
zhèng wù
  • exhibit;witness
证物 [zhèng wù]
  • (1) [witness]∶用作证据或证明的东西;作为证据的标记、符号或物品

  • 史前人类留下的遗物是他们文化的证物

  • (2) [exhibit]∶能够证明案件事实的物件

  • 把武器拿来作为A号和B号证物

证物[zhèng wù]
  1. 第二号证物是属于被告的一本袖珍日记簿。

    Exhibit number two is a pocket diary belonging to the accused .

  2. 我们得先让证物科的同事进去。

    We 've just got to get the exhibit officer in there first .

  3. 当庭出示的第一件证物是一支枪。

    The first exhibit was a gun .

  4. Evidence证据,证物,证词进行最初化验的法医学家将被传唤到庭作证。

    The forensic scientists who carried out the original tests will be called to give evidence .

  5. 此后,我们保存了迈凯伦和FIA通知的所有相关证物。

    Since then we have constantly and regularly kept McLaren and the FIA informed on all relevant findings .

  6. 评委之一蒙彼利埃市执行长WilliamFraser用笔尖挑着鞋子,好像侦探取证时害怕沾染证物一样。

    Judge William Fraser , who is Montpelier 's city manager , held one up using the tip of a pen , like a crime scene investigator trying not to taint the evidence .

  7. botando的钥匙还在证物箱里。

    Botando 's keys are still in evidence .

  8. 我感到很抱歉没把证物锁好。

    I want to apologize for leaving the evidence locker open .

  9. 所以那是个把证物拿走的好机会。

    So there 's a good chance they took the evidence .

  10. 丰田上的证物药签有结果了。

    I got the results on the swabs from the toyota .

  11. 验尸在分析现场证物之前进行。

    The autopsy is done before analyzing items from the scene .

  12. 警察,目击证人,证物,所有的都指向他。

    The police , witnesses , evidence everything goes against him .

  13. 你是最合适的证物使用者。

    You 're perfect to add context to the evidence .

  14. 你就必须承认毁坏重要证物。

    You will be admitting to destroying state 's evidence .

  15. 假设我现在不接受这项证物。

    Assuming that I can 't get this in now .

  16. 我以前从没见过你违背证物守则的。

    I 've never seen you break evidence protocol before .

  17. 好极了,但是我希望这个证物还有用。

    Good , let 's hope it 's still admissible .

  18. 衣服被拿来当证物了,啊?

    Clothes are drying out on the evidence . huh ?

  19. 谢谢,我会列为证物。

    Thank you . I 'll put that in evidence .

  20. 听着,我要你去保存证物的地方。

    Listen , I need you to head over to the impound .

  21. 而且有大量证物可以支持。

    And there 's a lot of evidence to back that up .

  22. 他们怀疑你捡到的证物。

    They 're going to discredit the evidence through you .

  23. 我得把这些放回去证物房里。

    I 'll put these back in the evidence room .

  24. 他和同伙偷走了证物盒里的东西。

    He and his crew stole the contents of the evidence box .

  25. 警方在办案现场只找到很有限的证物。

    The police found little evidence left at crime scene .

  26. 去告诉那些警察把证物拿来做弹道分析。

    To tell them to bring the evidence here asap .

  27. 把这台传送仪送到证物室

    Officers take this Projector to the evidence room You got it .

  28. 我想处理掉这个证物得很谨慎。

    I figured it was prudent to get rid of the evidence .

  29. 我们都知道你不能毁掉证物。

    We all know you can 't destroy evidence .

  30. 这就是我所了解你看到的东西的证物。

    But this is proof that what I sensed is what you saw .