- lingual margin

Objective : To find out the reasons why tongue cancer most likely occurs at the margin and tip of tongue .
Early prevention is suggested for the treatment of homogeneous leukoplakia and early surgical treatment is suggested for other leukoplakia , especially for leukoplakia in the edge of tongue .
The clinical features , treatment and prognosis of 36 cases of early oral squamous cell carcinoma are reported . It was found that higher proportion of these lesions were located in the lateral or ventral tongue , buccal mucosa and soft palate .
Reconstruction of lip defects with lingual membrane flaps : a report of 11 cases
Reconstruction of lip defects with lingual membrane flaps
Methods : Local application of 0.5 % DMBA acetone solution and chronic mechanical irritation on right side of hamster tongue .
Under oblique load , the high-stress region was near around the cervical of periodontal ligament with both tensile and compressive stresses .
Conclusion Using lingual membrane flap to close the large defect of lip requires only one operation , especially in the defect repair with bilateral lingual membrane flaps .
The height , width and thickness of the compact substance of the buccal , lingual and inferior bony plates were measured with vernier calipers .
Results Processing of real words and pseudowords activated a highly comparable neural network , including bilateral inferior frontal gyrus ( IFG ), middle temporal gyrus , fusiform gyrus , lingual gyrus , supramarginal gyrus , and thalamus .
Processing of pseudo words and real words activated a highly comparable network of brain regions , including bilateral inferior frontal gyrus , superior , middle temporal gyrus , calcarine and lingual gyrus , and left supramarginal gyrus .
The more often involved site was the tongue and the incidence was 75 % , especially in the border and dorsal of the tongue .
Conclusion : Our study suggests that chronic pessimal stimulation to tongue by unhealthy teeth and bad dentures is an important related reason why tongue cancer most likely occurs at the tip and margin of tongue .
As anterior and middle parts of tongue , bilateral lymphatic drainage also occurred at lateral part of tongue .