
  • 网络representative director
  1. 日本和韩国商法规定了代表董事制度。

    Commercial laws of Japan and Korea provide representative directors system .

  2. 日、韩公司代表董事制度立法比较及其借鉴

    Comparison of Representative Directors System of Corporation in Japan and Korea and Adoption

  3. 我谨代表董事会向你的忠诚和奉献精神表示感谢。

    I thank you for your loyalty and commitment on behalf of the board .

  4. 随着公司规模不断扩大,公司权力日益集中在董事会手中,代表董事拥有更为广泛的权力。

    With the development of company , the power of company concentrates on the board of directors gradually .

  5. 我代表董事会和整个公司表示,我们非常自豪是由蒂姆来领导苹果。

    On behalf of the board and our entire company , we are incredibly proud to have Tim leading Apple .

  6. 我为能代表董事会接待如此优秀的青年团体而感到莫大的愉快。

    It gives me such a great pleasure , on behalf of the Board of Trustees to receive such a distinguished group of young people .

  7. 我国将来修改公司法时可借鉴代表董事制度,从而弥补公司代表一元制的不足。

    Corporate law of our country may take advantage of representative directors system when it is revised , so that representative system of director is improved .

  8. 代表董事通常由数名董事组成,对外具有代表公司的法律地位,这对于提高交易效率,保障交易安全有积极意义。

    Representative directors are often composed of several directors and representative of company , so this system plays active role in efficiency and safety of transaction .

  9. 我为能代表董事会向来访的加拿大代表团表示热烈的欢迎而感到莫大的愉快

    It gives me so great a pleasure on behalf of the Board of Trustees to extend a warm welcome to all the members of the Canadian delegation

  10. 如果指定一名董事或第三方来代表董事会,时常与股东接触,董事会和股东都将从中受益。

    If a designated director or a designated third party representing the board were to reach out to shareholders from time to time , both sides would learn and benefit .

  11. 实证研究结果表明:代表董事会特征的三个变量并没有对企业过度现金持有行为形成有效的约束,对现金持有量产生一定的影响,但极不显著。

    Empirical results show that : the characteristics of three variables on behalf of the board characteristics did not act on the constraints of excessive cash holdings , but have little impact on cash holdings .

  12. 实证结果显示,在董事会结构方面,商业银行信用风险管理绩效与董事会规模正相关,与代表董事会独立性的独立董事比例正相关。

    The Empirical results show that the credit risk management performance is positively correlated with board size and the proportion of independent directors which is on behalf of the independence of the board of directors .

  13. 3.节日问候尊敬的同仁们:值此圣诞和新年之际,我谨代表董事会献上我最诚挚的问候:祝大家圣诞快乐,新年愉快!

    Dear colleagues : On the occasion of Christmas and New Year , I , on behalf of the board , am writing to extend my warmest greetings to you , merry Christmas and happy New Year .

  14. 随着台湾肥料(taiwanfertilizer)的海外股东要求派代表加入董事会并争取派发现金,台湾政府即将面临外国投资者发起的首次重大挑战,要求其提高政府控股企业的回报率。

    Taiwan is on the verge of its first major challenge to the government by foreign investors to improve returns at a state-controlled company as overseas shareholders of Taiwan Fertilizer push for board representation and cash pay-outs .

  15. 公司应任命一位散户股东代表加入董事会。

    Companies should appoint to the board a retail shareholder representative .

  16. 一些股东提名自己的专业代表进入董事会,以影响公司战略。

    A few are putting their own professional representatives on boards to influence strategy .

  17. 银行有两名代表在董事会

    The bank have two representative on the board

  18. 但两家公司的高管证实,这样一来,公司代表在董事会上的发言将几乎毫无分量。

    Executives from two firms attest that its representatives take a back seat at board meetings .

  19. 发生这种事情,我个人,也代表公司董事会,感到非常抱歉。

    I personally , and on behalf of the board , am very sorry that this has occurred .

  20. 西班牙电信将在下一次股东会议上,提议任命一名中国联通的代表进入董事会。

    Telef ó nica will propose the appointment of a China Unicom representative to its board at the next shareholders ' meeting .

  21. 公司将只报销董事或其代表出席董事会会议发生的差旅费和食宿费用。

    Only the travelling and accommodation expenses incurred by the directors or their authorised representatives for attending the Board meetings will be reimbursed by the Company .

  22. 其一是以美国为代表的董事会决策权模式,即目标公司董事会享有决定采取反收购措施的广泛权利;

    First is " the board of directors decision-making power " pattern , namely the target company 's board of directors enjoys the power to take the anti-takeover measures .

  23. 这些股东永远不会希望与自己拥有的公司关系过于紧密,比方说,派代表加入董事会。

    These shareholders will never want to get too close to the companies they own , for example by putting their own representatives on to the boards of directors .

  24. 萨博的烦恼加剧上周瑞典工会威胁要强行进入破产程序在其拖欠的工资,并作为两个工会代表从董事会辞职。

    Saab 's troubles intensified last week when Swedish trade unions threatened to force it into bankruptcy proceedings over unpaid wages , and as two union representatives resigned from the board .

  25. 提名与薪酬委员会:主要负责对本行股东代表、董事、监事的选择标准、程序和人选提出建议;

    Nomination & Remuneration Committee : It is mainly responsible for making proposals on the selection criteria , procedures and candidates to shareholders , directors , and supervisors of the Bank ;

  26. 我代表龙灯瑞迪董事会全体董事,感谢你们在过去一年的优秀表现,祝你们度过一个开心、健康、祥和的新年!

    On behalf of KRRP board directors , I also like to thank you for all your excellent performance in the past year and we wish you a very happy , prosperous , and healthy new year !

  27. 工人代表应该担任董事会的董事。

    Representatives of the workers should sit on the board of directors .

  28. 他以银行代表身份参加董事会。

    He sits on the ~ as a representative of the bank .

  29. 从一开始,代表你们的董事们在思考和做事时就像个老板。

    To start with , the directors who represent you think and act like owners .

  30. 法庭上的较量和商战同样残酷股东代表诉讼中董事诉讼费用补偿研究

    On the Compensation of Directors ' Court Costs in the Lawsuits Conducted by Shareholders ' Representatives