
shé xì dài
  • Lingual frenum;glossodesmus;frenum linguae
舌系带[shé xì dài]
  1. 应用Z成形术矫正舌系带过短38例报告

    Use of Z plasty for ankyloglossia : Report of 38 cases

  2. 结果:舌系带长度在每组内无明显性别差异(P0.05)。

    Result : No gender difference was found among the three groups in the lingual frenulum length ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 婴儿期行舌系带矫正术的并发症方法由专业麻醉师给予异丙酚静脉麻醉诱导后行舌系带矫正术,ASAI~Ⅱ级,年龄6月~132月。

    Methods Propofol Anesthesia was brought into effect by professional anaesthetist to the Tongue-tie operation , ASAI ~ⅱ, the age of the patients ranged from 6 to 132 months of age .

  4. 在与父母和语言老师协商之后,Brooksbank做了一个舌系带切除术在舌头与皮肤接触处做一个切口。

    After consulting with her parents and language tutor , Brooksbank to undergo a simple operation known as a lingual frenectomy , which involves making an incision in the skin where the tongue is attached .

  5. 目的探讨舌系带过短小儿手术治疗的理想时期。

    ObjectiveTo investigate the ideal surgical period of children with tongue-tie .

  6. 异丙酚在儿童舌系带矫正术中的临床观察

    Clinical Study Propofol Anesthesia Used for the Tongue-tie

  7. 她的牙医说口语水平上不去的原因可能是她的舌系带比一般人的要厚。

    Her dentist advised that the problem might be coming from her thicker-than-average lingual frenulum .

  8. 婴儿期行舌系带矫正术的并发症

    Complications of the Ankylotomy in Babies

  9. 方法收集32例在婴儿期接受舌系带剪断术的患儿,术后出现多种并发症,经二期手术矫正和术后随访。

    Methods 32 cases of complications of the ankylotomy in the babies of ankyloglossia were reviewed and followed up .

  10. 舌系带动脉由舌深动脉末端分支与面动脉颏下支吻合组成。

    The terminal branch of profound lingual artery anastomoses with submandibular branch of facial to form lingual frenal artery .

  11. 舌系带过短的发生率及其对语言清晰的影响在国内外文献中未见有详细报导。

    Occurrence of ankyloglossi and its effect on pronuncing clarity has not been reported in detail at home and abroad .

  12. 婴儿期行舌系带过短切开术的并发症术后创面白膜在2~3周内脱落。

    Complications of the Ankylotomy in Babies The white scar dropped between 2 to 3 weeks and the patients symptom disappeared .

  13. 结论:婴儿期不应作舌系带矫正术,合适的矫正时期为2~3周岁。

    Conclusion : the ankylotomy were unsuitable in the babies . The suitable operation time were in the children of 2 ~ 3 years old .

  14. 方法:收集1992~1999年在江西省儿童医院口腔科接受舌系带过短延长矫正术患儿3656例(年龄2周~14岁)。

    Methods : 3,656 patients ( 2 weeks to 14 years old ) with ankyloglossia from 1992 to 1999 were treated by ankylotomy in Jiangxi Children 's Hospital .

  15. 她的牙医推测,问题可能出在她的舌系带明显较厚,从而导致舌头生来就比普通人的短,这种情况被称为舌系带短缩或者更通俗地称为结舌。

    Her dentist suggested it may be because she was born with a slightly shorter than average tongue , caused by having an unusually thick lingual frenulum - a condition known as Ankyloglossia , or commonly as " Tongue Tie ".

  16. 列出10个分析因素,即性别、年龄、口腔运动功能问题、发育迟缓、语言发育迟缓史、中耳炎史、舌系带问题、智能迟缓、治疗频度和治疗次数。

    Ten factors including sex , age , oral-motor function problem , developmental delay , history of language development delay , history of middle ear affection , lingua frenata , mental retardation , the therapy frequency and times , were analyzed .