
kàng biàn
  • contradict;speak out in one's own defense;refute;counterplead;plead;counterplea;demurrer;counter-argument
抗辩 [kàng biàn]
  • (1) [counterplead;plead]∶拒绝责难,进行争辩

  • (2) [contradict]∶不接受责难而提出辩护

  • [counterplea;demurrer] 在法庭上被告对原告的告诉提出的答辩

抗辩[kàng biàn]
  1. 但是,只有完全履行不将避难者推回绝境义务、尊重驱逐出境抗辩程序权,驱逐外国人出境才是可以接受的。

    However , only fully fulfill the duty of not declining the refugees to the impasse and respect the contradict procedure right of expelling to leave the country , can the expelling foreigners be accepted .

  2. 分析了建筑物抛掷物侵权行为的构成要件、抗辩事由、损害责任的性质和范围以及针对几类特殊建筑物抛掷物损害责任的承担。

    Analyzed the building to throw the thrower abuse of authority the constitution important document , to contradict the matter , the compensation responsibility nature and the scope and several kind of special buildings throws the thrower right infringement responsibility undertaking .

  3. 他抗辩说警察没有充分证据就逮捕了他。

    He objected that the police had arrested him without sufficient evidence .

  4. 他抗辩说警察没有充分的证据就逮捕了他。

    He objected that the police had arrested him without sufficient evidence .

  5. 他对谋杀前妻的指控作了无罪抗辩。

    He pleaded not guilty to murdering his former wife .

  6. 我们将进行无罪抗辩。

    We will enter a plea of not guilty

  7. 区法院裁定今天波珀在法庭上的缄默将被视作是进行无罪抗辩。

    The district court ruled that Popper 's silence in court today should be entered as a plea of not guilty .

  8. 以无知为理由而提出的抗辩是不能成立的。

    No plea can be set up on the ground of ignorance .

  9. 他们来法院不是应诉,而是抗辩。

    They appeared in court not to raise defences , but to challenge the court jurisdiction .

  10. 他针对对他的指控提出“无罪”的抗辩。

    He entered a plea of “ not guilty ” to the charges filed against him .

  11. 她提出无罪抗辩。

    She put in a plea of guilty .

  12. Plea(被告或被告律师的)抗辩我们将进行无罪抗辩。

    We will enter a plea of not guilty ...

  13. InsanityPlea(pleaofinsanity)以精神错乱为由抗辩菲利普斯谋杀了他的妻子,但以精神错乱为由逃脱了惩罚。Judgment判决

    Phillips murdered his wife , but got off on a plea of insanity .

  14. 这二个因素是个体,当似乎抗辩时

    These two factors were an entity while seemed contradicting .

  15. 跟约翰抗辩没有什么意义,他不听劝

    There 's little point in remonstrating with John.He won 't listen to reason .

  16. 着重论述了抗辩条款的界定问题。WTO实践中确立了条文标准、等级标准、积极规则和修正的积极规则标准等条款定性的分析方法。

    It is well-established that language standard , pyramid standard , positive rules standard and revised positive standard have been applied to define affirmative defense in WTO practice .

  17. 美国证交会(SEC)对高盛(GoldmanSachs)提起的民事诉讼,将遭到被告人的有力抗辩。

    The US Security and Exchange Commission 's civil suit against Goldman Sachs will be vigorously contested by the defendant .

  18. 阿姆斯特朗(LanceArmstrong)拒绝就有关他使用违禁药品的指控进行抗辩,之后他于周四晚间被剥夺了在环法自行车赛(TourdeFrance)上获得的全部七个冠军头衔。

    Lance Armstrong was stripped of his record seven Tour de France titles late Thursday after he refused to fight allegations that he used performance-enhancing drugs .

  19. 这是前国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁卡恩的第三次出庭,他此次正式提出无罪抗辩。但法院一名发言人表示,对卡恩的审判可能要等到明年1月份才会开始。

    The former head of the International Monetary Fund entered a formal plea of not guilty at his third court appearance , but a court spokesman said his trial might not begin until next January .

  20. 抗辩权(Einrede)是德国民法典中规定的一项基本权利,德国学者在六、七十年代对抗辩权的概念进行过激烈的争论。

    Objection ( Einrede ) is one of the fundamental conceptions in the Civil Code of Germany ( BGB ), on which the germane scholars intensively discussed in the sixties and seventies .

  21. 自甘风险是侵权责任法中的抗辩事由。

    Assumption of risk is a defence in Tort Liability Law .

  22. 论欧盟合并规制中的垂危企业抗辩

    An Examination of the Failing Firm Defense in EC Merger Regulations

  23. 相关银行将对这些诉讼进行抗辩,目前拒绝发表评论。

    The banks are contesting the lawsuits and declined to comment .

  24. 工程预付款情境下的不安抗辩权研究

    Unsafe right of defense on the context of project advance payment

  25. 第二章,笔者论述了租船人对出租人过失的抗辩。

    Chapter two , defense against the fault of the shipowner .

  26. 关于合同履行中的抗辩权隐私权有关问题的分析

    On Counterargument Right While Carrying Out Contracts On Right of Privacy

  27. 行使后履行抗辩权的合同法解释

    Explanation of contract law on performance of the right of plea

  28. 这则取决于它们对于竞争的影响和可能存在的正当抗辩理由。

    It depends on their effect on competition and possible justifications .

  29. 评新《保险法》新增不可抗辩条款的修法价值与建议

    Remark and Proposal on the Incontestable Clause in New Insurance Law

  30. 刑事推定与被告人的抗辩责任

    The Criminal Presumption and the Defense Liability of the Defendant