
zhènɡ quàn fàn zuì
  • securities crime;crime concerning securities
  1. 证券犯罪若干问题初探

    Preliminary Study on Several Problems of Securities Crime

  2. 遏制证券犯罪路径探寻&以完善证券行政执法为切入点的思考

    Path Analysis of Restraining Securities Crime & By Way of Improving Administrative Law Enforcement

  3. 证券犯罪的罪量要素初探

    A Probe to the Factors Constituting the Quantity of Security Crime

  4. 证券犯罪查处难的原因及对策初探

    Causes of the Difficulties in Punishing Securities Crimes and Their Countermeasures

  5. 从社会变迁角度看证券犯罪

    Crime in Stock Exchange in Social Changing Perspective

  6. 总之,我国证券犯罪立法应实现本土化与国际化的协调统一。

    In the scope of security crime , we should considered more international factors .

  7. 论证券犯罪产生的几个制度性因素

    On the institutional factors producing stock crimes

  8. 试论证券犯罪中的虚假陈述

    The False Statement in Stock Crime

  9. 内幕交易是一种典型的证券犯罪,世界各国无不予以严厉制裁。

    Insider trading is a typical crime of security which all of the world opposes to .

  10. 其成果将为证券犯罪的监管以及预防措施提供科学的理论依据和决策支持。

    Its outcome will provide scientific theory foundation and decision support for securities supervision and preventive measures .

  11. 从证券犯罪的发展态势看,采取“严厉”的刑事政策非常必要。

    According to the situation of securities crime , it is necessary to adopt severe criminal policy .

  12. 略论证券犯罪的不典型一罪

    On single crime stock

  13. 刍议证券犯罪的界定

    On the stock crime

  14. 当前,证券犯罪具有以下特点:(一)犯罪主体多元化。(二)侵害的对象的不特定性。

    At present , the features of the crimes of securities are : the various subjects of the crimes ;

  15. 证券犯罪中的民事赔偿是近来法律界、证券界议论比较多的问题。

    Civil indemnities concerning securities crime has become a recent focus arousing heavy discussions in both legal and securities circles .

  16. 在所有证券犯罪的类型中,破坏性最强、影响力最深的当属操纵证券市场罪。

    Crime of Manipulating The Security Market is the most destructive and the deepest influence in all types of stock crime .

  17. 界定证券犯罪的类型既要以刑法规范为标准,还要考虑证券市场的经济特征。

    The definition of types of stock crime is not only up to criminal rules but also to economic characteristics of stock market .

  18. 第三章证券犯罪成因分析,首先从经济学和心理学的角度对证券犯罪进行理论剖析,这是本文的创新点之一。

    It is one of the innovations in this paper . This paper analyzes the subjective and objective reasons of the securities crime .

  19. 我国《刑法》对“直接性期货犯罪”罪名的设置,采取了与证券犯罪合并规定的方式,即在相应条文“证券”二字后面加上“期货”二字。

    The current provisions of PRC criminal law in relation to futures crimes are simply covered by those of securities crimes , which are fairly unreasonable .

  20. 针对内幕交易这种证券犯罪中最恶质的犯罪,各国刑法对其的处罚一般都重于其他证券犯罪。

    The punishment in other nationals ' criminal law for insider trading , which is the most deterioration in stock crimes , is heavier than other stock crimes .

  21. 对证券犯罪施以严厉的刑事政策,符合刑法谦抑性与刑法经济性,不违背宽严相济刑事政策。

    Imposing severe criminal policy to the securities crime , it is consistent with the tolerant and economic character of the Penal Code , and not to violate criminal policy .

  22. 证券犯罪在我国是一类新型经济犯罪,它严重扰乱证券市场秩序,侵害投资者的合法权益,具有极大的社会危害性。

    Securities-business crime is a new kind of economic crime , which disturbed the order of securities-business market seriously , violated the legal rights of investors and possessed great harm to the society .

  23. 证券犯罪仅指触犯刑法的行为,而证券违法行为还包括那些仅仅违反相关证券法规的违法行为。

    The crimes of securities become a new question for criminal law , which refers to the behavior to break criminal law while the offences of securities mean the behavior against securities regulations .

  24. 虽然这被看作是经济刑法界的一件大事,但其与证券犯罪混淆不清、罪名设置不完善等缺陷尚未弥补。

    Although this is seen as a major event of economic criminal law , but its confusion with securities crimes , the charges set imperfections and defects such as not yet make up .

  25. 以期从实体到程序的角度来确立金融证券犯罪刑事认定与行政认定的良性关系机制,从而确立司法权的独立性与权威性。

    It is expected , from entity to procedures , to establish a favorable relationship mechanism for criminal identification and administrative determination in financial and securities crimes , thus enhancing the independence and authority of jurisdiction .

  26. 对证券犯罪中的连续犯、连犯、象竞合犯、收犯等不典型一罪的复杂情况,需要进行深入探讨。我们不愿意增加无犯罪意图的犯法事情。

    As to the single crimes like series crime , involved crime , and draw-on crime , we need to further discuss them . One is not anxious to multiple criminal offices in which there is no mens rea .

  27. 证券犯罪具有社会危害性大、单位犯罪情况严重、犯罪黑数高的特点,证券犯罪案件的侦查也具有其他案件所不具有的侦查特征。

    At the same time the crime is very harmful to the society , the unit 's criminal situation is serious , it is concealed highly and the investigation of it has the characteristics of the other cases do not have too .

  28. 复杂的证券犯罪形态加上法律法规和制度建设的相对滞后,使得我国在执行《证券法》打击内幕交易的过程中一直面临着发现难、查处难和监管成本高昂的困境。

    Because of the complicated forms of security crime and the lag of law system building , many difficulties , such as hardly being prosecuted and high regulation cost , appeared in the process of implement security law to combat insider trading .

  29. 第二章分析证券犯罪立法的基本原则,即科学性原则、必要性原则与适度原则、协调性原则、效益原则。

    The second chapter is a brief an analysis of the principles of the criminal legislation on security crime , which include the principle of science , the principle of necessity , the principle of appropriation , the principle of harmony , the principle of benefit .

  30. 简单介绍了证券犯罪的主要原因及其社会危害性,以及对证券犯罪中的有价证券诈骗犯罪进行理论研究,及时制订出预防对策的必要性。

    In the foreword , I simply introduce the main reasons and the harm to the society of the crime of securities ; study the crime of fraud against portfolio in the crime of securities in theory and the necessity of finding out the countermeasure of prevention .