
  • 网络Needless to say;enough said
  1. 她看了他一眼,这已表明一切,无须多言了。

    She gave him a look that made words superfluous .

  2. 无须多言的是,Firebug既能修改CSS样式,又能修改DOM属性,而且这些更改还会立即生效。

    Needless to say , Firebug can modify CSS styles as well as DOM properties , and the changes are immediately applied .

  3. 何去何从?谁是谁非?无须多言。

    Where do you go ? Concerned with who ? Need not wordy .

  4. 无须多言,新闻要求客观、公正。

    News requires an objective and impartial manner .

  5. 电影中他无须多言,只静静地站在那里,就能够给人一种安心、踏实的感觉。

    In movies , he , without many words , as long as stands there quietly , can give the audiences a feeling of easement and assurance .

  6. 人的活动即广义的实践在马克思主义哲学中的重要地位在这里已无须多言,这一点目前已为理论界所公认。

    The activity of human being , in a broad sense , is " practice ", which plays a significant role in Marxist philosophy , and is universally accepted by theorists nowadays .

  7. 对于那些否定莎士比亚为原作者的人只要以一个概括性论点便可以予以驳斥,而另外无须多言,即,如果莎士比亚戏剧的作者不是他本人,那也是另外一位同名人。

    Suffice it to say , a blanket argument against those denying shakespeare 's authorship is simply this , if Shakespeare did not write the plays attributed to him , it was someone else by the same name .