
yá ɡēn ɡuǎn
  • root canal
  1. 磷酸钙牙根管材料的封闭性能研究

    Study on the Sealing Capability of A Calcium Phosphate Root Canal Filling Material

  2. α-TCP/TTCP牙根管充填材料

    α - TCP / TTCP root canal filling material

  3. 目的用口腔数字成像系统(ODIS)检验根管长度测量仪在测定前牙根管工作长度时的准确性及实用性。

    Objective To test the accuracy of electronic apex locator in determining working length of anterior teeth using ODIS system .

  4. 目的:探讨rootzx根管长度电测仪测量后牙根管工作长度的临床效果。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical effect of Root ZX electronic apex locator in measuring posterior teeth root canal working length .

  5. 目的比较氢氧化钙与传统的根管消毒剂甲醛甲酚(FC)在单根管感染牙根管内封药的消毒效果。

    Objective To compare the disinfectant effects of calcium hydroxide and traditional formaldehyde and cresol ( FC ) on the intracanal medicament in infected single rooted teeth .

  6. 目的探讨EDTA根管冲洗液结合显微超声技术对老年人钙化、阻塞后牙根管的临床疗效。

    Objective To investigate and evaluate the clinical effect of EDTA root canal irrigation solution combined with micro ultrasonic technique for root canal therapy in the elderly .

  7. 结论:用rootzx测量老年人的后牙根管长度,符合解剖生理情况,可以提高测量的准确性,提高治疗成功率。

    Conclusion : Using Root ZX to measure elderly patients ' root canal length complies with physiological conditions , which can in turn improve the accuracy of measuring root canal working length and improve success rate .

  8. 结果:在实际工作长度±0.5mm范围内,ZootZX测量准确率为87.6%,测量活髓和死髓牙根管工作长度的准确率无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    Result : An accurate rate of real working length ranged ± 0.5 mm was 87.6 % . The difference between vital pulp and necrotic pulp was not significant ( P > 0.05 ) .

  9. 结论根管长度测量仪测定前牙根管长度比较满意,ODIS可对工作长度测定作有效的补充。

    Conclusion The electronic apex locator could be successfully used in determining working length of anterior teeth , and the ODIS system could be the supplementary method of electronic working length measurement .

  10. 目的了解上颌前牙根管弯曲情况。

    Objective To investigate root canal curvature in maxillary anterior teeth .

  11. 人上前牙根管治疗难度评估的实验研究叶状牙种植体在上前牙种植中的临床研究

    Difficulty assessment of root canal therapy in Chinese permanent maxillary anterior teeth

  12. 超声冲洗在死髓牙根管预备中的应用

    Clinical Evaluation of Ultrasonic Irrigation in Root Canal Preparation of Necrotic Teeth

  13. 前牙根管治疗寻入口途径的改良(附51例报告)

    Improved entrance of endodontic treatment ( 51 cases report )

  14. 前牙根管治疗唇侧开髓体会

    Lip Conservation Labial access opening to front teeth by root canal treatment

  15. 4种根管消毒药物对离体人牙根管内致病菌抗菌活性的研究

    In Vitro study on antimicrobial activity of four intracanal medicines

  16. 前牙根管闭锁残冠的修复

    The restoration of residual crown with complete root canal obturation

  17. 牙根管全身给药假说

    Hypothesis on delivering medicine to the whole body through the root canal

  18. 几种牙根管冲洗剂清洁作用的实验研究

    An in vitro study of the cleaning efficacy of several root canal irrigants

  19. 400颗上颌前牙根管弯曲情况的研究

    Survey of Root Canal Curvature in Maxillary Anterior Teeth

  20. 同时下颌切牙根管壁近远中向薄。

    Besides , mesial-distal root canal walls of mandibular incisor teeth are thin .

  21. 结果112颗牙根管充填后均取得满意的疗效,无欠填或超填,全冠修复112颗。

    Results All of 112 teeth nursed strictly during canal obturation obtained satisfactory efficiency .

  22. 下颌恒切牙根管形态的影像学研究

    Anatomy and morphology of root canal of mandibular permanent incisors of Chinese in radiography

  23. 下颌切牙根管形态特征的研究

    Morphologic observation on root canal of mandibular incisors

  24. 地塞米松液缓解牙根管治疗期间疼痛的临床观察

    A Clinical Review of the Prophylaxis Effect of Dexamethasone Against Pain During the Canal Treatment

  25. 416例前牙根管治疗效果分析

    The Analysis of the Root Canal Theraputic Effect to the 416 Cases of Anterior Teeth

  26. 结论1.单一的粪肠球菌菌种在离体牙根管内可形成生物膜。

    Single strain of Enterococcus faecalis in vitro root canals can form biofilms . 2 .

  27. 根管长度电测仪测定后牙根管工作长度的临床研究

    A clinical study of posterior teeth root canal working length measured by electronic apex locator

  28. 阴性对照组牙根管内组织样本中目标微生物检出率为零。

    Target microorganisms were not detected in all tissue samples in root canals in control group .

  29. 前磨牙根管预备方法的实验研究

    Methods for premolar root canal preparation

  30. 结论用抗生素糊剂一次充填乳牙根管疗程短、疗效好,值得临床推广使用。

    Conclusion Stuffing root canal with antibiotic cataplasm is a good RCT method and is recommendable .