变速箱。

    Later , the customer vehicles for2007 will be delivered with a new sequential six-speed dog-type transmission .

  4. 在腭中缝相当于第一磨牙部位放置牙支持式牵张器,以第一磨牙根部腭侧为加力点,平行于腭穹隆进行单侧0.5mm位移加载。

    A tooth-borne distractor was placed in the median palatal suture , which was nearly the first molar region , and a 0.5-mm displacement was loaded in single palatal side , paralleling palatal vault and loading from the root of the first molar region .

  5. 牙嵌式离合器多目标优化设计及其可靠度分析

    The Multi-objective Optimal Design of Toothed Clutch and Analysis of Reliability

  6. 种植牙支持式下颌全口覆盖义齿的三维有限元分析

    The Three dimensional Analysis of Mandibular Overdenture Supported by Implants

  7. 牙嵌式自由轮差速器的运动学与动力学分析

    Kinematics and Dynamics Analysis on Jaw Freewheel Differential The Pattern of Differential

  8. 牙嵌式防滑自锁差速器的分析与设计

    Analysis and design of cog type anti-slide self-lock differential mechanism

  9. 自制牙支持式牵张器治疗上颌骨畸形

    Treatment of maxillary hypoplasia with a self-made tooth-borne distraction device

  10. 牙嵌式离合器的模糊可靠性设计精铸蜡模的快速制造技术

    FUZZY RELIABILITY DESIGN OF CLUTCH Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing of Waxen Pattern for Precision Casting

  11. 前牙铰链式分段义齿的设计与制作

    Anterior hinge sectional denture

  12. 提出了牙嵌式三维接口线切割轨迹的数学放样方法。

    A mathematical layout method was developed to obtain the track of WEDM in processing the three dimensional cut .

  13. 目的:观察应用非埋植型种植体与天然牙联合式支持早期修复前牙缺失的临床效果。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical results of the early restoration by combination of tooth and implant for missing anterior tooth .

  14. 结论:牙支持式牵张器可有效治疗唇腭裂术后上颌骨发育不足及软组织量不足的患者。

    Conclusion : These alterations improved the soft tissue profile and solved the space deficiency of the maxilla by using the tooth-borne distractor .

  15. 为确定电动机的功率和牙嵌式安全离合器的弹簧压缩量提供了依据。

    The measuring results provide the criteria for determining the power of motor and the amount of spring compression of safety jaw clutch .

  16. 目的研究使用牙附着式牵张器行上颌牙槽骨牵张成骨术后牙髓和牙周的组织学改变。

    Objective To observe the changes in dental pulp and periodontal tissues under the application of maxillary tooth-bone distraction osteogenesis using tooth-attached intraoral distractor .

  17. 牙嵌式电磁离合器安装时,必须保证端面齿之间有一定间隙,使空转时无磨齿现象,但不得大于δ值。

    Jaw ● installation of electromagnetic clutch , it is important to ensure that face a certain gap between the teeth , so that no grinding when idling , but shall not be greater than the value of δ .

  18. 目的:应用研制的牙附着式牵张器进行牙槽突裂牵张成骨关闭术,探索牙槽突裂或缺损整复治疗的新途径。

    AIM : To observe the repair of alveolar cleft ( AC ) under distraction osteogenesis ( DO ) using tooth attached distractor so as to search a credible new treatment for repair of alveolar cleft or bone defect .

  19. 通过自由轮差速系统的原理分析、运动分析和理论力学分析,力求通过牙嵌式自由轮差速器这一简捷方式,解决常规四轮驱动方式下差速系统存在的诸多问题。

    By applying principle analysis of freewheel differential gear system and ( kinematic ) analysis , an alligator freewheel differential gear system is presented to solve the above problems ( existed ) in common differential gear system with 4WD .

  20. 通过对同步锁止机构牙嵌式离合器强度和接合特性的分析研究,确定了牙嵌式离合器允许的最高转速差,从而确定了动作限值的上限。

    Through the analysis of the mechanical strength and the engaging characteristics of the dog clutch , the maximum difference of rotation speed between two parts of the dog clutch and hence the upper activation limit of the system are calculated .

  21. 以牙嵌式离合器重量最轻和齿根弯曲应力最小为子目标,用理想点法建立了多目标约束最优化设计数学模型。

    Taking the minimum weight of toothed cluth and the minimum bending stress at the met of tooth as the target , a mathematic model of multi - objective optimal design of toothed clutch is set up according to optimum point method .

  22. 牙嵌式自由轮差速器是一种自锁差速器,其最大的优点是能防止车辆因一侧驱动轮打滑而陷车,从而提高了机器的越野性能。

    Jaw freewheel differential is a type of self-locking differential , for which the biggest advantage is to prevent the vehicle from not being able to move because of the slipping on one side of the driving wheels , so as to improve greatly its cross-country power .

  23. 方法:通过对12例患者在扩弓及内收切牙时应用牙弓夹板式扩弓矫治器及高位牵引的头帽颏兜加强支抗。

    Methods : 12 patients were treated with bonded RME appliance to expanse the maxillary arches and with vertical pull chincap to augment anchorage .

  24. 方法:选取20例研究对象(2.8~6.5岁)采用自制的上牙列粘接式矫治器结合面具进行前方牵引治疗,拍摄治疗前后的头颅定位侧位片进行X线头影测量分析。

    Methods : 20 cases ( 2.8 ~ 6.5 years old ) with anterior crossbite were treated by bonding appliance combined with protracting mask . Cephalometric radiographs were taken and analyzed before and after treatment .

  25. 乳突腔同种异体牙充填在开放式鼓室成形术中的应用

    The application of mastoid obliteration with homograft tooth in open method tympanoplasty

  26. 薄型瓷贴面牙体预备术式的分型探讨

    A Preliminary Study on the Tooth Preparation Designs for Thinner Porcelain Laminates

  27. 方法:30例患者使用沟槽式附着体以倾斜的下颌第二磨牙作为基牙,保留沟槽式牙髓,制作固定修复体,经过3年的临床观察评价疗效。

    Methods : Thirty pieces of SLOT attachment were made with the tiled mandibular second molar as an abutment so as to keep the pulp vital , the clinical effects were analysed after three years .

  28. 目的:评价种植牙-天然牙混合式支持固定义齿早期修复前牙缺失的临床效果。

    Objective : To evaluate the clinical effect of the early restoration supported by combination of tooth and implant for missing anterior teeth .

  29. 方法:先采用过渡性牙合垫(牙合垫式义齿)恢复患者的垂直距离,正中关系。

    Distance Methods : The transitional occlusal pad restored the vertical dimension and centric relation .

  30. 方法:利用721型分光光度仪测定重度牙合磨耗患者牙合垫式义齿戴用3个月后的咀嚼效率,与戴用前进行比较。

    Method : Masticatory performance was tested using the spectrophotometry by spectrophotometer before and after splint removable denture for severe dental attrition .