
dài mǎ duàn
  • code segment
  1. 在学习过程中,我在REST客户机中添加了以下代码段。

    As part of my learning curve , I added the following code segment to REST client .

  2. 如果在对这个p赋值前,某个代码段尝试访问它,则可能会获得垃圾值,您的程序可能具有不可预测的行为。

    If a code segment tries to access this p before a value has been assigned to it , it might get that garbage value and your program could behave mysteriously .

  3. 为了获得直观印象,我们将使用这个代码段的页面发布到Web上。

    To get an idea , publish a page with this snippet to the web .

  4. 请注意,每个代码段都能追踪到verylocalvariable的一个单独实例。

    Note that each of the code blocks has kept track of a separate instance of very_local_variable .

  5. VISUALSTUDIO2005的智能感应代码段

    Visual Studio 2005 IntelliSense Code Snippets

  6. 虽然C也支持代码段,但内置的任务类别非常有限。

    It should be noted that C # also supports code snippets , but the built-in catalog is very limited .

  7. 这个简单的代码段将把InternetExplorer放入Internet区,并抑制令人讨厌的安全对话框。

    This simple snippet puts Internet Explorer into the Internet zone and suppresses the annoying security dialog box .

  8. 为简便起见,使用Java™代码段来模拟发送通知的动作。

    For simplicity , the Java ™ snippets are used to mock the action of the sending notices .

  9. 在Java™代码段,输入一个测试字符串进行故障查找,目的是跟踪流程执行。

    In the Java ™ snippet , enter a test string for troubleshooting purposes to track the process execution .

  10. 开始配置homes代码段

    Begins the configuration of the homes section

  11. 虽然现在VisualStudio还不支持团队共享的代码段库的功能,但可能会追加。

    Currently there is no support for creating a shared repository for teams , but the possibility is there .

  12. 因此,每次执行这个代码段的时候,将检查$TIME是否匹配case语句所指定的时间。

    So , each time this section of code is executed , the $ TIME is checked to see if it matches the times of the case statement .

  13. 下面的代码段是在使用RationalSoftwareArchitect生成代码时创建的Java代码的两个示例。

    The code fragments below are two examples of the Java code that is created when generating code with Rational Software Architect .

  14. 如果需要看到VB代码段的完整列表,需要敲“?-tab”。

    To see a complete list of code snippets in VB , type ? then press tab .

  15. 第二步,根据与之前版本一样的取模操作方法过滤结果,这些都包含在FunctionalJava代码段中。

    Second , I filter the results based on the use of the modulus operator as in previous versions , wrapped in a Functional Java code block .

  16. 这是用Groovy编写的,它通过代码段块机制支持闭包。

    It 's written in Groovy , which supports closures via its code-block mechanism .

  17. 标注为“B”的代码段建立并执行了XPath查询(为了保持简单,没有使用名称空间)。

    The section labeled " B " sets up and executes an XPath query ( for simplicity , no namespaces are used ) .

  18. bug补丁或改进常常涉及多个文件和每个文件中的不同代码段。

    Oftentimes , a bug fix or enhancement spans multiple files and various sections of code in each file .

  19. 代码段(Snippet)是可以从键盘上快速访问的代码模版。

    Snippets are code templates that can be quickly accessed from the keyboard .

  20. 通过在BPEL中嵌入Java代码段,可以使得各个Web服务之间能更好地协作,方便Web服务复合业务应用的开发。

    Through inserting Java code snippet into the BPEL , it enables web services to cooperate well , and facilitates the development of the web services composition application .

  21. 当HotSpot执行时,会搜集性能分析数据,用来决定哪个代码段执行得足够频繁,值得编译。

    As it executes , it gathers profiling data , used to decide which code sections are being executed frequently enough to merit compilation .

  22. 通过一个Ruby代码段可对一些数据应用简单的正则表达式,并返回结果。

    There is a chunk of Ruby code that can run a quick regular expression over some data and return the results .

  23. 这种方式通过修改已经编译的EXE或DLL注入必要的代码段。

    This involves modifying the compiled EXE or DLL to inject the necessary code fragments .

  24. 您可以直接通过Samba导出任意数量的home目录,无需使用[homes]代码段来键入单独的配置代码段。

    You can easily export any number of home directories through Samba without having to type a separate configuration section by using the [ homes ] section .

  25. 它还将SQL查询编译为可执行的代码段,称为snippet,并分布这些snippet以执行它们,最后生成优化的查询计划。

    It also compiles SQL queries into executable code segments called snippets , distributes the snippets for execution , and creates optimized query plans .

  26. 我使用了Groovy的语法糖(syntacticsugar)来执行此代码段,结果放置在代码段变量旁边的圆括号中。

    I 'm using Groovy 's syntactic sugar to execute a code block , which is to place a set of parentheses adjacent to the code block 's variable .

  27. 优化器完成工作后,编译器将把查询计划转换为可执行的代码段,称为snippet。

    After the optimizer has done its work , the compiler converts the query plan into executable code segments called snippets .

  28. 对于一个稍微复杂一点的例子,鼓励您好好看一下Dynamic按钮在WebView中被选中时的代码段。

    For a somewhat more complex example , you are encouraged to walk through the code sequence when the Dynamic button is selected in the WebView .

  29. 如果信息有效,那么我们将更新XML日程文件并取消将用户重定向到主菜单的VXML代码段。

    If the information is valid , you update the XML diary file and write out a VXML fragment that redirects the user to the main menu .

  30. 我们相信,这是因为大多数程序员不是DOM专家,并且他们将很高兴地采用他们最先所遇到的能解决他们问题的代码段。

    We believe this is because most programmers are not DOM experts , and they will happily grab the first piece of code that does what they need .