
zhènɡ mínɡ biāo zhǔn
  • standard of proof
  1. 证明标准是证据制度的核心和灵魂。

    The standard of proof is the nucleus of the evidence system .

  2. 行政诉讼中的证据评价与证明标准

    The Evidence Evaluation and Standard of Proof in Administrative Litigation

  3. H-D方法对客观真实之刑事诉讼证明标准的诘问

    The Question about the H - D Method to the Standard of Proof of Criminal Suit of " Objective Truth "

  4. 在协调GATT第19条与《协议》的效力关系上,本文以为该两者应当被累积地适用,未预见的发展是一项独立的实施条件,但其实质意义与证明标准仍然存在许多疑问。

    As for harmonizing effect relations between GATT Article XIX and Agreement , this paper believes that these two should be applied cumulatively . " Unforeseen developments " is an independent application prerequisite , but its concrete content and provable standard still raise many questions .

  5. 提起公诉的证明标准新释

    The New Explanation of the Evidential Standard for Criminal Public Prosecution

  6. 证明标准的内在理路&以概念分析为逻辑视角

    A Conceptual Analysis of the Internal Logic of Standard of Proof

  7. 走出刑事证明标准的几个理论误区&兼论刑事证明标准的设立基准

    Out of Several Theoretical Misunderstanding of the Criminal Standard of Proof

  8. 论诉讼中的二元证明标准

    Comment on the " Double " Standard of Proof in Lawsuit

  9. 环境侵权诉讼证明标准初探

    Preliminary Probe into the Standard of Proof in Environmental Infringement Actions

  10. 由证明标准析附带民诉制度

    Analysis the Supplementary Civil Lawsuit Form the Angle of the Prove Standard

  11. 论我国刑事诉讼证明标准的重塑

    On the Reestablishing of Standard of Proof in Criminal Procedure

  12. 刑事证明标准应坚持客观真实论&兼与相对真实论的商榷

    " Objective Truth " & A Criterion in Criminal Proof

  13. 揭示了中西证明标准的逻辑特点;

    The logical characteristics of proof of China and Western are revealed ;

  14. 论刑事证明标准及其对公诉工作之意义

    Criminal Proof Standards and Its Significance on Practice of Prosecution

  15. 对刑事诉讼证明标准阶段层次论提出质疑。

    It challenges the level theory of proof standard of criminal procedure .

  16. 浅议我国公诉证明标准的完善

    On Amelioration of the Criterion of Proof in Public Prosecution

  17. 作为诉讼中的证明标准原则上应是客观标准。

    The proof standard in lawsuit should be objective standard in principle .

  18. 英美法系民事诉讼证明标准理论基础研究

    On the Theoretical Basis of Civil Procedural Proof Standard of Anglo-American Law

  19. 论我国刑事证明标准立法及其完善

    On Legislation and Perfection of China 's Criminal of Standard

  20. 论我国民事诉讼证明标准的立法完善

    Legislative Perfection of Evidence Criterion of Civil Lawsuits in China

  21. 现代西方国家提起公诉证明标准之考察与比较&兼及我国提起公诉证明标准之现状与改革

    The Inspection and Comparison of Proof Standard of Prosecution in Western Countries

  22. 高度盖然性证明标准之层次性研究

    Research on the Levels of Poof Standard with High Probability

  23. 少数几种情况下适用优势证明标准。

    Advantage proving standard is suitable for other few circumstances .

  24. 首先,笔者针对刑事证明标准的概念进行了阐述。

    First , the author described the concept of criminal proof stand .

  25. 证明标准&客观真实、法律真实与实体真实

    The Standards of Proof & Objective Authenticity , Legal Authenticity and Substantial Authenticity

  26. 行政诉讼证明标准研究初步

    A Primary Study of Testimony Standard of Administrative Litigation

  27. 我国奴隶社会时期没有明确的刑事证明标准。

    There was no clear proof standard in the slavery society in China .

  28. 试论我国民事诉讼明显优势证据证明标准

    On the Testification Criterion of " Obvious Superiority Evidence " in Civil Procedure

  29. 刑事诉讼证明标准在裁判文书中的体现

    The Centerpiece of Standard of Proof in Criminal Sentence

  30. 诉讼证明标准的再认识

    Re-recognition of the model of seeking truth in cases and the proving standard