
  • 网络Diet soda
  1. 公司称希望阻止无糖饮料下降的趋势。

    The company wants to stem declining sales of diet soda .

  2. 因为无糖饮料卡路里含量低并不意味着它不会导致体重增加。

    Just because diet soda is low in calories doesn 't mean it can 't lead to weight gain .

  3. 事实:无糖饮料不是万灵药。纽约大学营养学教授丽萨•R•杨在接受《赫芬顿邮报》采访时说。

    The reality : Diet soda is no panacea , Lisa R. Young , a professor of nutrition at New York University , told The Huffington Post .

  4. 喝无糖饮料会给人造成一种安全的错觉。

    Diet soft drinks may lull you into a false sense of security .

  5. 而且,有更多的研究表明,无糖饮料和含糖饮料一样,对身体都没好处。

    And now there 's more evidence that diet drinks are as bad as normal ones .

  6. 和无糖饮料一样,含糖饮料中也可能添加了很多维生素。

    Sugary drinks were just as likely to be concentrated with vitamins as those that were sugar-free .

  7. 底线:无糖饮料并无益处,而且它可能还是有害的。

    Bottom line : Diet soda does you no good , and it might just be doing you wrong .

  8. 比如,无糖饮料是否稍好一些?汽水中的二氧化碳会损害骨骼吗?

    For example , is diet soda any better ? Does the carbon dioxide in fizzy drinks damage our bones ?

  9. 当然,顾客们会喝下一杯无糖饮料,表明自己已经下决心要采取健康饮食习惯了。不过,这个行动明天才开始实行。

    You 'll wash it all down with a diet drink , of course , as a gesture to your commitment to healthy eating-starting tomorrow .

  10. 也许您选择无糖饮料,或也许您已经学会在似乎无害的食物中寻找隐形糖,比如西红柿。

    Maybe you choose sugar-free drinks , or maybe you 've even learned to look for hidden sugars in seemingly innocuous foods like tomato sauce .

  11. 无糖饮料百分之百的无营养,而且积极饮用好饮料同避免坏饮料一样重要。

    Diet soda is100 percent nutrition-free , and again , it 's just as important to actively drink the good stuff as it is to avoid that bad stuff .

  12. 因此一天一罐无糖饮料是适宜的,但是如果你喝下五或六罐,这就意味着你限制了健康饮料,尤其是水和茶,的摄入。

    So one diet soda a day is fine , but if you 're downing five or six cans , that means you 're limiting your intake of healthful beverages , particularly water and tea .

  13. 但是,我很钦佩他们。享受着鸡尾酒、法国面包、手指饼干、芝士火锅等美食,他们中许多人依然保持苗条身材。而美国人虽努力减肥,却暴饮无糖饮料、暴食精益美食。

    But certainly I admired how so many of them stayed trim while enjoying coq au vin , baguettes , andouillettes , eclairs and fondue while Americans struggled with their weight while gorging on diet soda and Lean Cuisines .

  14. 两位研究者发现,“瓶装水没有了以后,瓶子、热量、糖和添加糖的人均消耗量都显著增加了……随着瓶装水销量降至零,无糖饮料与含糖饮料的销量都增加了。”

    The researchers found that " per capita shipments of bottles , calories , sugars and added sugars increased significantly when bottled water was removed ... As bottled water sales dropped to zero , sales of sugar-free beverages and sugar-sweetened beverages increased . "

  15. 我不再渴望无糖七喜饮料

    and I no longer craved ... Sugar-free Diet 7 Up .

  16. 无糖枸杞饮料配方优选研究

    Studies on Ingredient of Sugar-free Lycium Barbarum Juice Drink

  17. 无糖碳酸饮料或含奶饮料不受该计划限制,而且餐馆仍可提供免费续杯。

    Diet sodas or drinks containing milk would be exempt , and restaurants could still offer free refills .

  18. 食物的色、香、味与食品添加剂研制出色泽清亮、香气宜人、甘甜清凉可口的天然无糖保健饮料。

    The Color , Fragrance , Taste and Food Additives The new beverage is of good color , flavor and taste .

  19. 你也可以在水里泡些水果(比如柠檬),或者把含糖饮料换成无糖茶饮料,它们的补水能力都与直接喝水相差无几。

    Spice up your water with fruits like lemon , or swap it for unsweetened flavorful tea , which rehydrates just as well as water . 4 .

  20. 他们发现无糖糖果和饮料中有一种目前还无法确认其危害的酸性食品调味剂。

    They found there was an'unrecognised risk of acidic flavouring in sugar-free candies and beverages . '

  21. 对于那一些十分关注自身健康的人来说,无糖的碳酸饮料似乎是个硬质的选择。

    For those keen to look after their health , sugar-free fizzy drinks may seem a wise choice .

  22. 对于那些十分关注自身健康的人来说,无糖的碳酸饮料似乎是个硬质的选择。但有研究称,饮用该类饮料将提高患上心脏病或中风发作的危险机率。

    For those keen to look after their health , sugar-free fizzy drinks may seem a wise choice.But they could actually increase the risk of having a heart attack or stroke , research shows .

  23. 他们发现在那些无糖的糖果和饮料中,有不可辨认的酸性物质。

    They found there was an unrecognised risk of acidic flavouring in sugar-free candies and beverages .