
  • 网络athelia
  1. 临床均以无痛性可移动肿块为主,但无乳头回缩、皮肤水肿、卫星结节及血性乳头溢液等改变。

    All of the cases almost presented with a painless mass which was movable , but there was no nipple retraction , hydroderma , satellite nodules and bloody nipple discharge , etc.

  2. 目的探讨乳腺无肿物乳头溢液与早期乳腺癌及癌前病变的关系。

    Objective To explore the relationship between the discharge without a lump in the breast and the early mammary cancer and precancerous lesions .

  3. 结果21例患者中伤口一期愈合17例,二期愈合4例(脂肪液化4例,合并血肿1例),无感染及乳头和乳晕坏死病例。

    Results Seventeen cases were in primary healing and four cases in secon - ( dary ) healing ( four cases of fat liquefaction , one case with haematoma ) . No cases suffered from infection and necrosis of nipple and areola .

  4. 但无侧支循环患者乳头肌功能失调、室壁瘤的发生率较高(P<0.01),左室射血分数低,QTc离散度增加。

    Patients of noncoronary collateral circulation had high incidence of dysfunction of papillary muscle and aneurysm ventricular , left ventricular ejection was decreased and QTc dispersion was increased .

  5. 结果:术后无皮下积液、乳头坏死及切口感染等并发症发生。均无复发或转移。

    Rusults The complication such as hypodermic hydrocele , nipple necrosis and wound infection were not occurred after operation , no case was recurred and metastasized .