
  • 网络securities trader;Trader;bond trader
  1. Jared是个证券交易员。

    Jared is a bond trader .

  2. 但30岁的千禧一代布兰登·斯坦顿(BrandonStanton)却树立了一个相反的例子。他曾做过证券交易员,后来自学成为肖像摄影师,创立了一个很受欢迎的照片博客——“纽约人物”(HumansofNewYork)。

    But the millennial Brandon Stanton , a 30-year-old former bond trader and self-taught camera portraitist , has created a counterexample in " Humans of New York , " his popular photo blog .

  3. 我还遇到过政治活动家,演员,图书管理员,服务员,还有证券交易员。

    There was the activist , the actor , the librarian , the waiter and the bond trader .

  4. 场外交易市场是由互相联系的证券交易员组成的,这些交易员充当着成千上万只股票和债券的做市商。

    The OTC Market is comprised of interconnected dealers who serve as marker makers for thousands of different stocks and bonds .

  5. 巨蟹座人是天生的赚钱好手,适合担当证券交易员、银行行政人员和股票经理的职务。谨慎小心、办事得体、值得信赖,这些优点让他们也能做好人力资源工作。

    Cancers are natural money-makers and do well as bond traders , bank executives and stock portfolio managers . Members of this sign also work well in human resources , as they are discreet , trustworthy and tactful .

  6. 他曾尝试在纽约证券交易所担任交易员,甚至也尝试过当一名脱口秀演员。但是他不腊的灵魂终究还是将他带进了厨房,他在这个天地中将想象力发抨到极致。

    He tried his hand as a trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange and even took a crack at being a stand-up comic , but his restless soul eventually led him into the kitchen , where he put his imagination to the test .

  7. 与此同时,纽约证券交易所内的交易员们显示出明显的放松迹象。

    Meantime , on the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange , traders showed visible signs of relief .

  8. 去年我曾任华泰证券天津公司证券交易员,对证券交易有基本的了解。

    Last year , I worked as a part-time bond trader for Huatai Securities Company ( Tianjin ), and gained general understanding of bond interaction .