
wú xiào ɡé shì
  • invalid format
  1. http请求中的无效格式导致操作失败。

    The operation failed due to an invalid format in the HTTP request .

  2. 《无效格式》合集印刷了该杂志的前四期内容,还有个不错的零售价:25美元。

    Invalid Format collects in print the magazines first four issues and retails , ideally , for $ 25 .

  3. 提升播放器对无效格式视频的错误处理。

    Implemented better error handling in Video Player for invalid formats .

  4. 文件被破坏或写为无效格式,而且无法包括在索引中。

    The file | is damaged or created in a file format that is not valid and cannot be included in the find fast index .

  5. 虽然不完美(尽管所有字符都有效,您还是能输入一个无效格式),但它毕竟能将反馈立即呈现给用户。

    Though not perfect ( you can still enter an invalid format , although all the characters are valid ), it presents immediate feedback for users .

  6. xml数据无效或格式不正确。

    Invalid or malformed XML data .

  7. 从工作簿中删除了一个或多个无效条件格式

    One or more invalid conditional formats were removed from the workbook

  8. 这些跟踪信息在检测无效的格式字符串时特别有用。

    This trace information is especially useful in detecting invalid format strings .

  9. 指定的自定义属性具有无效的二进制格式。

    Binary format of the specified custom attribute was invalid .

  10. 无效的像素格式。

    The pixel format is invalid .

  11. 在位置{0}指定的日期时间无效,或格式不对。请检查日期,然后再试一次。

    The date time specified at position { 0 } is either invalid or is in the wrong format . Check the date and try again .

  12. 无效的筛选表达式格式。检查该格式,然后再试。层叠样式表,串接样式表,级联风格窗体

    Invalid filter expression format . Verify the format and try again . cascading style sheets

  13. 无效的原意数据格式。原意数据必须指定为数组或制表符分隔的字符串。

    Invalid literal data format . Literal data must be specified either as an array , or a tab-delimited string .